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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. Broncos will beat the Chiefs next week. Calling it now.
  2. Baker > Tua > Wilson
  3. 5 INTs all year 3 INTs last 3 possessions! CHOKE JOB!!!
  4. Just draft one in the late 2nd or 3rd like we always do 🤷🏾‍♂️ can’t afford to pay another one after we spent on Hines. Too many other more important players to take care of right now.
  5. Probably already stated but Josh made up this nickname for him in preseason. Cook wasn’t a fan but he was just a stupid rookie and had no say in it 😂 This is not a nickname he had before.
  6. And Josh has beaten another NFL franchise! Colts Bucs Eagles Cardinals I believe are the only teams left that he hasn’t beaten. There was a thread on it but I can’t find it!
  7. 15/23 for 119 yards passing 7 rushes for 11 yards How those nerves doin???
  8. Didn’t that drop end up helping us somehow? I’m bunkered down in the blizzard drunk right now and can’t remember exactly how. Pretty sure it’s related to draft position and who we ended up getting…
  9. 😂🤣😂 So they bought Josh a Matt Barkley Cameo for Christmas!! That’s hilarious!!!! Btw if anyone else wants to order a loved one a Matt Barkley Cameo for Christmas here’s the link…it’s just $99 https://www.cameo.com/mattbarkley
  10. Same as when he was a Viking. He just wants to win. He only gets upset when we are struggling on offense and he isn’t getting targeted. I wouldn’t call that a Diva.
  11. Still shocked he’s not even an alternate unless he got eliminated for consideration after the season ending injury was announced.
  12. Smh @ no Milano. What a disgrace.
  13. Is this what we used to sound like complaining about the refs during the drought years?!? Sheesh 🙄
  14. https://www.wivb.com/bills-mafia-buffalo-fans/superman-josh-allen-sign-erected-in-buffalo/amp/ Gotta love the Mafia! Not so sure this will survive the storm tho 😬
  15. Has to suck to get benched for the season twice in one season 😬 Time for Matt Ryan to hang em up. I coulda swore I heard reports like two years ago he was retiring then next thing I knew he was back. Maybe I’m trippin 🤔
  16. Geez they were hard on our former punter Haak weren’t they??? What a blessing in disguise that we let him go despite the circumstances (which many weren’t happy about at the time) what an upgrade. Best punting we’ve seen since Moorman!
  17. Lol…all that over a great flop by Allen. Allen felt a little contact after he was out of bounds and went down to draw the flag. The Dolphins defender didn’t knock Josh down. He made very little contact. I also love how Josh didn’t admit to the flop when asked after the game. He doesn’t want the refs feeling like he played them for obvious reasons.
  18. My buddy who I graduated from Hutch Tech with did the same thing but he stole from a clothing store at the Galleria Mall. Got busted but ran and got away. Had his Tech High jersey on cause we had a game the next day 🤦🏾‍♂️ He dropped the clothes before running so they let him off the hook but how silly was that?!?
  19. Nicest fans I’ve ever encountered at an away game. And I’ve been there twice in the last two years
  20. With his reliable hands and ability to make contested catches…he is definitely underutilized. He can’t block so not a good fit for the new system there . IIRC they tried to trade him before the season. Knox is better overall cause he’s a good blocker but strictly being a receiving threat Gesicki would be a MONSTER in our offense.
  21. I like Mandalorian…really who he reminds me of…however I can get why it isn’t the best nickname. I like the one namers….GOATS don’t really go by nicknames for the most part. Even the MJ nick name was Air Jordan…who really calls him that? My vote would be “Josh”
  22. I’ll pass. I get annoyed watching Warner break down Josh. Give me Baldy all day tho!
  23. He will be extended this offseason
  24. Was keeping Kumerow really worth losing Hodgins? Our special teams seem just fine without him. Zero chance we ever get him back now.
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