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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. Well this was sort of depressing. I was hoping to find some entertaining unintelligent posts similar to what ran rampant on the Giants board last week. Instead I found a fan base with no hope in their team. I took no pleasure in at all. It gave me flashbacks to a few short years ago when all hope being lost was the norm for us. Well here is the link if you wanna check it out: http://thebengalsboard.com/Thread-Bengals-Bills-predictions--21186
  2. Nobody is obligated to do anything generous for anyone. What is your point? A rich person isn't obligated to give anything to charity but can still be criticized if they don't. One of the most famous Bills fans of all time was dying of cancer and as a cancer survivor, Kelly couldn't even call him to give him some inspiration? Yeah I can criticize that just as equally as Kelly decided to ignoe the situation.
  3. I think you are missing the point I was trying to make. As a person who put so much into being a fan that he made national news on several occasions, is laying there in a hospital bed trying to beat cancer, it would have been nice if Bills Hall of Fame legend who recently beat cancer went to visit him or at least made a phone call. To me there is no excuse for not at least calling the guy. Yes there are many super fans. Few rise to the level of a Pancho Billa. There is a reason why the Bills organization built the relationship they did with Ezra. One Jim Kelly , and many of you, seem to fail to recognize.
  4. REALLY??? He was president of the DFW Bills Backers (one of the largest in the country) for YEARS. He was in the news for his fanhood BEFORE 'Bills Mafia' was coined and well before he had cancer. How can you say he didnt represent Bills Mafi or Bills Fans? Pancho Billa is one of the MOST recognized Bills fans in the world. Im amazed at a lot of these responses in here. Such a lack of respect.
  5. Nobody would be appalled? That statement right there shows you are out of touch with reality. Did you see the reaction to his Nike commercial? How may people decided to burn their NIKE merchandise and call for a boycott? It was the BLACK DOLLAR that made that marketing campaign a success. You are the exact type that I refer to in my posts about Kaep. The ones who rather take blue pill over the red pill so you can live life comfortably in blissful ignorance.
  6. Here we are with another person and this BS "company time" excuse as if he were punching some clock and wasting company resources. Admit it was the cause he was fighting for and not how he went about it. If it were animal rights he was fighting for you would have no issues him "expressing his views on non-football matters" or anything else regarding it. Have some courage and be real with yourself.
  7. Fake news??????? What an ignorant statement. Go back to la la land and keep living in your clueless world.
  8. I had the privilege to know Ezra. I met him at a Bills Bar when I first moved to Dallas in 2011. His story was different as he had ZERO ties to WNY. How many fans so die hard can you say that about? He was a leader and very charismatic individual. Small in stature but huge in heart. He was a finalist in ESPN fan HOF and many similar contests. Then he caught cancer. He STILL came to Bills games sick against the advice of his doctors. He let it be known that if he didnt win the fight that instead of flowers send in school supplies and help disadvantaged children. His story got plenty national attention and he got in close with the team. Why does Jim go visit him? Cause he was a huge, well know, face of Bills Mafia, fan WHO WAS TRYING TO BEAT CANCER. Jim , the face of the franchise for years and to an extent even still today, BEAT CANCER HIMSELF. So you take a half day out your life to meet the man and inspire him to keep up the good fight. All you on here acting like Ezra was a run of mil diehard fan are clueless and your responses reek of jealousy (or at the very least ignorance). It would have made A TON of sense for Jim to make that visit, and Im sure the organization encouraged it so Im surprised Jim didn't do it.
  9. You don't see anything wrong with this man being blackballed after breaking NO LAWS and cause ZERO DISCORD in his locker room? There were NO reports of any issues amongst his teammates with this. If Kaep was kneeling to bring more attention to some rare form of Cancer would all the patriotic Americans be so upset? Or was it the issue he was bringing attention to? The one that makes white america very uncomfortable? I wish some of you people would have the balls to stand up and admit the REAL reason you are haoopy Kaep isn't playing and why you don't want him to play. Admit why you feel joy inside watching the blackballing play out as to be a message to the rest of the players to stay in your place. You can beat women, assault peopl, drink and drive, get caught with drugs etc etc but DONT EVER "disrespect" our country trying to bring attention to any of your imaginary injustices. You better make the political statement of STANDING for the flag like good boy instead of exercising Freedoms THAT DONT VIOLATE ANY LAWS OR RULES and kneeling. HAVE SOME COURAGE! Stop hiding behind the "using employers time to protest" BS cause if it was for ANIMAL RIGHTS then Kaep would still be in the league. But it was or BLACK RIGHTS and so now he is BLACK BALLED.
  10. Kaep being blackballed is simply team owners' response to white america's calling for his head. All these other excuses like ability and distraction are BOGUS. He isnt signed for fear of backlash from white america. And many of you that would be "appalled" if he was signed are the same ones using these excuses. You hide behind them as to not admit that you dont want to see him play cause you feel he disrespected your country for the sake of bringing attention to an issue you love to believe doesn't exist.
  11. I hear this argument all the time. What distraction are you speaking of? The media asking questions? This is a bogus argument at this point and Im tired of seeing it. Pure excuse.
  12. Awesome man. I fixed it. You ever consider a career in proofreading?
  13. An interesting article on exactly how it went down and what led up to that day... https://es.pn/303G7A5
  14. Looks like he has on dress shoes too.
  15. He was talking to his wife I believe
  16. You only give up a 1st for an older player if you feel like that player puts you in Superbowl contention. With his talent and our situation I would give up 2nd rounder but because of injury history a 3rd at best or maybe a 4th and Zay Jones (who needs a change of scenery)
  17. I coulda made that pass
  18. Josh Allen > Baker Mayfield
  19. Kenyon Drake is next. Never quite seen a team wanna get rid of all their YOUNG talented players for a rebuild. I feel bad for whatever QB they do pick. That feller is being setup to fail.
  20. Wow that has to be the largest point spread in a long time.
  21. Are you not on to Buffalo's own Benny The Butcher? He is with Griselda Records who signed a deal with Eminem and recently a management deal with Jay-Z. They bring back the 90's sound. Listen to his two latest albums 'Tana Talk 3' and 'Plugs I Met' for starters. He has songs with alot of legends. Also with Griselda is Benny's cousins Conway and Westside Gunn. They are dope as well but Benny is the best lyricist.
  22. I grew up with his son of the same name. That is a real government name. Some seem to think its a Pimp nickname. I knew his dad was into some things he shouldnt have been but reading all of this is shocking.
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