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Posts posted by KellyToughII

  1. I was thinking the same thing. We will probably win the 1st game but after that going to be ugly as hell.

    GOOD! We have needed this for more than 17 years. This Retool crap hasn't worked out. Bottom out, clean house, finally try for the Franchise QB And rebuild. We do that and I give this regime 5 years no problem. This 6-10 to 8-8 BS hasn't gotten us anywhere.

  2. Pro: Peterman makes throws Taylor can't make.


    Con: Peterman locks onto one receiver when he throws. You can pull that off in preseason, not against first string nfl defenses.


    So as limited as Taylor is, he at least has enough experience not to telegraph where he's throwing the ball. Not saying Peterman can't learn this. Just that throwing him out there, especially with the way the O-line is playing now, is a waste of talent.

    Whoa, How do you figure he locks onto 1 WR? That is TT not Peterman. I have watched him go through his progressions. He might keep his head to one side, but if you get an endzone or side view, is eyes are moving.

  3. I am in football mode and I just hate tanking talk. Life is already hard and the Bills are an outlet. I want them to do well today and in the future and I want a QB but we don't need a 1-15 season for one.


    I was always told to never give up. Football is a tough game for tough people


    We all want to win


    Football is my life and passion and I hate losing. Sorry if I offended anybody I'm here as a Bills Fan as we all should be

    Sometimes you have to intentionally burn it down to rebuild right.

  4. 100% agree


    I didn't become the athlete I am by liking losing.


    Hell I cried when I lost at the Ralph in



    Bottom line this thing should have been blown up. I would rather have one terrible season and finally address quarterback with one pic not using multiples. And then use those other pics to fill in around the quarterback that's my point

  5. Are people smoking crack here?


    Picking top 5 in not acceptable and neither is tanking.


    Also if Cleveland doesn't take a QB because of kizer they are also smoking crack.


    Bunch of losers here. Losers wanna lose and tank

    I want the number one overall pick and I guarantee you I'm not a loser. Winners understand sometimes I got to take a step back to actually start winning

    Re building correctly IS PERFECTLY FINE.


    No fan can be a fan and say I want to go 2-14.


    I want to win the SB this year even though I know it isn't happening. People here want to go 2-14, that isn't fandem that's pathetic.




    Tank and rebuild ARE NOT THE SAME


    OP wants a tank

    I've been a die-hard fan since 1983 and I say tank. I want to go 1 and 15 I want the number one overall pick past time to have it and get a quality quarterback

  6. LMAO Whatever. Dareus will tell him he is sorry, blah blah blah then screw off again, and again and again. Go half assed in most of his plays and still cash a check.


    Sorry this is very weak.

  7. I would be very careful. I'd sit him out this season and get him rested up for next season!!

    LMAO me too.

    I hope he can go, with our defense looking extremely stout, we just need a QB to not lose games. Despite what we seen in Pre season, I think our run game will still be elite, plus Glenn and Matthews are big upgrades on that side

    27.9 QB rating, 2 INT's no TD's no TD scoring drives. Sorry that loses games

  8. Good stuff. I am just of the mindset, TT is in his 7th year and his ceiling was met a long time ago. He is a good career backup / Wildcat/ Change of pace QB. Nothing more. Let Peterman play, the kid can move the offense. Our real QB is in next years draft, let this kid establish himself as a 10+ year backup for us that can win some games.


    Dareus, you know my feelings on this clown. I would have all our Cap gurus, and include NFL Front office bean counters, to find a way to punt kick this clown off the team already. He is never going to get it. Sometimes people just need to understand this and move on. We are past that with Dareus.

  9. The only reason there might not be one is McBeane is trying to not totally run off the fan base and let them THINK this 6 win at best team, is actually trying to win. Hell they both know this team isn't doing crap this year. They are just trying to not further upset the locker room or fanbase.


    Next offseason TT is gone and we will draft a starting QB in the first round.

  10. Peterman until we draft our real QB next year. This isn't hard folks

    With the option to show who votes yes, so they can be ridiculed and tormented


    Peterman looks good in the preseason but is not quite ready for prime time

    Let me guess, we draft a top 3 QB next year and I guess you want him to sit for 10 years and "develop" or something right?

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