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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. He sounds like a Phillip Lindsay type of guy. Great to know he's super focused.
  2. Hopefully he will be more colorful than he was announcing our 2nd round pick
  3. I call him a good dude based on his many charitable acts including paying for the recent funeral of a high schooler who was murdered. I take issue with the "thug" title so quickly placed on people with a specific skin tone when they get in trouble with the law. Anyone with their eyes open would know exactly what I'm talking about. Anyway...you can ask the 10 people in the world who know me the best and they will all say I'm a great guy. When I was younger I had an alcohol and drug issue and got arrested a few times, once when I was 19 for a domestic after a live in girlfriend smacked me in my face and I grabbed her by her arms to keep her from swinging again. Well cause she fought me so hard to get free it left bruises and I'm sure people in here would now say I'm a "thug" for this but most you people are hipocrites and need to actually consider your past issues and don't discount them cause you didn't get caught. And some of you need to consider why a specific demographic gets called a thug while others who look different don't get that title. Zeke is nowhere near a thug but rather a good hearted kid with a substance abuse issue which likely causes a short temper and bad decision making when under the influence.
  4. Great break down sir. I can appreciate when a fan takes time out to do this sort of thing. I actually think the results are great as it shows there is no trend to break. All of it can be coached up and with our upgrades Im expecting Allen to have a Mahomes like second year. Not 50 TD's/MVP race type year but going from a ? mark to undeniably considered a top tier QB and respected around the league. Gonna be fun to watch and what a rare treat for us Bills fans.
  5. Too many idiotic statements in this thread to count. Zeke isnt the second coming Greg Hardy. He actually is a really good dude who needs to stop drinking (you can bet your bottom dollar his first incident involved alcohol). Calling him a "thug" is overreaction of the year material.
  6. Still pissed Gronk didn't get laid out immediately after doing that BS. With that said that play has nothing to do with the replay debate.
  7. *coaches still have only 2 challenges unless they gat a 3rd for successfully challenging two previous calls which is rare *coaches cannot challenge inside two minutes so such a challenge would have to be the refs challenging a call they felt they missed *coaches still lose a timeout with an unsuccessful challenge so to think all of a sudden a bunch of coaches would start throwing challenge flags for phantom PI's and blow a timeout outside the last two minutes is nothing more than paranoia. This is a solid rule and will not make games longer like some people are implying. Pass interference would be one of the easier challengeable calls to make.
  8. are you referring to a different thread because I'm all types of confused right now. The negative opinion was simply on Steve Tasker's hosting skills not on the article.
  9. What's ironic is that you have a negative opinion of his opinion, and you shared it. So does this make you a "negative person" ? The poster you quoted didn't bash anyone. He was very respectful in sharing the fact he didn't like the quality of their predraft show. What type of fairy tale land do you think this world is where people should only share positive opinions on things? Oh wait, you just shared a negative opinion. Oh the hypocrisy.
  10. Had the pleasure of getting to know Pancho at McFadden's and the many other Bills bars in Dallas starting in 2011. From what I know of him Im not so sure he would want to be signed to the team. He was very happy being one of us...a "fan" and prided himself in being the biggest Bills fan he could possibly be. I like the gesture but, again, don't think this is something he would have particularly wanted. With that said, prayers to him that he wakes up and can make that decision if they did offer it. I would like to see his mask and uniform put on display somehere in New Era and future stadiums.
  11. Ahhhh...hindsight vision. ALL the experts agreed he was a guy good enough to be drafted. Our own GM was surprised he wasnt drafted. So were other GMs. Unfortunately, the teams interested in drafting a later round QB didnt agree. Every decision is bad when things dont work out right?
  12. 7 WR will be on the final 53 Brown Beasley Foster Zay Duke Sills Roberts Might not be the 7 but I guarantee we keep 6 PLUS Roberts. Because Roberts returns punts and kicks at a pro bowl level we can afford this luxury. He is a top 2 return man in the league and can totally change complexions of games. Totally worth a roster spot comitted to that. Why should we essentially carry only 5 WRs cause thats Roberts position? If he was a CB should we count him against the CBs? If he was a RB do we cut Gore or Yeldon to keep him? Cant think inside the box all the time.
  13. You can actually link directly to specific timestamps in YouTube vids. Check me out... https://youtu.be/BXh0Wh67OeY?t=2011
  14. No Fun League fan I see. What;s the point of even having former players announce picks if they do it the way Wood did? The NFL wants the draft to be entertaining. Why even televise it if they were going to do it the way you describe?
  15. My nephew is good friends with him and says this last incident has totally changed him. Getting cut by an NFL team for behavior and realizing football could be over for life will do that to some.
  16. "with the 46th pick of the 2013 NFL draft..."
  17. Was this your attempt at humor or you had one too many? Combination?
  18. Chad Kelly is light years better than Jake Dolegala. I believe Chad has learned his lesson. He knows he is on his final straw before a lifetime Manziel blackball.
  19. After Foster's performance last year the Bills figured WR position wasnt worth drafting anymore.
  20. Like all the other active QBs in the world?
  21. He was inexplicably replaced by Coy Wire. As we know, he first offered his spot to Pancho who couldn't make. I was expecting Stevie to come out and do something like Coy did with having Pancho on facetime and honoring him before the pick. I was looking forward to seeing Stevie and hearing him shout out Bills Mafia. Coy did great tho so no big deal just curious if anyone knows what happened. Sidebar: Eric Wood sucked with the 2nd round pick announcement. ZERO swag, said nothing to the fans. Very dry....simply announced the pick. He looks great tho...lol
  22. Was just about to comment about that. Looks as though he was facetiming with Harrison when he got the call. They have become good friends and thats a testament to Harrison and the type of man he is. I lived in Dallas for 8 years and met Ezra at a Bills Bar down there in 2011. GREAT GUY! We are all pulling for a miracle.
  23. Not happening. This scenario sounds like something some drunk poster on this board would fantasize about.
  24. http://www.oleantimesherald.com/sports/bills-mcdermott-excited-about-draft-possibilities/article_695d2fc6-e11c-514e-bd6f-16728f59e012.html "There’s a lot of teams, over the years, that have put talent in the locker room, but haven’t been able to develop that talent or bring them together. No. 1, the challenge is on our players to get together and for us to get to know them, and then also for us to do different things to try and build that team, that bond, that chemistry that so embodies good teams.” -McDermott We have a coach who gets it. I havent felt so confident about the future of our team in a loooong time.
  25. Huh? Ummm ok. On a greyhound now...just got done watching First Take...def a legit service albeit much better if it came with a mail order bride.
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