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Everything posted by KellyToughII

  1. They traded him before they cut him. He will be a perennial 3rd QB on rosters at best. Buffalo never should have drafted him in the first place. Thank God Whaley is gone
  2. TT is NOT a franchise QB. I am praying our front office and HC are going to use our two 1st next year to finally draft a guy with the talent to hopefully be our Franchise guy
  3. Tasker getting tossed in his final game was bs
  4. This is why I say all future players should sign an assumption of risk waiver or not be allowed to play. It is known, playing football for years most likely will give you this, but players assume the risk by doing so. I don't feel that the NFL should be held accountable anymore now that its known.
  5. If we got Kelly right out of college, he would have an even better NFL career. Marino, Elway, or Moon behind him.
  6. I love this guy. If Dareus screws around, doesnt give full effort, doesnt buy in or whatever, he is gone. Past time to keep players with Potential that is flashed if and when they feel lime it. We need constant contribution.
  7. I say 7-9, The Bills get a top 15 pick and combine it with KC's pick to move into the top 3 and FINALLY Get a franchise QB Carolina V Oakland in the SB, Oak Wins
  8. Barry Sanders = Best pure RB ever. None has ever, or will ever, move like him.
  9. Right and what does it cost each team to be ran vs other leagues? The players already get something like 48% of the money, tough crap. I say strike, and then I field players in the draft that want to play for what they are paid. NBA teams pay 5 starters, not 24 starters (inc Kicker and punter) and then field nearly 30 more backups. They don't pay into concussion funds etc like the NFL does. Sherman is a moron. I say let them strike and field guys who will play for what they are paid. Continue to draft and they will play for what they are paid as well. Screw the cry baby multi millionaires. If you have it so bad, then go get a JOB with that FREE Education you got for playing a sport.
  10. There is a difference, at one time we were THE team in the AFC. We won all the time, playoffs were just a thing that happened every year and superbowl was a real possibility. It will take getting there again with draft picks and I believe we can. The lions for decades (outside of their QB) have sucked at drafting. Plus who wants to live in a city that is half shut down? Detroit is disgusting
  11. Same here and I don't regret it. We just went through 9-11 and they were a symbol. This was before all the "gates" etc, their first superbowl.
  12. You guys still dont get it. They arent really trying to win this year. Iys all BS talk for the fans. They want lower draft picks to get their QB amd start loading the roster for the long
  13. Mayfield's incident was a one time thing. As for as him being in yhe spread, you need to really watch this kid play.
  14. I wish there was a way to cap what the player makes per position and with t8me they work their way up tiers to the max pay You know like us working folks have to do
  15. Tough, assumption of risk. He wants paid like that, go make a Basketball roster.
  16. I watched him go to OU, sit out for good reason, then quit and go into the draft without ever playing a snap. He is a lazy, entitled young man. No way in hell should the Bills waste their time on this clown
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