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Drunken Pygmy Goat

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Everything posted by Drunken Pygmy Goat

  1. I say over, but I think they finish just above 20 PPG. The Bears finished 2017 right at 20, good for 8th best. Their offense struggled at times with Glennon and Trubisky at QB, and I think it's safe to expect the Bills offense to struggle much the same way, so field position may play a role. For the first half or so of the season, the Bills did a really good job of holding teams to FGs, and I think that will continue for the most part. The offense has several question marks this year, that can either hurt or help the defense. Who will be the QB, and how well will they play (compared to reasonable expectations)? Will Zay step up his game, and help extend drives rather than halt them? Will the offensive line take a step back, or will they be ok after losing Wood and Incognito? Will the line have a negative effect on the run game (which can "shorten" games)? Will there be improved play from WRs #3 & #4? Just how good the defense is will depend on players on that side of the ball, but certain aspects of the offense can play a role in PPG on defense.
  2. More shots of downtown buildings, landmarks, statues/museums would be nice, but the Falls and wings will never go away completely.
  3. Note sure if feasable or how it would work, but a team regulated "Ball Burglar" program would be pretty cool. I know several players and former players either have their own charities or charities that they endorse, and I always thought that was a cool way for fans to stay "engaged" in the game, while doing something positve. I'm sure there's a way to up link with Hunter's Hope or some other charitable organization. Fans sign up with a credit card, and donate, say, $5 (or however much they choose) for every FR or INT by the Bills defense throughout the season. If 1,000 people sign up at $5 a pop, and the Bills create 20 turnovers, that's a $100,000 contribution. Our fans got a lot of good publicity after the Dalton/Boyd TD donations, although it doesn't completely wash away the stigma that all Bills fans are all just flaming table crashing drunkards, but it helps...perhaps we could come up with something more permanent and well known throughout the league, instead of a one-time event.
  4. You mean late 2000s, but yeah, run D really only had 1 "good" year since, in 2014. Aside from very good coaching on defense, that team had a ton of talent, especially on the defensive line. But they also had a "respectable" offense, which helped to keep the defense off the field as much. I just remember several games from the Jauron years where the run defense was actually respectable during the first half of games, but the offense was doing very little. Games were still pretty close at the half, but by the time the second half rolled around, the defense was gassed, and guys like Pierre Thomas would run roughshod on the Bills in the 3rd and 4th quarter and put the game out of reach. The Gailey defenses, though, were just bad, especially under George Edwards. I have "fond" memories of Spencer Johnson at OLB... As far as pass D and DBs goes, there's been some talent over the years, but I still believe that, in many of the Bills' better total passing yards rankings, it had a lot to do with teams abandoning the pass later in games.
  5. JMO, but some of those years, the run D wasn't quite as bad as the rankings show, from an efficiency standpoint. Still not very good, but in some of those years, the Bills offenses were terrible, and they were often playing from behind. Opponents were spending much of 3rd quarters and most of 4th quarters running the ball and killing clock, adding to the Bills total rushing YPG on defense. Granted, it was up to the players to stop those runs, and they often didn't, but it had some effect on the overall rankings. On the flip side, in a couple of those years, it appeared as if the Bills pass defense was very good, when looking at total passing YPG against (2008, 2009, 2010, 2012). But it was more of a reflection of opponents running the ball a lot, because the offense sucked, and opponents were killing clock, and because the run D wasn't very good. Not trying to argue your point at all. Just saying that there is some correlation between offensive production (or lack there of) and defensive statistics/rankings, and that those rankings may be at least a little bit deceiving. But yeah, the run defense has been pretty bad overall. In 2014, they were pretty good, and especially good through the first 8 games. For a while, Opponents were averaging less than 3 YPC, tops in the league. Brandon Spikes was a big part of that, but of course he wasn't a 3 down Mike. That average worsened over the last half of the season, starting with Jamal Charles and the Chiefs.
  6. When people see the contract, they expect results. But at his position, "results" don't necessarily show up on the stat sheet as much as they DO at other positions. What I expect to see is the defense as a whole improve in the rankings, run defense in particular, as well as less tackles by our safeties and more by our LBs. Those are the results that a good player at his position should help to provide. Of course, it's a team game, and any jump in the rankings will require others around him to do their part, but high level of play from him should make everyone else's jobs that much easier.
  7. The way I see it, the Bills brought in a decent vet RB, who, as someone already mentioned, is pretty good at picking up blitzes and catching the ball, and they brought in some young guys that can be placed on the practice squad and called up in the event of an injury or two at the position. RB #3 comes down to Cadet and Jones (as of right now), both players that suffered significant injuries last season. Not the flashiest of moves by bringing in Ivory, but not a terrible #2 option for a year or so.
  8. I don't recall seeing any 2 win predictions. One guy has the Bills favored in 2 games, but that's not necessarily the same as predicting a 2-14 record. Even still, making a "prediction" like that shows a complete understanding of how to generate clicks.
  9. The media folks saying that the Bills are in for a "bad" year are just as credible right now as the people on this board that say things like the Bills will have a "fringe top 10 defense". We have no idea what will happen. Not you, not the media...no one! You can't call out the media for their irresponsible use of the word "will", while doing it yourself.
  10. He was a big part of what got the Bills to SBXXV. Several clutch kicks along the way. He's the popular scapegoat for that game, but you can easily point to several other players/plays that were as much to blame for the loss.
  11. I have some Haitian connects...they know how to stir up some "special" brew. Championship!
  12. To be a "comeback player", you have to have "been there" before, so guys like Jones and Lawson shouldn't be an option (they would be "breakout" players). Based on the necessary criteria, I'd say Benjamin on offense and Hughes on defense.
  13. This sounds like a "the grass is greener on the other side" type comment. TT may not have been the answer, but he wasn't absolutely terrible. He did some great things, with his legs and his arm. The problem was he didn't do those things with his arm consistently (except against Miami). I'm not upset at all that the Bills moved on. In fact, the writing was on the wall last off-season when he agreed to a restructured contract. But when you consider the youth and inexperience in the QB room right now, along with several other fat it's in offense, I thinks it's more likely that you'll be spouting out more "MFers" at the tv this year than you might think.
  14. Lol. I tried out for a semi pro team several years ago (in my early 20s). I was always one of 2-3 of the best players on any field I had played on, ran a 4.48, but 5'8" 175 lbs at the time. Caught just about everything thrown, out jumped taller guys, very elusive, and would take 2-3 guys (many of them 20-30 lbs bigger than me) to bring me down. I was dominated...there was a 285 lb monster D lineman that ran as fast as me. There was a DB that broke up everything in his direction. Several other guys as good or better than me. None of those guys would ever dream of playing in the CFL, let alone the NFL...
  15. Especially in this defense. Heavy zone, cover 3 defenses don't rely on speed on the outside as much, and often times have their eyes in the backfield. Jumping routes is key for this defense. It's part of why a guy like NRC had some success earlier in his career. Granted it wasn't the same defense, but good pressure up front, forcing the ball out faster, and DBs eyes in the backfield. Instincts trump speed with CBs in this defense IMO.
  16. I really didn't interpret these things as "talking the talk". Maybe with Lawson it's a bit of that, but more of setting lofty goals IMO, and I like that. But Streater didn't come out and crown himself or anything. He was interviewed, and said all the right things. And he looked pretty good last year before the injury. If he can replicate or improve upon that and translate that into the regular season, it would be a big boost for our WR group and offense.
  17. Looks like Miller at RG, Ducasse at LG, which shouldn't surprise anyone, nor is it a bad thing. Ducasse really stepped up his game last year at RG.
  18. This is such a terrible take that I don't know where to begin, so I'll just end it here...
  19. The only stat or ranking that matters is PPG. I This defense is very "bend, don't break" and opportunistic. They're going to give up yards, yet (hopefully) limit scores. They were very good at that for the first 6 or so games last year. Then the Jets, Saints, Chargers games happened...PPG and YPG rankings dropped considerably after those 3 games. I know we cannot "take away those games", but the final rankings would have been slightly better if those games weren't as ugly. I don't think its crazy to think that the Bills could finish near the top 10 or better, but part of those rankings will rely on the offense being able to sustain drives and stay on the field, and if there is some regression on that side of the ball (which can be expected), the defense may "look" like a top 10 unit, but the rankings won't reflect that.
  20. This is where I'm at as well. I'm fully prepared for a "down" year, and have been for a couple months now. And that's not because I'm simply going off of what the pundits are saying, but by looking at everything and thinking logically about what to expect. I guess my view falls in line with what they're saying to an extent, because they're seeing the same things (I don't think they'll finish with a bottom 5 record, though). That being said, many people had the Bills as a 4-5 win team last year, which I strongly disagreed with (I didn't see it as "tanking"), but they certainly exceeded my expectations, so perhaps they do it again this year. I would honestly be surprised if they win more than 8 games this year. But as long as we see true flashes of what the future holds, I'm ok with a down year. Sometimes, that's a part of the process. Maybe the defense improves enough to keep games closer, and the Bills squeak out an extra win or two, but I won't be calling for heads any time soon, barring some drastic regressions.
  21. Here's one thread where everyone should agree with each other. Well deserved!
  22. All depends on your internet speed and connection. Video quality is excellent with your average connection. Hardwired is best, but Wi-Fi should be ok. Also Chromecast compatible. Only issue is the sound quality isn't as good as tv broadcast.
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