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Real McClappy

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Everything posted by Real McClappy

  1. Going to get torched if we can't stop him. This is not looking good at all.
  2. CMON D! Get it together....
  3. If Devin breaks out today he'll be a every week starter for me.
  4. Was a toss up between him and McCoy. I went McCoy but hope I regret it later.
  5. DO you disagree that if Allen lead the ball to Zay who was streaking wide open after the so called weak route could have been huge yards or a TD if hit in stride? Find other views, that is what is was, just calling a spade a spade. Allen is progressing and I hope I see more. So many people get butthurt if you call stuff out. WHY? ' Still Real
  6. I posted this same gif in another thread btw complimenting the Oline which I still think was amazing. Normally that was a 5 yard sack with our OLines for many years!!. I'm def happy about the out come but just looking for "future" which will be more. I think it will happen with Josh, this kid is not F'ing around thus far!
  7. 1:1 to get wide open = yeah why does it have to be anything else but that? Zay was wide open.......
  8. I can wait OP. Pixels and Anime don't do it for me at all. To all their own though
  9. Route was pretty text book 1:1, he didn't need to cut on a dime. Actually, looking at that play if Zay was lead or hit in stride it could have went much further down field. This is what I want to see more out of Allen in the future, just better overall ball placement. Can't complain though with the strides or progression he is making already though, baby steps.
  10. Great article! Look at the O-line play here as well = just fantastic
  11. Same, I highly doubt career day by any measure. He should be the D game plan #1 priority to shutdown though. If they hold Barkley under 100 all purpose yds (like Bell) this is win.
  12. Great test for sure! I'm really not trying to think that far ahead but it's really hard not to. We have the pieces of the puzzles in place to win the battlefield on both sides of the trenches.
  13. Agreed, it's the true test though to see if we are what we think we are. For me personally, nothing matters until we smack them down. I've been beat down so many damn times through the years waiting for this to happen. I do have to say though, this year and team def. feels different for sure. It's starting to remind me of the later 80's teams. Are we the 87 unit with a 7-8 record or the 88 squad that went 12-4?
  14. Hell no, only way we beat them is with an insane D performance with like 3 or 4 takeaways
  15. Overthrown on one Tip at line for INT on another Complete throw away for 3 This is if memory serves right to last Sunday.
  16. This just worked, TY @Kelly the Dog Great piece man, I enjoyed the read. Definitely got to bat them up!
  17. Cool pic of our crowd came up then popped to subscribe. I'll take you up on that. ? I've been debating subscring for a bit now, maybe after work.
  18. Why do people post links that need subscriptions? If it's your article Kelly just post the damn thing as I would like to read it.
  19. That kinda sucks, he's one of the few JETS players I actually like.
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