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Everything posted by Plano

  1. he'll get his. I see broken bones sticking out of his skin in the future. and we can all just sit there and laugh as he cries.
  2. cant he just get her a lifetime supply of hair extensions and nail appointments along with some applebees gift cards and call it a day?
  3. You're* And of course I'm being sarcastic. He's good, not the best, though. He's asking for a beatdown if you ask me.
  4. Literally no idea who Jalen Ramsey is.
  5. We should all post photos of our own beach bodies to compare. Personally, I'm in much better shape, and definitely look better without a shirt. But I also suck at football and don't have near the $/fame/status that he does. Believe me, I'd trade it all to be in his shoes. In a flash. You don't need to be Hulk Hogan to be a great football player. Can you dig it, brother?
  6. does anyone actually even watch ESPN anymore?
  7. I now live in Fort Lauderdale myself. I can agree with the comments stating that the Dolphins fans are harmless. Most don't really even care about football, it seems. You'll be in good company when there, plenty of Bills fans. If you are tailgating, of course bring your gear and go nuts, but if you are just going to the game and want to dodge the parking fee, I have a hack for you. Park next door at the Calder Casino and walk over, free parking. Some people even halfway tailgate in the parking lot there (discretely), go inside and have clean restrooms, etc too. If you need any recommendations while down here, feel free to reach out. Always glad to help.
  8. *insert crappy player who wasn't on the list* C'MON THIS LIST IS BOGUS
  9. I just came here to point out the switcheroo on your and you're in the title. .
  10. Me: Eric Moulds, Mario Williams, Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas Wife: Poz, Spiller, Kelly,
  11. I give him 1 pass and if it's incomplete, I'm getting drunk and throwing myself through a flaming table.
  12. I was just in Dallas Tuesday on business and stayed at the Omni Dallas and the place is HUGE and it was rocking with people there for the Draft, Dallas is swarmed with people right now, the draft is going to be jam packed.
  13. no you were just a dumb kid, nothing special about you.
  14. if your internet is good, it's just like watching satellite.
  16. agreed, would be an extremely low risk high reward if he pans out. How much could he possibly be demanding right now? Worth a shot IMO.
  17. They'll be eliminated, they shouldn't have even made the tournament
  18. BRIDGE......under troubled water? Moore god no
  19. Rhode Island will win, take them, you can count on it.
  20. You can enter as many times as you want, for $20 an entry.
  21. I use darts to pick my teams, I'm not sure how you do it!
  22. I've done this for several years, I run it in my office and I then spread it out throughout my friends and then the message board. I used to do it on BBMB.com, however, I'm here now. If anyone is interested, feel free to drop me a line. Had approx 70 entrants last year. $20 total buy in. $15 of that going to the bracket pool (paying top 3), $5 of that going to a squares pool for the NCAA Championship Game. I pay out @ 10 minute mark, halftime, 10 minute mark, final score. If any of you BBMB'ers who are here remember this, join in! The more the merrier.
  23. am I the only person who doesn't think he's actually that good? Sure he's better than Tyrod, but not THAT much better.
  24. There's just one we need that will take us to the promised land. Donnie Crum - QB - Bacone College. Will definitely go UDFA, but is the purest pocket passer since Joe Montana and can throw the ball 80 yards in the air. Measurements are 6'8" 272 pounds and drinks diesel for breakfast.
  25. Jerry Ostroski. Former Olineman for our Bills. When I was a kid, my dad and I were in Oklahoma at a small BBQ restaurant and saw a large guy wearing a Bills cap, so we of course said "GO BILLS" and the guy was kind of taken aback, and then said "Hi, I'm Jerry Ostroski, I PLAY for the buffalo bills". We took a photo together and he signed our check lol. Nice guy, and a MOUNTAIN of a man. I bet that BBQ joint loved having him there, his tab probably paid for their electricity bill that month!
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