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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. Ok well let me rephrase. When has a celeb on the level of Antonio Brown been accused of rape and it didn't become public knowledge until well after? People are saying that we arent sure if she did file a criminal complaint or not. My point is if she had filed a criminal complaint, we would have already heard about it.
  2. ZERO chance someone goes and files a criminal RAPE complaint against a person of his celebrity status and it goes unreported. Show me when in history this has ever happened?
  3. Is Colvin the one who called for a prevent defense against a team only looking to gain a few yards? So they scapegoat this dude? We should bring him in on a one year team friendly deal but Im sure he'll have better options.
  4. Ahh how convenient. Too embarrassed to go tell a couple detectives her accusations and get checked out by a doctor... but now not embarrassed at all for the world to know all the details when there is a profit to be made. In the same evidence she shared, AB also repeatedly accused her of trying to financially "come up" off of him but I guess he was making that up and was only honest about the parts she thinks proves her case (which they don't).
  5. Dude your argument was that she may have been too embarrassed to go to the police. That makes no sense.
  6. So instead file a civil suit and release all your accusations for the entire world to see. Riiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhhtttt...
  7. They won't and they shouldn't. What sense does it make to do that? There is ZERO available evidence that he is guilty of these accusations and should therefore let the proceedings move forward and see what else comes out. It would be foolish to release a player simply based off a civil lawsuit being filed.
  8. Ha good one. Was actually in a drive through at the time but you message board English teachers amuse me. I am an Hutch Tech/RIT grad and could write circles around 95% of TBD members but who cares as long as whats being said can be understood.
  9. Using voice to text while driving. You want to compare college transcripts or IQ test results?
  10. Yeah because her filing a criminal rape complaint wouldn't have been made public.
  11. Not the same thing. This is a women strictly insterested in getting paid. Not putting her so called rapist behind bars. You don't see an issue with that then there is no since in us even discussing it.
  12. Care to explain? You say this with zero reasoning stated.
  13. Ulterior motives...you know what I mean. Because the guy is rich and she opted to go straight got a lawsuit before even filing a criminal complaint. Come on use your head here.
  14. I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing any rape victim who goes the lawsuit route before even filing a criminal complaint. Way too many gold diggers target athletes with hidden agendas to just believe any random chick who files a lawsuit. An email with him saying he bust on her back means nothing. They were clearly in a sexual relationship and she was sleep at his house. 99% of us could have been accused of touching a sleeping woman in their bed at some point. Some of you quick to accept such an accusation just cause you don't want a guy to play football sicken me. If AB was a Bill and had a clean off season you same people would actually use common sense and not jump to conclusions. All the stuff AB has done or been accused of in the past is real jerky stuff but nothing says "hmmm he may be a rapist." I have been falsely accused of criminal acts (not sexual crimes) that I was 10000% innocent of all cause someone was jealous their girlfriend left them for me. I was no saint but I was completely innocent of the accusations so as a former victim of this type of thing it disgusts me when so many people can accept another's word when ulterior motives are clearly visible.
  15. How can 16 points allowed be a defensive stat when the offense gave up half of those? Is it because the offense is considered a defense after the ball gets intercepted? Or is this just some lazy stat that just wants to look the the final score to enumerate itself?
  16. I wonder how many death threats she has received so far. Im assuming he doesn't have social media so everyone is after her.
  17. This thread isn't referring to the power ranking guys. It's about the ball that was thrown to John Brown to win the game. . And on that point, I will agree with the PFF guys only because that was my first thought seeing the pass but for all I know it was the way it was supposed to be thrown knowing it would trip up the CB.
  18. No way Ford takes over at RG but with this whole plan to use different combinations I guess he may get reps. Ford has some learning to do. Im glad he has solid guys to show him how its done.
  19. Yeah I noticed that too. Like literally with 1 second of them getting their hands on him. I was worried a couple times we might have gotten flagged as our guys weren't quick to let him go.
  20. I'm sure they will be happy to know this. Let's not share our opinions on anything and just let the coaches decide.
  21. Fake news....lock it up
  22. Better than this Shack? That's a pretty good looking Shack.
  23. Have Crowder on my Fantasy team That 24 points looked real good on the bench
  24. WHY? Why would we want a running back who wants big money when we have Singletary for the next 4 years at UNDER a million per?????
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