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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. loved Frank Herberts's book. though there were some great character portrayals in the first movie i wasn't crazy about it, it strayed too far from the book. to be fair, the technology wasn't exactly where it needed to be to allow for a better movie, hopefully this second one is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9xhJrPXop4
  2. seems your brethren are up to no good. https://twitter.com/KatieDaviscourt/status/1303957855242911744 https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1304180876075397120 https://twitter.com/PJR4Senate/status/1303592773715546114 https://twitter.com/wspd1pio/status/1303828683480653824 more than likely it is Cali's Forrest management policies at the root of it.
  3. well, you finally got something right. yes, climate is changing and has been changing since the beginning of time and will continue to change until the end of time. the larger question is what degree man is having upon that change and whether or not the Lib/Prog narrative is a hoax or not.
  4. https://twitter.com/Jordan_Sather_/status/1304038852596699137
  5. Trump for 900 more years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so there's that, idiot.
  6. the Left would rather burn it all down than to see the majority rule. 50 Day White House Siege to Start on September 17 ANTIFA and BLM have hidden under the statement “peaceful protests” when their demonstrations have been anything but. ANTIFA and BLM have found comrades in the Democratic party and the Media and they are refusing to call them out for what they clearly are-domestic terrorists. Former CBS reporter Lara Logan found what they are actually planning: a 50-day siege of the White House. It will start on September 17th and go all through Election Day on November 3rd. ... https://twitter.com/laralogan/status/1302059001409146882 "50 Day Siege on The White House" starts Sept. 17 A group calling itself "Blackspot Collective" is publicizing its effort to begin a 50 day anti-Trump "siege" on the White House beginning September 17. The group says the start date is designed to coordinate with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The website for the group indicates it is anti-capitalist. It seeks to coordinate with other movements such was Black Lives Matter for the common goal uniting "against the scourge of capitalism." Among its stated goals: "reverse the upward flow of wealth" and "punish every corporation that betrays the public trust." Also, the group says it will "not let Donald Trump steal this election" and discusses how to remove him from the White House, physically if necessary, after November 3. You can read more about the effort, including the group's "Manifesto," by visiting the website at the end of this article. ... ... https://www.adbusters.org/campaigns/whitehousesiege-tactical-briefing-2
  7. it should be a felony to destroy evidence/government documentation.
  8. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1302776151178383361
  9. okay so i did a Google search and found the video of her press conference. in it, she uses the linguistic, 'elders', though WHAM said 'senior citizens' (same same?). the reference begins at roughly the 3:10 mark of the video in the link. https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/local-news/watch-live-mayor-warren-and-chief-singletary-to-make-announcement-after-weekend-full-of-protests/
  10. i swear i heard it on a 'breaking news' segment on WHAM 1180 about 2 hours ago. it should be being reported in a Google search or even the news.
  11. not long ago today, i heard on the radio that our illustrious mayor, Lovely A Warren has concieved a brillant plan to stem the violence of the protests/riots. it is so freaking brillant and obvious that i am surprised that no one has previously suggested such. are you ready for this... she wants to put senior citizens between the police and the protesters/rioters. sheer brilliance! i mean... what could go wrong?? 🤡
  12. dunno if it's true or not but on the off hand chance it is... https://twitter.com/AmericaTalks/status/1302068542553100288
  13. I don't disagree. just that with our history, it seems like a good opportunity for the evil to seize upon the historical aspects here.
  14. in the past Rochester has been a hub for civil rights activists, i'm surprised it took this long to begin.
  15. you libs... when you constantly lose to the teleprompter, well... https://twitter.com/SteveGuest/status/1301935491726684161
  16. grain of salt and all that... https://twitter.com/Kredo0/status/1302034205577302016
  17. or.. you know, stop crying to mommy, right wZ?
  18. Josh's first 300 yard game, book it.
  19. not accurate.
  20. so wha.... 30 days wasn't enough? 😄
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