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  1. I would disagree if their allegations are true. If he was speeding and overweight then that’s an issue. I get speeding could mean 1 mile over so that depends on what speed he was doing. Anything above 5 over and he deserves to be sued. Your speed directly determines how fast you can slow the vehicle. The “driving carelessly” accusation is interesting. Would need to hear how they arrived at that conclusion.
  2. Average LTs don't play in multiple pro bowls. Only 4 go per season. Besides that, anyone who knows football can clearly see his total body of work shows he's above average. Elite? No. But definitely better than average.
  3. It's preseason for everyone.
  4. He was going straight and clearly has the right away over a car making a turn. My first and only accident happened like this when I was 16. A car made a left right j front of me...I had no time to stop. Ruled their fault as I had the right of way. Saying you should be able to come.to a complete stop to avoid a car cutting in front of you is ridiculous.
  5. Is it cause he felt he was a Shell of himself? 🤔
  6. Still defending lying deceitful people…smh…some people don’t understand morals and integrity or just don’t care about it….you’re one of those people.
  7. You people defending this sound pathetic. Tricking an 18 year old into signing away his name in likeness to take advantage of him is fould and lacks integrity. Assuming he doesn't make it into the league without them is also pathetic. You act like to heir was no chance honest people could have taken him in. Blind assumption there. It's clear they took him in to make money. Lying about the adoption part shows they are scumbags. For them not to give him any money off the story is pathetic. He should have had a built in percentage like an honorable person would make sure of if you truly love them. Acting as if he shouldn't care about all the lies, deception and greed cause they used him is pathetic as well. They most likely don't take him in if he wasn't a freak athlete. I just hate seeing scumbags be defended.
  8. So be it. Wouldn’t feel like a loss. This system doesn’t seem to be for him. He’s played too many games to look this bad at this point in the preseason. I don’t expect to see noticeable improvement over the next couple weeks. And if there is a market for him Beane should be dangling him for a 7th just to see if he can get a bite.
  9. Yeah…to the practice squad he goes. I’d actually prefer we go with someone else altogether for PS tho. I’m sure a better prospect will get cut from another team.
  10. Don't remove just replace it with Bills Mafia in the new stadium. Our fanbase is not the 12th man anymore and BM deserves a spot on the wall. Simple.
  11. Credit to Facebook page "Second Take" for the info. Nice to see our beloved team is tied for least amount of players getting into legal trouble. This list also shows that at least in the last quarter century or so, Cowboys and Raiders have gotten a bad wrap. Although I do agree they are more willing than most teams to sign players AFTER they have gotten in legal trouble but those players have not reoffended for the most part.
  12. Doesn’t mean much but it does mean something. My takeaways: 1. I feel like CB2 by platoon will actually be a thing 2. Still confused how Spector ended up out of the race after reports of that great day he had. I’m fine with it tho. I think Dodson wins it. 3. Shane Ray and Isabella will be PS targets and have little to no chance of making final 53. They are perfect guys to maybe eventually earn a spot from showing durability and consistency on scout teams. They’ve had their opportunities to make it in the league already and shouldn’t put these younger guys with unknown ceilings in harms way of being claimed. 4. I think Hamlin makes the final 53. Cam Lewis will be primarily backing up Taron but available at safety in a pinch. Marlowe will not unseat Hamlin.
  13. I disagree. He would have went on the exempt list. Thats what is was created for, so players get barred from playing while letting due process play out. As long as he was off the field and away from the team the public would have been fine.
  14. I cant see this unless he wins the return jobs and is a Hines replacement. He wont be kept over Shorter. There are clear concerns about Isabella's ceiling at WR and Shorter is still an unknown with great potential.
  15. I think the Punt God situation played a factor in this as well. Would've been nice to be able to put him on the exempt list!
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