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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. Wow...38?!? Didnt realize how much time has gone by since we drafted him. Damn Im getting old...
  2. According to Beane we STILL draft him, and I'd be all for it. Beane has repeatedly stated that drafting for need is a BIG mistake. He said you should ALWAYS go BPA. I want him to stick with his plan. I believe in his plan and his philosophies. If it's Metcalf then Metcalf it is.
  3. How can you not love Jordan? Besides when he got a little extra excited against his old team and was the culprit in a couple boneheaded penalties this guy was a spark plug and earned the interest he got from us. BTW it did make it wasier losing that second Miani game considering I knew more losses could equate to a better 2019 draft.
  4. Im sure they'll just replace him with Cole Beasley
  5. All you guys hating on the halftime show dont like Maroone 5? I actually listen to rap and didnt know who Travis Scott was. Then again im 35 and "old" now I guess.
  6. This is where coaching plays a huge role. I like Reich but he was still a rookie head coach facing Andy Reid who has tons of playoff experience. KC totally switched things up on Indy.
  7. People are reading this wro Pretty clear to me the 3 he is talking about is White, Jones and Edmunds. I'd make that trade in a heartbeat. Any NFL GM would.
  8. I must say Im shocked @YoloinOhio didn't inform everyone of this. He is one of the most informed posters Ive ever seen.
  9. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/25692787/keep-going-1-0-cant-lose-indianapolis-colts-embrace-frank-reichs-vision "Back in October, when the Colts were 1-5 and looking every bit like the rebuilding team they were predicted to be, Reich's calm message stayed the same. "Let's go 1-0 this week." Corny coachspeak, perhaps, but it caught on. The players liked it. And more important, they did it. Over and over again."
  10. Wow Im surprised how many people in here are totally clueless about what 1-0 means within that organization. It has ZERO to do with a win over the Texans....smh.
  11. THANKS! ALL makes sense now. For some reason I didnt see that at all when I clicked the pic
  12. Guess Im missing it here. I don't see any "Put a stamp on it" reference or anything Towbridge said. #Lost
  13. Means signed and sealed. As in the last thing you do to something that takes a stamp. Best way I can describe. By the way you are showing Rodak's tweet. What did Towbridge say?
  14. I see what you did there....I think. "Naa man" would have worked better though.
  15. He was woken out his sleep after a night of drinking. But I guess to say someone "clearly looks like" doesnt mean you are saying they "clearly are" In all likelihood he has a drinking problem as he has never failed a drug test (as far as the public knows) In the light of it now being 3 incidents this year alone I would have to change my vote to NO I would not have supported it. I still don't believe the guy is a monster, he still has never even been charged with a crime. BUT all of the "victims" seem to stop cooperating with police after the initial reports so sounds like he may be paying away the charges. He WILL play again in this league. If he is suspended a year and stays out of trouble from now until the suspension is up, I'd 1000% welcome this guy aboard.
  16. His situation is totally different as there arent even any accusations of law breaking. Him getting blackballed is purely a business decision and one I cant say I disagree with. Kaep didn't get blackballed for what he did. There are actually plenty owners ok with it. He has been blackballed because of fan reaction to what he did. Had the general population gotten behind Kaep and rallied him on, he would be in the league today. That's the bottom line. I blame the fans for Kaep's situation. Not the league. That is why I can still watch the NFL with no issue.
  17. There is a difference between making a statement on something and holding a discussion about it. You know the can of worms it opens, and at the end, no ones views will be changed.
  18. Look I just call it as I see it. Not interested in getting in a race relations discussion on these boards tho.
  19. He reacted to the TD like they were at practice. Cant recall ever seeing something like that.
  20. Incognito was never called a thug either. That word is reserved for only black men who exhibit violence. (Or in Kaepernicks case no violence necessary)
  21. Totally impossible he was defending himself....just saying it annoys me to no end when people jump to conclusions. He may very well be guilty but the "victim" refused to press charges. Highly doubt and randomly walked up and hit some innocent person as many makes it seem.
  22. But does context matter? Not if he was right or wrong (almost everyone admits he was wrong on some level) but if he can be forgiven or not. *She was outside the mans home refusing to leave. *Attacked his girlfriend and called him derogatory names. *The physical altercation started when she got in his face. *She had absolutely no injuries, left unscathed *Police saw the tape, took the statements and decided not to press charges Does any of this matter or should Hunt be thrown in the same bunch as wife beaters? Should this be judged the same as any and every other situation where a man got physical with a woman?
  23. Oh well...missed opportunity. Im fine with it either way. Teams will want to see Hunt go through the disciplinary process while completely staying out of trouble. After that happens expect him to sign with a top 5 team and make the rich richer.....smh
  24. As a black man in America, I know you cannot react like that because you are called a n*****. It won't be an accepted defense as is any other name calling. Here is the thing, this wasn't some hotel room. This was Hunt's HOME. He was intoxicated. A chick is outside his room refusing to leave and even physically attacked his girlfriend. Calls him all sorts of names. Guess what? HE IS STILL WRONG. Call the police. You don't handle this like he did. Does it make him a monster?!? NO! But it was idiotic for sure. Can you blame the alcohol? SURE! He was at home and can be as drunk as he wanted to get. I mainly blame his friends for letting it get to that point. African Americans tend to not be so quick to call the police. But when in his situation he could only lose by trying to handle things himself. Look, the optics on this are BAD. A big black athlete getting physical with a 19 year old female. Hunt has to smarten up if he hasnt already. But this does not make the man some thug predator monster who can't be clean the rest of his career. Maybe needs some anger management but his talent is great enough that a team should be willing to take a chance. I hope the Bills are that team. There are sufficient ways to weather the PR storm and only 16% of fans to sway to have majority support.
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