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Everything posted by Plano

  1. It's not "racist again", he's always been a racist. Shown that through his character his entire life. NEXT. You will lose. Your brain capacity is pathetic if you still blindly follow this twit, so you are doomed if you dare to go toe to toe with me. Sit down and shut up
  2. Tax deducted at source? yeah, makes total sense. *fart noise inserted here*
  3. Are you blind or just plain stupid? If you don't think the things that he has done/said are racist you must be. Pocahontas? Nah, normal to call someone of Native American origin that. How about this? "I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes.... Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else... Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that's guy's lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks." "Shithole countries" Do I need to go on? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump for your reading pleasure. I'm sure you'll squeal "fake news". But as a Jewish individual that he just spoke out against yesterday, he just all but sealed his fate with that comment. He must know who runs the country, right? His BANKRUPTCY lawyers, accountants, media, etc. He's a moron who absolutely has zero business being in office, and if you can't see that...well, you're blind to the facts.
  4. Sounds just like someone we all know. The big orange racist moron in the white house.
  5. Zeke either waits or gets traded ASAP for a 1st. Wanna sit? Have fun playing for another team. Dak? Please. Give him a reasonable contract and if he balks, SEE YA. He's not that good and he knows it, trying to cash in now. Amari Cooper. PAY THE MAN. Gamechanger on the offense. Zeke is like 12 years old, a couple of good seasons, you signed a contract, you either deal with it or GTFO. Simple as that. Dak, better make the $ while you can because you're a perennial backup in this league at best.
  6. Kyler Murray is going to be throwing the ball into the backs of his O-line. Guy is the size of a middle schooler. NEXT
  7. flick the cop a $50 and move on.
  8. First carry will be his last. He'll throw the ball into the stands and run off, screaming all the way into the locker room.
  9. the answer to your question is: no, lunger! You can't be logged in on2 separate devices with the streaming option. The only way it can works if someone is watching it on their tv/satellite account like normal on tv and then someone else is streaming, that'll work.
  10. pm me i have an arrangement for you
  11. For a QB who isn't very good? Let the cowgirls pay it, he's just not worth it. He'll flame out and be a backup somewhere in a few years. He's smart to want money now, as his skillset is NOT worth it and if someone is dumb enough to pay it, let them.
  12. just cut him and be done with it, he's glass
  13. I ***** knew I should have been a sports agent.
  14. orrrr....literal means exactly what I think it means. letter for letter...it's simple, really. now buzz off
  15. If by animal you mean he's a blubber filled whale and by off the charts you mean he can't even register a complete sentence without having a severe headache....yeah.
  16. He'll be a flop. No blaming him on wanting his $ up front. He's literal garbage with the IQ of a stencil.
  17. McFaddens had overflow next door to Calico Jacks, which I believe were owned by the same owners. However, they are both closed it appears, that's why they need to move to a new location. And everyone is right....Murray Hill bars are horrible. Bro-city, and a ton of chicks on their phones not paying attention to *****.
  18. Then he goes and does something like this..... AND TOTALLY REDEEMS HIMSELF!
  19. Nothing guaranteed, incentive laden contract ONLY with this buffoon. Watch him get arrested during contract negotiations. I'd love it.
  20. knock on wood or i am knocking you out!
  21. This x10000000. Well said, took the words right out of my mouth---err fingertips. Honestly, the guy is a moron scumbag. Maybe be a model citizen and hold out, don't be a complete waste of life and expect a team to extend your contract. Sure he's a great running back, but there's just so much more to it. Also he's like 12 years old, had some good seasons, maybe become a vet and then act like this, kid.
  22. i watch every year on shared accounts (i stream, they watch on tv) for super cheap, one flat rate. not a bad way to do it. and pretty sure its legal too! lol
  23. Jerry Ostroski---A former O-lineman for our Bills. My dad and I were at a bbq restaurant and we see this absolute "WALL" of a human having lunch, wearing a bills cap, we say go Bills! And he says hey kid, come here, introduces himself as Jerry Ostroski--a current bills player-- and we take a photo with him and he signed a piece of paper for us. He said he protects the Quarterback (JK at the time), pretty cool. I wasn't as good with faces and what not as I am now, but I remember him being a gigantic human being and very nice.
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