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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. There is a legit service I found at streamingunlimited.com that works great. Its app driven and I have AndoidTV so i just downloaded the app and ready to go. Got all tge games last year clear with no buffering. Cost me $39 a month tho. Worth with all the other stuff you get imo
  2. Well you clearly dont know what youre talking about. Anyhow...nobody is mentioning the fact that not only does he apply the most pressure from the right side...Im also sure he is the most HELD pass rusher from that side. And like his pressure numbers...its likely not even close
  3. We should all know by now the Pats FO are smarter than to give up anything besides a day 3 pick for Rosen
  4. Look I feel you for being disappointed and Reed may truly be an asshat. However not in this situation ...you are passing full judgment on him based on ONE moment. These people are human. Who knows if he just got some bad news or was pissed by something. Not like you were some child asking him to sign something. You were 25 and a grown ass man approaching another man asking for a favor. He owes you nothing. He was busy texting and said maybe later. He probably ventured of for a moment by himself for a reason.
  5. My first thought was "No way MacGyver is still making new episodes" then I saw "Season 3" Well hey...it made it to a 3rd season so somebody is watching. I'll support Andre and check it out
  6. Ha! You guys are ridiculous. Not sure why I even started a back and forth with know it all idiots. Croom is an aquaintance of mine and I know the pic is 100% real but I did get a good laught out of the cardboard cut out theory. Thanks for that. But yeah Im not Joe Croom..Im actually with the marketing group who did the Fan Conference Series last year including the Josh Allen/Dion Dawkins event which was promoted pretty heavily on this board. Joe Croom was the photographer there. Anyway you guys have fun with your conspiracy theories...some of it os entertaining.
  7. Joe Croom is hanging with Poyer in south FL. I guess these pics he took of Poyer are fake as well. Who cares how many followers he has. He is a professional photographer who gets tons of gigs through referrals. The Bills are his passion and he doesnt market his social media. You'll see dozens of NFL players following him on his twitter and Instagram. He doesnt do fake pics.
  8. SMH...you guys clearly did visit Joe Croom's instagram page. He is one of the top freelance photographers fro the Bills. https://www.instagram.com/croomphotos/
  9. Guys I personally know Joe Croom and he is good friends with Poyer. You two are 100% wrong. Check out Croom's Instagram and you will see he has many exclusive pics and is followed by several players.
  10. Well I know a pretty nice sized population of Saints fans defected after hurricane Katrina. I was living in Houston at the time and they migrated in droves. Then I moved to Dallas to find a sizable population of NO defectors there as well. Maybe overestimating this tho.
  11. Yes, not surprised it was that close. I think like Buffalo fans, many NO fans no longer reside in that region so they unite more online like we do. That gives us an added advantage for such online polls. Just my theory, not saying we arent a top 4 fanbase, of course we are. However I do feel like some fanbases have a heavier online presence and we are one of them.
  12. Not sure why its so hard for people to grasp this concept. Seems we are in the minority. Times change man...with all this CTE stuff becoming more and more clear, it amazes me that so many people still wanna see these unsafe plays for their entertainment. Football is still just as fun to watch to me.
  13. I don't like the consequences of the rule change but I do believe the consequences of not changing the rule are worse. If 33% of kickoff/punt concussions come from these type of blocks, I'd prefer this change than the ridiculous idea of eliminating kicks.
  14. Nope. It was a perfectly legal block last year. No longer. This will make long returns a bit harder. With that said Im glad we got Roberts to maximize our chances.
  15. This move is a few years past due with all the player safety concerns in recent times. My only hope is our players make the adjustment quickly. We have the best returner in the league now and there are few things worse in a game than to have a long return called back.
  16. Your argument as well as all other dissenting arguments make little to no sense. Coaches still have same amount of challenges and it still costs a team a timeout if the get it wrong. PI calls are not the type of reviews that will take all day. It is a quick and easy replay to run. Besides all that, as a Bills fan how could you not LOVE this?!?! Teams like the Bills who are far too often getting royaly screwed by bogus PI calls, giving teams refs favor HUGE undeserved chunk plays, can finally even the playing field, at least somewhat, with this new rule. I think people like you who dislike replay dont care how much an addition makes sense,,,,you will hate it just cause you dont like replay, Well replay is here to stay so why not be happy its the best it can be? Worst case scenario, it adds an average of 3 minutes to NFL games (which wont be the case) WHO CARES?!?!
  17. Yep....I was joking....and thats why the Bills now have the lead. Maybe I should have said die hard fans so you can understand better...
  18. I would say the Bills def have a larger "REAL" fanbase. Packers have a lot of bandwagon/Aaron Rogers fans that arent true Packers fans. IMO once word hits the Mafia Masses we will take this one easily.
  19. Fixed it for you. I know multiple people close to Chad and they all know he has issues with drugs he hasnt been able to kick. According to one source, Chad seems to be doing better but has admitted to popping pain pills since his arrest. That would be considered a WIN for him if true.
  20. Cases like this is exactly why the NFL settled with Kaepernick. No way you can argue AJ makes more sense to backup Watson than Kaep...Instead...AJ gets the job with Kaep not even getting a workout. Aguy who has never been arrested or even accused of breaking the law. Glad he got paid.
  21. The reason why he went undrafted has reared its ugly head too many times at this point. As talented as the guy is he is simply not worth the baggage.
  22. Last player we forced into a pay cut went crazy. I think we are in a healthy standing right now. The cap is one thing NOT to worry about right now.
  23. I read the whole thing and thought it to be a solid read. That probably has to do with me agreeing with almost all he said. TBH I think most of you are busting his chops cause this isn't even THAT long. I often read articles longer than this. Does anyone here actually read books anymore? I'm 35. Am I old? Geesh.... Don't erase it man....people who actually enjoy reading will be fine with this. On top of that it isnt even that long. I read it in less than 5 minutes and it was actually written pretty well.
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