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Everything posted by Plano

  1. absolutely. He should have rammed a knee so far into gronks kidney that he'd be pissing blood for a month.
  2. Honestly, I won't be shocked if an official gets seriously injured by a player sometime soon. The officials need to be INVISIBLE in games unless the penalty is blatantly obvious. They ruin the flow of the game, now they insult players, what's next? Only a matter of time before a player takes their helmet off and swings it over an officials head when he's making a bogus call.
  3. Really? Mike Williams is the one who caught my eye last night.
  4. Like his (dumb teammate (former teammate, I suppose) Tyreek Hill
  5. Solid gold You are the wiz! and Noooooooooooooooooooobody beats you!
  6. Hopefully that's her last time in a hotel room with an NFL player. But, I doubt it.
  7. I thought he was going for the hulk hogan leg drop myself
  8. I don't condone his actions. But...c'mon. She was NOT there just to hang out. She should value herself more than hanging out with idiots like that in a hotel room. WTF did she think she was invited to the room ?
  9. She wasn't just there for the free food and booze. Don't hang out with idiots and these things do not happen. But hey, ho's gonna ho.
  10. I mean, for a flash of a second, I kind of thought it. hahaaha
  11. solid gold too bad his helmet was still on
  12. I live about 2 minutes from Shooters in FTL. It's a lot of fun you are right!
  13. I think we get it. Andrew luck is not done. / thread.
  14. 0-0 tie, sticking with it.
  15. put him on any other team and he's literally never heard of. He should thank his lucky stars that he has Tom Brady throwing to him. He would not even make an NFL roster without Brady. He's a skinny douche with almost no muscle mass. I've been in the same room as him before and I looked like more of an NFL player than he did. He's tiny.
  16. would not watch the nfl anymore. simple, really.
  17. the next person that says "SOURCES?!?!!?#!#!# OMGGG PLEASE GIMME SOURRRRRRRRRCES" needs to have their toilet upper-decked. what you need to do is just google it if you don't believe it instead of sounding like a huge douche asking for sources
  18. pics or it's not true.
  19. The NFL should look up the term "GRAVITY". It may make them realize that the updated roughing the passer rule that has been implemented is, in fact completely moronic. If a player was fined, I would imagine the NFL would LOSE in court if it was appealed. You can't stop your bodyweight from falling into someone if you are chasing them trying to tackle them to help out your team, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.
  20. Brendan's Sports Bar 868 S Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33062 It is a Bills Backers Bar. Just a hair north of the Fort Lauderdale border.
  21. *an idiot
  22. I was laughing to myself earlier thinking about this scenario. Trade back for him, give them a 3rd! JUST SEND HELP!
  23. The roster now stands at 53. I guess they really wanted Schmidt to get the Schmidt outta town! Ryan Lewis, not bad!
  24. Saying he's wrong about him before a single regular season snap? Silly. I hope Allen is the next coming of JK12, I truly do, but it's only preseason. Let's see what happens before we anoint him the next savior.
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