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Everything posted by Yav

  1. Might be worth pointing a few things out. 1. The Bills came into the season trying to clear off cap space, outbidding for a player wasn't going to happen. 2. Kaepernick is a horrible QB and yet expects to be paid top dollar - he can sit on the curb. 3. That 5th round pick might be the first pick in the 5th round (essentially a 4th round pick) and the Bills have some damn good players that came out of the 5th round Of the QBs that were available not many would look good playing behind the Bills horse ***** of an OL. I think the only argument that can be made is trading AJ away and even that I'm not so sure of simply because they couldn't trade Peterman for that 5th round pick. I do think we can all agree that Peterman is not the answer and shouldn't even be on the roster. Great guy but not an NFL QB. As for T2, not sure he'd be doing anything for the Bills other than keeping that forever 6-10 wheel going. The Bills making the playoffs was a surprise last year and they backed into that spot. The McBeans have a 3-4 year plan, we as fans can like it or not but I think its important to keep a staff together and give them the time to build a culture. Its obvious changing coaches ever 2-3 years isn't working.
  2. Need to rush him back, maybe this horse ***** of an OL can really get him hurt.
  3. The process is to get as many QBs hurt as possible so there are none left for the rest of the league and eventually, the league will have to be a wildcat league. BRILLIANT!
  4. Oh snap, Bojorquez to IR - well there goes my hopes for a 2 punter set or rotating punters. Bojorquez is the only other player that has touched the ball more than the center and whatever QB they roll out.
  5. By the end of the season Peterman will have set the record for pics and pic 6s. He will have completed more passes for interceptions than completions and the Bills will have the record for most QBs started in a single season. Next year to combat the problem the 53 man roster will carry 53 QBs
  6. How many QB can the Bills cripple this year?
  7. Great, just hope he can tackle. If Peterman is the QB the Bills are gonna need someone to prevent the Pick 6.
  8. They won't get any primetime games until they have a winning season. On a side note, I wonder if I can get a refund on my Sunday ticket?
  9. They need 2 punters because they've worn out Corey Bojorquez leg. Now they can alternate and keep them fresh.
  10. What do you expect him to say? The offensive line sucks and can't block, the WRs can't catch a damn cold let alone a ball and our QBs don't have time to get through the progression without putting their life in jeopardy. They needed to hit rock bottom to clear out all the dead cap space and this is the result of that.
  11. The Bills can address WR and OL in FA and then with the draft they can get another CB, LB, DT and a speed WR and possibly a RB and be ready to roll come next year. The Bills needed to clear cap space this year and just deal with a crappy O.
  12. Time will tell. Right now I think They need to fire the OC but then they are still going to be spinning the wheel of inconsistency
  13. Tore it apart? They lost their center to an injury, they lost their guard because he went bat ***** crazy. Darius was a waste of money and needed to go but that horrible salary is still on the books, not sure how thats so hard for people like you to figure out. I'm not an "apologist", I'm a realist. The roster is bad and there wasn't enough draft picks or money to fix it this year. I wasn't too pleased with the QB situation and trading AJ away was a bad decision but again him staying wasn't going to fix the problem. Sorry but 8-8 and they still will miss the playoffs.
  14. The Bills have problems with their OL and WR. Things would be much calmer around here if everyone would realize this isn't going to be a good year for them. The Bills need to clear cap space and right now they are playing with little to no talent at WR and OL. Doesn't matter who the OC was going to be they just don't have the talent on that side of the ball to compete. The Bills are going to have cap space at the end of the year and will be able to address some issues in FA and they will have good draft capital to move around the board and get the players they want.
  15. If you're trying to question my patriotism or my knowledge of the United States I do believe you just crossed the line. I suggest you take a long look at what goes on during the national anthem at chefs games. Then start looking on line and you'll see chefs fans complaining about players taking a knee while not wearing a hat and looking at the flag while the national anthem is being played. As for mahommes, I couldn't care any less than I do right now about him. I watched the game, and on the last td play he threw look close, he had time in the pocket (better line than the bills), then look at hill get wide open and still have to jump for a pass that was over thrown, he adjusted made a good catch and then out ran every player on the field. I suppose that's all because mahommes right? NO. Again, he needs to show he can have success for more than 6 games and more than 1 year (see Prescott in Dallas and Watson in Houston, or Winstead in Tampa, better yet Kaepernick). There is no comparing a true rookie like Allen to a second year player. mahommes had the luxury of sitting and learning the offense for an entire year behind Smith, he also has the luxury of having some damn good offensive coaches. Again, I'll reserve my judgement on him until he can show he's not a pretender like the others.
  16. Let it go. Not a fan and can’t stand KC or their obnoxious fans that seem to think it’s ok to disrespect the national anthem.
  17. Never. He clearly wasn’t what the Bills wanted and I seriously doubt he would be doing anything with the WR group the Bills have. the question is at what point would you admit no QB is going to look good with the Bills WRs? I feel like people come to judgement too fast because they are living in the past. Time will tell on Mahomes. Sure 5 games in and playing with a stacked offensive roster he looks good, but again Prescott looked great playing behind the best OL at the time in football and with Elliot running the ball with success, but nobody now is saying Prescott is a future HOFer. Everything needs to be taken in perspective. hes had a good start (5 games) playing with great playmakers at RB, TE & WR.
  18. Hey, I don’t want to see McCoy go, I’m just saying I have a bad feeling this is how the Bills feel. And i I think you’re correction to my comment is correct. “A physical runner who can carry the Bills OL and the other teams DL and LBs and gain yards”.
  19. You and people here are the ones not letting it go. I don't like Mahomes and I despise the Chefs. Again, I'm not willing to crown him with any titles after a few weeks. Lets see if he can sustain the success first. Prescott looked great for a season and then what? And just so you don't try and spin this as just a dislike for a player, I really can't stand Brady and New England, yet I can give credit where credit is due, Brady is one of the best to ever play the game.
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