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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. They have a pylon cam...well they had...didnt see any shots from it today. Sideline sucks tho cause on goal line plays its always too many bodies to see the ball. A remote controlled overhead camera on a zip line would be perfect. Only issue is it would have to be pretty high up so it doesnt interfere with field goals. Hanging it could present a challenge.
  2. What key facts????? He has better weapons? Better oline? His QB rating is almost 20 points higher. Better y/a. Josh is 0.2 better is y/c. Better TD/INT ratio by far, more wins. I mean just tell me how Im wrong. And Im not a Jackson guy. I root for Josh to end up the best QB out of the draft last year. But Im also not a homer and can see things as they are.
  3. Anything intelligent to add? Look, I think Josh has the higher ceiling...but as of right now Jackson is outperforming him in all facets including rushing wish was Josh's best aspect of his game last year.
  4. That was the right call
  5. Well nobody can intelligently argue that Josh has looked better. He is ahead of Allen and every category at this point.
  6. Lamar Jackson 9-9 204 yards 4 TDs Wow
  7. Believe it or not, MOST players (by far) wouldn't be willing to do even 10% of what AB did. They have more dignity and respect not only for themselves but for the game and for others. Will this happen again by from a-hole superstar? Thats very likely. Is this the new norm? Far from it.
  8. It I illegal to provide a stream of copyrighted material. It is also illegal to posses (as in have a downloaded file) unconsented copyrighted material. It is not illegal to view someone else streaming. Nor is it illegal to watch recorded copyrighted material. You know how many YouTube videos have illegal copyrighted material? You are not breaking the law by watching them on YouTube?
  9. Because offering a stream is illegal
  10. Some people just don't wanna feel like they are stealing regardless if they would get in trouble for it or not. My thing is this...I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars with the NFL over the years. This year I bought 4 tix to two games and about to re-up on some Bills gear. If I watch free online or go to a sports bar and watch for free...it changes NOTHING for them. I don't feel bad regardless of the legalities. I also don't feel bad when I break the speed limit while driving.
  11. Very happy with my subscription. I got a great deal on it to when it was on sale. A business model like this can absolutely work which has been proven by the current numbers. Millions of fans spend money on sports everyday. Its all about appealing to them and their are marketing tricks to make that work. Please point me in the right direction
  12. You are brainwashed by the powers that be. Based on what you are saying, I can go on YouTube and watch Gladiator at this link and Im breaking the law? Here is some case law: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mggpdy/click-here-for-child-porn-new-york-residents-only (It's disgusting and about child porn but same idea) https://www.computer-realm.net/illegal-movies-online/ - here is another explanation.
  13. Wrong! I have looked into this extensively. Only the person streaming, or people who are in possession of the copyrighted material (downloaded files) have broken a the copyright law. Check this out and read the highlighted section Business Insider
  14. Viewing steams of NFL games on reddit is 100% legal. It is only illegal to share or copy (download) copyrighted material. It is in fact NOT illegal to simply view it on your phone or computer. If that were the case it would be illegal to watch YouTube videos that contain copyrighted material or Facebook Live videos that show live games. You cannot break the law by watching a YouTube video or a Facebook Live. So many people have a misunderstanding of this.
  15. Thats doesnt make sense. Why would an agent make money off part of a contract that isnt paid out because you got released early? No player would be ok with that. Agents get paid based on what the players actually receive from the club. Period.
  16. No way the agent gets paid based on the total contract. Alot of it is imaginary money. They get paid based on what the player actually gets paid. With a nice lump sum coming out of the signing bonus.
  17. Crazy deal IMO for a guy with injury issues. A FULLY guaranteed extension and basically paying him the whole check up front??? I mean...am I reading this right?
  18. That video was actually pretty dope! AB honestly acts like a guy who is coked up alot. Dont ask me how I know.
  19. I'm speaking specifically to the accusation of child abuse. It's baseless as was made clear with the suspension happy NFL doing nothing to him. Ummmm did you see what happened with Zeke? What did the NFL prove in that specific case?!?!
  20. You guys know the NFL is QUICK to suspend a player if they find a shred of credible evidence. Law enforcement and the league determined the allegations were false...what makes you think you know better than them? I'm sure you think Shady got his ex robbed as well.
  21. All you people thinking only "black people call each other N" are entirely ignorant of a large population of white people who call each other the N word as well. It's mostly found in poverish areas or amongst those who do it to be "cool". I would add video here but dont wanna get suspended. Eminem used to always use the word but had to stop once his name grew but im sure still will amongst his black friends. Many white folks who grew up with mostly black people get a pass cause the intention is known that its not being used in the racial slur context.
  22. So do the players vote or McD picks? Somebody's lying to me
  23. Cut a fringe player and bring back Murphy til Roberts is healthy.
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