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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. The days of division games being our most interesting match ups are over. Now it's the top teams in our conference!
  2. Not sure what to think of the tweet. I guess it's not a big deal that he is calling someone lucky to have dinner with him but to say the flight is on you and dinner on him in the hashtags... I guess that estimated million dollar signing bonus isn't enough to cover a flight...?
  3. Wow...would be hard for Farve to deny knowing something was wrong for him to receive over a million dollars for events he never showed for. That is unless they had him do something else as a guise for the reasoning behind the payments. Hopefully he is truly innocent in all this. Would be a huge damper on his reputation if not.
  4. You would think he knows better than that. As an employee of the Buffalo Bills he shouldn't even want a question like that answered on his show by our own front office. It also was annoying how he would take like 90 seconds to articulate some of his questions...smh
  5. Not about to get into an OJ debate. But will make this one statement: You don't remove a guy who was found not guilty...period. Some even make great arguments that you don't remove players cause of what they do later in their lives regardless what it is. He was one of the greatest bills players ever and should remain.
  6. I gotta assume they didn't know of this rule. But I'm not sure what's worse...them not knowing about a rule that was just emphasized in a memo LAST WEEK, or, them knowing about the rule but being foolish enough to tell on themselves while bragging about how they stuck it to the Panthers.
  7. Are you ok with some things that aren't exactly grammatically correct being widely accepted to the point professors in college wouldn't even point out the "mistake" cause that's what's happening. Do you also freak out when slang gets added to the dictionary and becomes actual English? Are you infuriated that "ain't" is a real word?
  8. Other teams will now know to double Diggs and not throw Josh Norman's way...he should just shut his mouth!!!
  9. Oh ok so one game...LETS GO WITH FROMM! Smh
  10. What are you basing this off of?
  11. Moss looked happy...his family, on the other hand?
  12. Very simple....he is very experienced, reliable and an UPGRADE...so what he is past his prime....sign em
  13. You make great points. It has always amazed me how so many fans seem to put little value in the kicker as if a good one comes a dime a dozen. It's just as hard to find a great kicker as it is a great QB. And these guys often end up becoming the leading scorer for their respective franchises. Great post...just hope he is the real deal...
  14. Nice find. I see that hurdle has been in his bag since a kid.
  15. Or maybe we should put the one big point you are MISSING on a milk carton. Josh finished as the least accurate QB both his years in the league. It sounds bad trying to make excuses for that. He needs to work improving that vs hoping for better luck.
  16. Ok so let me get this straight...we draft a falling rookie prospect in the 2nd round and he is supposed to replace 3 receivers on our team. Got it...
  17. Never got why people hate Booger so much (besides the terrible nickname). He is one of the he more knowledgeable guys on broadcasting and articulates it well imo. I think all he needs is polish. Would love to hear the reasons you want Booger out of the job. I always see people bad talk him but rarely hear any reasons of substance
  18. Cam's health is a huge question mark. People who actually pay attention would know that when he was healthy he was still top 10-15 QB material EASILY. With that said, Beane wouldnt look to add any QB who isnt ok with being a backup. This is such a non story because no team who believes on their current starter would consider Cam. ALL other teams would if they knew he was 100%. His asking price will be a huge factor for most teams willing to roll the dice. It most certainly will end up being a 1 or 2 year deal mid starter price range with incentives to make him a top 5 paid QB if he balls out and hits on all his performance bonuses.
  19. Epic fail on the announcers behalf to mention their relationship in college but not the pros.
  20. Of course he is bummed. Defenses can now key in on him more. I think this quote from Thielen is more of the story here: "I have so much respect for him of how hard he works, how he approaches the game of football,'' Thielen said. "I've learned so much from him as far as a receiver, how to run routes, different things like that. ... We've talked since he got traded. ... He is one of my good friends and will be for the rest of our lives.'' He can improve or WR corp by not only forcing double teams but also refining their individual games. Im PISSED their is no offseason for the boys to get together but looking forward to this year and beyond for the Diggs effect to to fully bloom. Just need Josh to play to his full potential and we are def going to be contenders for years to come.
  21. Top 3 players on new teams...thats all that is. Always huge money in jersey sales when a top player changes teams.
  22. You quoted my response in defense of the person I was replying to. If you don't feel how he does then why defend it? Manning up in this context means to stop pussyfooting around your real reason you have a stance on something and get to the real reason. The person I originally replied to, as well as a slew of others support the blackballing of players for protesting, in a way that broke no company rules (dont play that BS "on the employers time" card when no rules were broken). They (and YOU if you agree with them) are the epitome of anti-american values but masquerade around as patriots. Ohhh the hypocrisy of it all...smh.
  23. So he shouldnt play in the league again because of what? Try to be honest. Thats all i ask from your type. Be proud of what you believe in and stop masking it. Man up.
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