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Everything posted by Plano

  1. why don;'t you just wear a KKK costume for halloween, I'm sure you're ready to dust that old thing off
  2. FIFY
  3. BUH GAWD DONT TRED ON MUH AUTHORITAH is what i just heard from you
  4. so are you implying that the democrats will have a blue wave this election year and the red swamp will be drained? womp
  5. rbg rolling in her grave
  6. nope, no thoughts at all. clearly just likes spamming youtube videos and being a trumpbot.
  7. lmao. West Virginia & Kentucky. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW
  8. the "poor boys" are crying all over twitter right now. "BUH GAWD MY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE IS 4X HIGHER NOW THAN WHAT IT WAS UNDER OBUMMER"
  9. fine, we'll call them cletus' then, better!?
  10. you're right, cletus! amazing you're still backing this fraud. I'm a registered republican too, so I'm not "the BUH GAWD LEFT" Trump is a ***** cancer, man. Sorry to say it. I'd vote for a paper cup over his dumb ass.
  11. It's hysterical they can't take namecalling when LITERALLY THATS ALL TAHT DRUMPF DOES. Examples: pocahontas sleepy joe crooked hillary china virus etc My god the irony.
  12. uh, ya he was. /youraccount
  13. You realize good ol' Rudy was just caught on film, right? By BORAT of all people lol. Also, Trump was besties with Epstein, need I say more? Jesus Christ. Oh, and Hunter isn't running for president, who gives a *****. Trump and Biden both suck tremendously as candidate choices. I'll still choose Biden 100x/100 over Trump. It's not hard, really.
  14. are your knuckles all kinds of scraped up? they must drag on the ground, amirite?
  15. Cletus, we're in the USA, not those countries, supposed to be accepting of all. That's the entire point of this ***** country. We accept ignorant imbeciles like you, so why not gay marriage? Who's with me!
  16. Pervs perv together. After she removes his microphone, Giuliani, 76, can be seen lying back on the bed, fiddling with his untucked shirt and reaching into his trousers. They are then interrupted by Borat who runs in and says: “She’s 15. She’s too old for you.” Literal solid gold
  17. you honestly think people give a *****? Hunter Biden isn't running for president. /thread /trump
  18. isn't QBR and QB Rating the same thing?
  19. tell that to the guy who nearly blew out his achilles when jumping into the endzone unabated. NEXT
  20. He's a bottom 5 QB in the league, however a decent game manager. Limited athletically, but the team likes him so that's cool.
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