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Drunken Pygmy Goat

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Everything posted by Drunken Pygmy Goat

  1. HE'S A ROOKIE! Guess which punter ranks 9th in inside the 20 percentage.
  2. Hey, you never know...maybe a fake was the call, and the other 10 got it wrong But seriously, the amount of premature pitchforks around here this year seems to be at an all time high. Take that $#!+ to Facebook where it belongs.
  3. Any word on his shoulder? He came off the field yesterday holding a limp arm after hitting the pile. There was a noticeable pop of the pads heard on the telecast.
  4. Wow this really became a thread about pie Much better than the OP Pumpkin pie FTW!
  5. Here's the video. Maybe edit it into the OP @WMDman @PromoTheRobot
  6. I don't think its necessarily so much about advanced stats. It's probably more football logic, common sense, and confidence. If you punt, you're putting your fate into the hands of a future HoF QB that can easily pick apart your zone D, or scramble big big yards against man to man. The Seahawks have a pretty good chance of picking up enough yards to kick the FG. You're pretty much hoping they miss a FG to win the game if you punt the ball away. Orrrrrrrrrrr, you understand that fate is in your hands by picking up 6 inches to ice the game. Don't over think things like Pete Caroll in the Super Bowl. If you can't pick up a measly 6 inches, you don't deserve to win the game anyways. Control your own fate, rathee than put it in the hands of your opponent. It certainly helps that McVay is a savant. Garrett, however, must not have remembered that his team was 19 for the last 20 on 4th and 1.
  7. Shady has never been the fastest player on the field, but his cutting and elusiveness is second to none, and it was still very evident yeterday. If anyone said he was done, you should probably just ignore those types.
  8. I'm pretty sure everyone's second least favorite pundit Colin Cowherd called it
  9. Clever wordplay. On a side note, I don't know what a "git" is, but I wouldn't want to shiv it either.
  10. I mentioned that play yesterday as maybe not being all on Holmes, but the responses I kept getting were "he needed come back to the QB", IE, his fault. But IMO, it was kind of lazy to simply point to that and lay blame. It seemed like a regurgitated response, just because Archuletta said it. To me, the route seemed a bit long, and the reaction time between Holmes getting turned around and the ball getting there was very minimal. That, and it wasn't the most accurate ball placement from what I recall. The timing of the throw, based on the velocity, was off. Yes, Holmes could have broke back to the line sooner, and could have been more aggressive coming back to the ball, but to simply say that the result of the play was all on him doesn't seem totally accurate to me.
  11. Decent article, even though theres a few things we can nitpick. But the general theme being presented isn't exactly news to us. It's basically the same mantra for the Bills' success last season. The staff gets the most out the players, and they play hard, especially so on defense. They overacheive. That doesn't mean that there's absolutely no talent on the team, but as a whole, it's one of the least talented (and probably inexperienced) teams in the league. The staff does a lot deserve credit. The scheme is designed a certain way, amd players are brought in that maybe aren't the most talented, but are well suited to execute with the scheme. Young players seem to progress a bit faster than expected (Milano, Edmunds, Johnson, for example), and perceived "average" players like Poyer, Hyde, EJ Gaines etc. step in and play above that level. It's not by coincidence.
  12. Now I'm confused. Some guy on the previous page said that I'm a miserble asshat that shouldn't have an opinion on the Bills and what they should do.
  13. Let me preface by saying I like Allen as a future QB for this team, and in no way should the Bills burn a high draft pick on a QB next year (especially considering the class). Now, with that said, there IS plenty in Allen's game worth being critical of. There have been quite a few passes where his accuracy has been pretty bad; many passes where the play was there to be made and he simply missed, or where a more accuracte ball would have yielded more YAC. Those don't fall on the WR. He needs to work on his touch passing. A lot of this seems to be caused by poor footwork. Many times he fails to step into his pass and just throws based on sheer arm strength. I won't dig too deep here; just mentioning that there are issues in his game that need to be worked on and improved upon. But he's a rookie, and we shouldn't expect him to just shake the flaws in his game that we read in the scouting report in 4 games. Even with better WRs and better blocking, we would still see these issue at times, just maybe not quite as frequent. I guess what I'm saying is that it's fair to be critical. It's warranted. But do it with the proper perspective. Making final judgements on the kid after 4 games is not "proper". (< not directed at you nj) Realize where you are right now, then revisit what you just said...
  14. Ok. I wasn't sure if maybe you interpreted my post wrong, based on your response. This should be the case in every game. The game plan against GB seemed like the opposite, as if Daboll and the coaches thought it would be a good idea of getting into a shootout with the best QB of all time. Maybe they thought Allen would be riding a wave from the previous week and would surprise, but still, he's a raw rookie. I get mixing it up and all, but the plays that were called in the GB game, especially early on, weren't the best plays to help get a QB into a rhythm and build confidence. Today, we saw the opposite, at least for the first few drives. There were moving pockets and designed quick throws. The one to Clay over the middle, while not incredible by any means, was good to see. I know we all want to see Allen's uber strong arm open up the deep passing attack, but he's just not there in his development yet. And that's before we talk about the line and his WRs. Now if the Bills are down by a couple scores later in games, then obviously they'll need to air it out some more. But in games like today, and opponents like them (good defense, so-so offense), the Bills can at least be competetive against them by playing a similar game. Expecting turnovers on defense in order to compete is not smart, but this team is known to have a knack for creating them more often than most teams.
  15. Are you agreeing with me? I think we're saying the same thing.
  16. There were a few good passes by Allen earlier in the game that you missed. They seemed scripted, and designed to get the ball out quickly. They were mostly accurate (the bootlegs were low but caught). But it was a glimpse of what we should and need to see more of. Until Allen get more experience, keep the long developing pass concepts to a minimum. There's too much hesitation overall in his game right now; he's not fully trusting what he's seeing on many plays. That's not knocking him, that's what is expected of a rookie at times.
  17. Truth. Today's win, much like the Vikings win, were similar to many of the Bills' early season wins last year. They lived and died off of the defense creating turnovers. It's exciting to watch, but most of us understood that it just isn't a sustainable recipe for success. But for the time being, it may be the best recipe while Allen gains valuable experience and the offense adds weapons after this year.
  18. Today's game was probably his best as a Bill so far, even without the forced fumble (that was his FF, right?). But it was a "culture" win...we wouldn't understand.
  19. Geez! Way to lump a hundred posts into one rambling rant against mine...take a step back killer. My point was that they could have done a better job of catching a reeling team off-guard "in the moment". Yeah, they ran a flea flicker after a turnover; technically exactly what I said they should do. BUT it was the Bills' very first offensive play...it didn't fool anyone, so perhaps the timing of the play call was wrong. That was the point I was trying to make. Why don't you check my posts, and tell me again how "miserable" I am. And in case you arent aware of what a message board is for: it's ok to "enjoy the win", AND criticize things that warrant criticism. It's called discussion, an accepted act in a democracy. Oh, and I'll do what I want when it comes to my fandom and interaction here...also an accepted act in a democracy.
  20. Yeah. It was the first time in his career that he's a had a real home crowd to pump up.
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