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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. again, one might want to keep an eye on this one... https://twitter.com/HNIJohnMiller/status/1305904536574361600
  2. never said anything about the posted limit, only that it was reduced during certain periods.
  3. not positive but I think the reduced speed limit only applies when school is in session or a school activity is in progress.
  4. you might want to pay attention to this one... https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1305487258036781056
  5. it's okay. EiL is from Jupiter.
  6. thanks.
  7. this weeks liberal cry. https://twitter.com/TimMurtaugh/status/1305335353411350528
  8. like most here, i loved Allen's game yesterday. there is no question that he has come a long way from when he entered the league to where he is today. just a note of caution though, this was the first game of a unprecedented off season. one where there were no preseason games and teams with not a whole lot of continuity are going to have initial pains getting into their groove. that being said, the talent difference out there on the field yesterday was stark. if not for the few miscues we had (though to be fair, every team has them), it would have been over at the half. give it a month, we will have a better idea what level we are at after the Dolphins, Rams and Raiders games and for sure will know where we are after the Titans and Chiefs games. additionally, i think an argument could be made for Josh's fumbles counting against his passer rating. which i think is partly what ESPN's QBR does. he was 13th in the league yesterday at 71.2. with 4 QB's still to be evaluated tonight, he is middle of the pack either way at this point.
  9. Google's cached page is a 404. so they must have pulled that as well. conspiracies abound... interesting article though. one @4merper4mer would like.
  10. absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
  11. zebra deleted his own thread and is trying to start *****, nothing new.
  12. https://youtu.be/AZGcmvrTX9M
  13. i thought he did a good job with Interstellar.
  14. please stop your strawmen in every single ***** thread. just stop being that guy.
  15. i would nominate you, Kay. however, i like you too much to wish or inflict the thanklessness that comes with that job. since this threads creation (regardless of where you stand in the political spectrum) there has been a positive change within this sub. once again, self moderation is proving that it can and does work. oft times the best solution is no solution. game day baby!! Let's Go Buffalo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. this really isn't the proper thread for this, being as it is really Covid inspired but i didn't want to start a new thread. however at some point in the near future, we may need a new thread dedicated to the economic effects of Covid. is hyperinflation beginning to take hold? generally your commodities fluctuate on a pretty wide price scale, however what i experienced this past week with dimensional lumber could more than likely be qualified as Covid inspired hyperinflation. i dunno, about two/three weeks ago i payed the standard price for a 2x4x8 piece of SPF, roughly $3.30 a stick. i think it was Wednesday that sticker shock bit me as the price now is $ 6.57 a stick or 100% higher than just a few weeks ago. earlier this year, as the Covid was blossoming into full swing, mills across the country shut down. resulting in a lumber shortage, especially in pressure treated lumber. in the Spring, this is a big deal with decks looking to get built. slowly the mills came back online and it is now to the point where, while one supplier might not have the exact dimensional size you need, due to demand, you can probably find what you need somewhere in town. that the mills came back online without a noticeable price rise was somewhat odd but welcomed. the delayed effect of the rise, though shocking in it's magnitude, is not completely unexpected. the ripples of this are just beginning, the price of all things construction is going to rise dramatically, including new home construction. hang tight and stay frosty.
  17. you just love your strawmen.
  18. it would seem a reasonable hypothesis, that she was part of the 'filter' team. hopefully, we find out soon enough.
  19. not really looking to get into a pissing match here but.... as a general rule of thumb, when a generic term is being applied, such as 'people', without delineation, it is generally accepted that it is all encompassing. outside of that, glad to know you don't agree with any and all forms of taxation.
  20. should one assume you agree with any and all taxation then?
  21. me... i'm sittin' here looking at the title before opening the thread thinkin' it's 'social justice' Bill's Backers... 😊
  22. you so racist.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I_PeLNzxNQ
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