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Everything posted by Plano

  1. except Kaep is actually intelligent.
  2. I can't argue with that. The reliability is less than stellar, that's for sure. I think we're just rolling with the best possible "guesses" at this point, which is absolutely frustrating. Hoping for a bigtime breakthrough coming soon. This has to end.
  3. Witch Hunt? Who exactly is the witch being hunted? This is global
  4. theyre cutting cam newton in order to free up space
  5. my mistake, I was not aware. I rarely watch ESPN, I was misinformed. Thank you for the clarification.
  6. you realize that is...more money, right? 4 years at the same rate you'd get for 5 years? 4 years @full rate=more money annually 5 years@full rate=less money annually
  7. I'll say it again. DAK IS NOT GOOD. Dallas is the laughing stock of the NFL for even entertaining his "demands" and offering him this. He is also a complete moron for turning this down. Especially in this time, when he likely isn't even going to play this year, can get paid to sit at home at this crazy rate. But nah, he's going to turn it down and expect better elsewhere. GTFO
  8. calm yourself cletus, you can still kiss your cousin, since after all, you are married to her.
  9. LOL he sucks he is not worth this money, for the last time. He's worth about 50k and an unlimited car wash package.
  10. You make sure the officer's credit card debt gets wiped clean somehow with the flick of a wrist.
  11. It would be worth it just to see the reactions of the anti-kneeling crowd. Would be comedic gold. BUH GAWD NOT ON MY WATCH
  12. can *clap* we *clap* stop *clap* this *clap* already *clap*
  13. can the season just start already, i can't take much more of these threads
  14. Does anyone actually care anymore? Let's just move on.
  15. hard no. He's not even discussed as one of the top backs in the league. Maybe when he starts producing he can act that way, who does he think he is, Dak?
  16. can we stop? dak *clap* is *clap* not *clap* good *clap*
  17. okay so lets move on. It's not diggs...read that like 24 times. the real question is...where in florida are they practicing?
  18. still should have flicked them a stack or two. Really would have made the problem go away.
  19. still unsure as to why he didn't flick the cop a stack of $. cop probably trying to make a name for himself. yawn
  20. kind of hard to knock a neanderthal out cold is the issue. Not enough brain in there to get joggled around. Now, breaking a bone of his was a more realistic option. Someone should have missle-tackled his knee.
  21. sorry you have a man-crush on him. It's the truth. He's not that good. He is getting over-valued. I could name 20 QB's I'd rather have over him. one of them is his current backup. Dak is whack
  22. 1? even if it's 2, big deal. Dak is a joke. next. He's a backup at best
  23. HE *clap* ISN'T *clap* THAT *clap* GOOD god, Dallas is dumb. do they enjoy being middle of the pack year after year? Dak is average, an AVERAGE QB....my god, how stupid. oh well, better for the rest of the league.
  24. literally doesn't matter. flick the cop a stack or two and this kind of stuff goes away.
  25. hes already got the dad bod working, but hey he's our dad bod!
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