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Real McClappy

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Everything posted by Real McClappy

  1. Just a convo, all this should take place after playing KC and the Titans after week 6 IMO. The first 4 weeks we have played a QB whom needs to retire and 3 back-ups in the league. One would expect your 1st rd. MLB to feast in 1 or 2 of those games. I'm curious to see how Edmunds performs against Mahomes and Tannehill/Henry before I make my final assesment at this phase. This entire thread reminds me of the old Tyrod days with half the forum split down the line and trying to twist and turn statistics to support opinions on that player. Stats are fun and legit to a point, I prefer to use my trained eyes. To me this is the make or break year for Edmunds. I don't think he has lived up to his draft position thus far but truly want him to take off big time. I feel he is one of the big chess board pieces to a deep, deep playoff run and possible SB victory.
  2. Selling Josh short of 2 TDs is flat out Nick Wrong
  3. No pitch call https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_pitch "One of the most famous no pitch calls occurred when Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Randy Johnson hit a bird with a pitch. During a spring training game on March 24, 2001, Johnson's fastball struck and killed a dove that swooped across the infield after Johnson released the pitch.[3] MLB's chief umpire noted that under Rule 8.01(c),[2] umpires can make calls in situations not covered by the rules using "common sense and fair play," and here a no pitch call "was the fairest thing to do."[4] This no pitch call is so well known that there are more Google search results for "Randy Johnson bird" than there are for "Randy Johnson baseball."[5]"
  4. I know, the odds are like hitting the lottery on this pitch. Just Wild!
  5. IF Milano can finish a full season like the last 3 games you honestly could start talking about MVP. The Dude is straight on fire right now.
  6. Kinda crazy that we are so damn deep at WR that Gabe can't really get on the field today.
  7. I get it and very much agree to an extent and pulling big time for him this year. With that though the average NFL player career is 2.5yrs, this is Edmunds 4th year.
  8. It's truly sad to see man but he is a liability for this team weather half our fans want to agree or not at this phase.
  9. Drive of the year thus far. Absolutely GORGEOUS.
  10. Cincy is jacking up the Squealers
  11. These clowns on FOX really need to start showing replays for us.
  12. Couple fluke plays making this game look somewhat close. Bills are really playing like an elite team thus far IMO.
  13. Milano is playing on an ALL PRO level rights now. You have to LOVE seeing a player get paid and perform/raise above expectations. Great Stuff!
  14. Great job O to steal 3 pts there.
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