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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. Exactly what I was thinking! Let him get his feet wet (or frozen 🥶) today then give him a game off next week when we don’t need him as much and let him come back against the bengals off two weeks rest and two weeks of top slot reps in practice.
  2. If we call up Cole for this one…which of the last 3 games does he sit out? If he only plays in 3 instead of all 4 of the last games, he can stay on the PS all playoffs…
  3. Ever? Yes. Not sure about this season though.
  4. I don’t get why almost every call isn’t reviewable. Coaches still have a limit of how many can be called and it still costs a timeout when they are wrong. Let’s say increasing the amount of challengeable calls results in an average of 2 more challenge per game. That would result in an additional 5-7 minutes of game time. Is this not worth getting things right???
  5. Stevenson got cut again. This time for good.
  6. Hmmm…🏆 oh and my Stevenson take has aged like fine wine 🤌🏾
  7. Crazy how some fans refuse to consider that fact he’s playing on a bum ankle. He actually gets open a lot when you consider that fact. When healthy he is a top caliber #2 and has proven that.
  8. Doesn’t Tampa still own his rights 🤔
  9. Motor was #1 in the league his rookie year.
  10. He doesn’t come off as being sober…I really think he may have a substance abuse issue.
  11. what was going to happen after his sentence was over?
  12. so if he was traded for the ex Marine instead of Griner you’d still be outraged?
  13. Geesh! I see people show their true colors over here in PPP! A lot of racist folks in this board. I can tell some are subconsciously racist and would defend themselves to the end of time claiming they view all races equally. The truth is clear in your viewpoints and arguments. Anyway, getting locked up for 10 years for traces of cannabis oil is not the same as being a spy. Also one was a criminal in the US and the other wasn’t. Grindr can and will do much more for people in American than Whalen would have ever done. For you racist bastards….is a white man locked up all you see or are you really assessing who is actual the more valuable human being in regards of what they can do for fellow American citizens? Having under a gram of cannabis oil, kneeling in protest of systemic racism, plus being gay and black makes her less valuable than a criminally convicted dishonorably discharged marine??
  14. He doesn’t even shine in preseason, has shown terrible instincts in the opportunities he has gotten and doesn’t play as fast as you’d think given his 40 time. Add in his inability to stay healthy and all of it adds up to a guy who won’t ever be productive in this league. HOWEVER, he makes for a decent scout team guy so I guess worth a PS spot.
  15. which is crazy considering he is a PS player as well. Kinda bush league.
  16. Yeah he’ll likely end up on a practice squad but the Bills have given up on him. I just don’t see him making it in the league.
  17. Out of the league. His time has run it’s course. He just isn’t an NFL player.
  18. How does almost the exact same script play out in back to back prime time games like this??? Two 17-16 games where a team who managed to only score 3 points the whole game til the last 4-5 minutes then pulls off back to back TDs to win with seconds left. I’m back to back prime time games tho. A statistical anomaly for sure.
  19. Has anyone ever seen an ACL reported two weeks after a game???
  20. Imo… The girl was slutted out. Came home late, drunk and marked up from being choked and hair pulled…and needed an excuse for her parents. It never set right with her story of getting raped for an hour while her friends waited for things to finish up.
  21. Cowgirls fan doctor hatin on us??? Tore his ACL during the surgery??? 🤔
  22. What happened to the MRI showing it wasn’t his ACL?!?
  23. But it’s not even supposed to snow 🤷🏾‍♂️
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