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Drunken Pygmy Goat

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Everything posted by Drunken Pygmy Goat

  1. I highly doubt that was the reason the Bills drafted him. I think maybe you're focusing on that quote to much. Here's the rest of that: "It's a cold-weather quarterback who is big and strong, not frail and little, in a cold-weather city where it's windy," If anything, I would put more emphasis on the windy comment than the cold. It's rather windy in WNY, and especially so on the field at New Era. At least we know we have a guy that can throw in that wind, as opposed to not having one. Its a plus; a reason, not the reason he was drafted. And to be honest, last season was probably the warmest it's been in Orchard Park in some time. Using last season's game temps is probably not the best example. I was at the week 3 game, and it was brutally hot...and I live in Florida. It was hotter at the game than it was where I live that day. I would bet that the average temperature for home games last year was 15-20 degrees hotter than normal...just saying. I'd rather have a big and strong, not frail and little QB to play in those 20-30 below-freezing games over the course of 10 years than not. I'm guessing that the Bills drafted him for his overall talent and smarts, rather than being able to play in cold weather.
  2. Looks good. Nice, newer rendition of the current logo. Personally, I would make the streak longer, and the white border thinner.
  3. When was the last time a 1st round QB didn't start any games during their rookie season??? Without looking, I'd guess maybe 1 or 2 in the last 10-15 years. People want to talk about developing a project QB, and in Allen's case, footwork is the first thing most people mention. But it's not like he can only work on that while riding the bench. There's plenty of time between now and week one of the regular season for him to work on that. Not saying he'll start week one, but if he does, it's not like that will stunt his growth, or hinder the process of improving his footwork. In fact, nothing can replicate real game action. When the bullets are flying is when you truly see what needs to be worked on. That's the bar, not what his footwork looks like in shorts. Do I think it would serve him and his development best to sit and learn for at least a few weeks to start the season? Yes. But that's not simply based on the idea that he needs to improve his footwork. It's more about the various other intricacies that go with learning the game at the professional level. He'll be tasked with learning a new playbook, studying defenses, working on timing with his WRs. Not to mention that he'll be new in town, and getting to know his teammates. What we saw with Deshaun Watson last year was not common. He was able to play at a high level (as a rookie) because he was able to buy time with his legs. Allen may be able to do some of that as well, but I don't think it's reasonable to expect him, or anyone, to do that so soon in their careers. Watson also had a ton of big game experience against top talent under his belt from his days at Clemson, something that Allen does not. And even if he can do that regularly, most rookie QBs spend much of their time on the field making mistakes. Andrew Luck didn't come out of the gate looking like the player he is now. Same with Peyton Manning. Some of that is also a reflection of the team that surrounds them (and as #1 picks, it's not a good team), but a lot of it is because they were learning on the fly, while trying to win games. Our team isn't that far off (compared to those Colts teams), although there's not a ton of talent on offense, but sometimes starting a QB as a rookie accelerates the process. Its not like sitting Allen for a year will guarantee that he starts year 2 and immediately looks like Big Ben in his prime. He's more likely to look like Big Ben during his first couple of seasons, which was a guy that made plenty of mistakes, and had a lower completion percentage. Granted, he had a good defense to lean on, so he wasn't asked to sling it all over, but that seems to be the plan for the Bills this year; improved defense, and not so much heavy passing attack. It allowed Ben to get his feet wet, and make mistakes in games for him to learn from, teaching him what not to do, while allowing him to gain confidence in his game at an early part of his career. As for the main point of this thread, I can see how the points made make sense, but it's really nothing more than trying to rationalize an optimistic POV. Whether or not Allen pans out will depend on several factors, and not necessarily if this "project is different". I do think it's much different than EJ (if we have to make a comparison), but that doesn't mean it will work out. I do feel like his potential is much greater than, say, EJ, because of some of the factors mentioned in the OP. He has all the traits you look for (better than EJ), and hasn't "maxed out" at the collegiate level as the other drafted QBs may have, but how the team is built around him, his weapons, coaching, etc., will have as much to do with him "working out", i.e. winning, as will his improvement in footwork, if not more.
  4. Not mentioned in the article is the fact that he's had much more "up close" observation of the NFL as a ball boy, and the fact that he's known Beane since he was 12.
  5. What program are you using? I've been doing edits with Picsart, and the images aren't nearly as sharp.
  6. I believe the ranking is dragged down by the offense. It a a huge unknown, with two starting linemen gone, TT gone/inexperience at QB, OC gone, etc. TBH, I think the ranking is averaging offense and defense; perhaps the author believes the defense will be above average, while offense will be below average (huge unkown), which is my train of thought as well. Esentially, it's just a "power ranking", and one man's opinion. Means very little at this point, and in general.
  7. I didn't "hate" the slug, but certainly far from a favorite. Hard to compete with the classic stuff. I thought it was interesting to know that the previous Sabres unis were designed to resemble a bison head, with the horns being embedded in the sleeves. Unfortunately they were only noticeable when a player's arms were outstretched or raised, which rarely happens in hockey.
  8. Probably a toss up between the Toronto Series and the "don't let him leave the building/national brand" thing with Rex.
  9. IMO, I don't think 20 is all that bad, all things considered. Our QBs are rather unknown, and that is the most important position after all. AJ may have shown some flashes in his limited playing time in Cincy, but he also had better WRs, and a defense that was rather stingy to lean on. But we have yet to see him perform in this offense, which is still an unknown in its own way. He did have some decent numbers in his few starts, but also had a couple bone-headed mistakes; not uncommon with inexperienced QBs, but still...the good thing is that Daboll knows AJ pretty well, and will cater to his skills accordingly. Our defense likely going to have to keep the Bills in games, and with the additions they've made on that side of the ball via free agency and the draft, I think they'll be better than they were last year. Our pass rush should be improved, and Edmunds will serve as our "Kuechly" so to speak. Whether or not the Bills finish around 20, or better or worse, will depend on what we get from our QB. And I think it's prett safe to assume that Allen will start at some point this year, given the recent history of 1st round rookie QBs in the league, unless AJ plays much better than we expect. Win-win either way, IMO. Totally agree.
  10. I'm not asking if the Bills should change anything... I don't want them to. The idea is to pretend that you're in charge of altering or redesigning a Bills logo, per request of ownership. Use your imagination and get creative. Not "don't change it", or "standing buffalo (<bison)".
  11. Well done! Not bad at all. I don't think the unis in your link are terrible, I just wouldn't have such a thick stripe on the pants. And I don't think I would want the blue logo on a silver helmet. I know it's an ode to the original unis from 1960 & 1961, but it's too similar to Detroit, which is why the Bills got away from them in the first place. I think the logo is nice, especially the blue. Perhaps a red streak of blood originating from the horn would add some pop to it.
  12. I don't follow...I assume this is some sort of inside joke/previous post reference. Fill me in.
  13. I was hoping for more constructive ideas...of course the grazing bison would be great, but I'm talking about something new. Something that we haven't seen before. I was actually thinking about this when I thought about starting the thread. I'll see what I can come up with later...
  14. First, let me just say that I think most Bills fans love the current charging bison logo, and don't want to change it. I'm not advocating for that to happen. This is just for fun; a break from the draft/post draft talk. Just for the purpose of this thread, let's say that the Bills are planning to change the logo from it's current look, and you're in charge. You're the artist. Would you propose a completely different logo? What would it look like? Or would you simply alter or redefine the current logo, similar to what the Lions have done a couple of times over the last 10 years? If you're able to take the time to actually "draw" up some suggestions, and are savvy enough, post pics. If not, throw out some suggestions. I'll tinker around a bit with some ideas once I get some free time after work.
  15. Excellent post, OP! This message should be included in the players' introduction itinerary. Whether or not this all works out remains to be seen, but it's refreshing to know that we have a staff in place that understands that there's more to football and winning than just simply adding talent and hoping that it translates. And to be quite honest, I believe this all starts with the owners. Obviously Terry knows what it takes to run a successful business, but I wonder if people underestimate the influence and impact that Kim has, especially with the finer, less "football" type of aspects. Everyone has their own beliefs and ideas on what it takes to build a winner the right way, but I really do feel much more confident in this regime than I have with previous regimes.
  16. I think it has more to do with the fact that the Bills are quite thin at the WR position. Fringe roster WRs have a better chance of making the final cut in Buffalo than elsewhere. With that said, I thought he showed enough in preseason last year to give the fans the impression that he's worth hanging on to.
  17. What "they're old" means is that the game of football has changed. Rules have changed to favor passing. Guys like Kelly and Favre, etc., played in an era where you could destroy WRs. The average completion % of passers today is much high than the average from 20-30+ years ago.
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