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Everything posted by KellyToughII

  1. And for all we know he can be a complete bust and Satan gets free fodder. Let the college season play out
  2. It must be nice to have a true franchise QB to give that kind of money to
  3. REALITY says TT is NOT a Franchise QB and the Bills will be getting one in the next draft.
  4. I am all in on this guy, I just want the Pegulas to give him at least 5 years.
  5. Nah. I say go with what we have and move on
  6. Actually they do, which is why Terry cleaned house completely and turned everything over to McDermott. Now we have a clear vision, bringing in great Front office staff, and putting players in place that can play our systems I dont know how it will work out, but we are at least trying to do it the right way now
  7. I dont care about having the #1 Run game, its not how you get to the superbowl. You MUST be able to throw the damn ball and do it well. I would rather drop to 8th or 10th in rushing and greatly increase our passing numbers.
  8. Other than Boobie didn't average 3.8 yards per carry in his career, nor make the probowl, nor rush for 33 TD's. I mean other than that, maybe so.
  9. Too much money for a BACKUP RB.
  10. Again Mike is a BACKUP RB, who cares? We can grab tons of Backup RB's.
  11. I say do nothing and roll it over. Roll with what we have.
  12. That will be the day I, and MANY, Bills fans stop following the Bills
  13. Not a slap at all, just reality. When we were winning in the early 90's we could pick and choose what FA's we wanted. Until we start winning, by building our own team through the Draft, this isn't going to change.
  14. Here is the deal, he didn't want to be here and or wanted more money. I applaud this new regime for being willing to try, but NOT OVERPAY. And bottom line guys, who do you really want throwing you the ball TT or Flacco? Objectively its not even close. Ravens have also been much more successful than us. I wasn't surprised he chose Baltimore at all.
  15. Too much is made about arm strength. We have seen guys get stronger arms after their technique is worked with and they get on an NFL strength program. Brady had a horrible arm in regards to strength, so did Montana etc. The guy will be fine in that regard.
  16. The only thing I found shocking at all with how he said we are so weak in the weight room. How guys over there lifting 400 pounds easily hell I can do that If you go back and look or listen McDermott said everything starts in the weight room maybe he understood something our previous coaches didn't
  17. Sorry but what I see is idiocy that has given Bills fans a bad name for years now. Being a dumb ass isn't fandom, its being a dumb ass.
  18. Gotta have them healthy and practicing so they have top trade value (watkins) :-)
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