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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i understand. because the standard flu mutates greatly, this is why a new flu vaccine is developed each and every year, to cover the expected dominate strain for that year. also, while it is generally thought that this particular coronavirus, COVID - 19 is slow to mutate, it is still possible for an unexpected wild leap, as can happen with any virus.
  2. yeah, no. your bias is becoming readily apparent. put two and two together. hint: it doesn't add up to 72.
  3. and if the virus mutates enough, herd immunity is out the window, correct?
  4. and/or if it was around since November, it could have spread to those projections. anyhoo, the paper is up for peer review, we will know what they think soon enough.
  5. so... who do you think he was referring to with, "their", in context of "their new hoax"? further put into context the other hoax's he was referring to, i think it plainly evident of just what he was saying. anything else is just plain disingenuous or an expression of cognitive dissonance.
  6. LOCK STEP: The Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Plan To Enslave the World Using Future ‘Plandemic’ The Elite’s Endgame Scenario Handbook features a pandemic, global lockdown and increased surveillance, amongst other possible solutions to decrease global population. In May of 2010, The Rockefeller Foundation, along with the Global Business Network (GBN) published “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” (pg. 18) which uses game theory to map out different scenarios that both reduce and enslave the world’s population, all under the guise of helping solve hypotheticals. Though this document states it’s simply “academic scenario planning” through philanthropic missions, the reader cannot ignore their tyrannical and totalitarian motives to enslave us all. This is, of course, after they are successful at diminishing the world’s population through different extermination techniques. Call them the Deep State, the Illuminati, the Bloodline, the Global Elite, Globalists, whatever conspiratorial title you choose, but they ARE a select few who will stop at nothing to have world control and enslave the population. They have salivated for years over pushing to this current ENDGAME scenario we see playing out before our eyes with unwavering tenacity. They don’t care if they take a few blows along the way, they have their eye on the prize and will continue full speed ahead, if we allow it. The New World Order is nothing new, and if any of you have been even remotely paying attention in the past several decades, you’re aware of the plan to roll out a One World Currency, and One World Government. “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” Lock Step In the Lock Step scenario, and speaking in past tense, they use a pandemic “unlike 2009’s H1N1” – but rather one from an influenza strain that takes out 20% of the world’s population, killing 8 million – in order to plan out the various reactions in different political, economic and industrial sectors, and the issues that might arise as the pandemic spreads. They mention deadly effects on the economy with businesses shut down for months, broken global supply chains, famine, and disease pushing citizens to BEG for government surveillance and control. ...
  7. https://twitter.com/KamVTV/status/1251194488824963081
  8. our death rate is 4.1% of confirmed cases. i'm not big in the "if" scenario but 'if' we removed the NYC stats from the equation here in the states. our death rate would be slashed by roughly a third. which would bring us down, not quite to Germany's level but pretty close. outside of the above, being we are the world leader in a great many ways, with a great many factors in that equation, that we should have rates where they are at is not completely out of the question. lastly, to lay the blame completely at the presidents feet is just not being truly genuine. the blame for whatever you wish to cast lies across the entire political spectrum of the US.
  9. you're an unequaled idiot.
  10. question... has a leader of any country done a good job? if so, who would that be.
  11. Calvert County, Maryland. Local health department suggests grocery store trips based on shoppers' last name
  12. a good article from sundance over at the CTH. explains why we quite possibly are seeing the push to reopen the economy. AG Secretary Sonny Perdue Discusses Challenges Shifting Food Supply Chains…. The U.S. economy will reopen sooner rather than later specifically because of non-discussed issues in the total U.S. food supply chain. While government officials have to be very careful in public comments, AG Secretary Sonny Perdue hinted toward the issue today during his remarks at the coronavirus task force briefing. WATCH: The issue is slightly complex; and with two months of manufactured food supply-chain stress; it is now becoming increasingly important to re-open consumer access to the fresh-food side of the aggregate supply chain (ie. restaurants, cafe’s, and food away from home). Most Americans were not aware food consumption in the U.S. was a 55/45 proposition. Approximately 55% of all food was consumed “outside the home” (or food away from home), and 45% of all food consumed was food “inside the home” (grocery shoppers). Food ‘outside the home’ included: restaurants, fast-food locales, schools, corporate cafeterias, university lunchrooms, manufacturing cafeterias, hotels, food trucks, park and amusement food sellers and many more. Many of those venues are not thought about when people evaluate the overall U.S. food delivery system; however, this network was approximately 55 percent of all food consumption on a daily basis. The ‘food away from home‘ sector has its own supply chain. Very few restaurants and venues (cited above) purchase food products from retail grocery outlets. As a result of the coronavirus mitigation effort the ‘food away from home’ sector has been reduced by 75% of daily food delivery operations. However, people still need to eat. That means retail food outlets, grocers, are seeing sales increases of 25 to 50 percent, depending on the area. •Phase One was retail. •Phase two was distribution. •Phase three was the space between processing/manufacturing and distribution. •Phase four was raw material supply to manufacturing. •Phase five is consumer packaging capacity, and bulk storage inventories. This is the phase where Secretary Sonny Perdue starts getting concerned… ♦ Phase Five – The retail consumer supply chain for manufactured and processed food products includes bulk storage to compensate for seasonality. As Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue recently noted “there are over 800 commercial and public warehouses in the continental 48 states that store frozen products.” Here is a snapshot of the food we had in storage at the end of February: over 302 million pounds of frozen butter; 1.36 billion pounds of frozen cheese; 925 million pounds of frozen chicken; over 1 billion pounds of frozen fruit; nearly 2.04 billion pounds of frozen vegetables; 491 million pounds of frozen beef; and nearly 662 million pounds of frozen pork. This bulk food storage is how the total U.S. consumer food supply ensures consistent availability even with weather impacts. As a nation we essentially stay one harvest ahead of demand by storing it and smoothing out any peak/valley shortfalls. There are a total of 175,642 commercial facilities involved in this supply-chain across the country Few Americans are aware of this. However, that stored-food-supply is the supply-chain for food manufacturers who process the ingredients into a variety of branded food products and distribute to your local supermarket. That bulk stored food, and the subsequent supply chain, is entirely separate from the commercial fresh food supply chain used by restaurants, hotels, cafeterias etc. For almost 8 weeks the retail consumer supply chain has been operating beyond capacity and the burn rate of raw food products is up a stunning 40 percent. Those bulk warehouses, the feeder pools for retail/consumer manufactured food products, are starting to run low. Believe me: (1) we don’t want to find out what happens when those 800 mass storage facilities run out; and (2) the food supply chain will be a big part of President Trump’s decision-making on reopening the economy thereby re-opening restaurants, cafeterias, etc…. and switching consumption back to fresh supply. This “bigger picture” is not being considered by politically-minded governors, DC politicians, and public health-centric advisors who focus exclusively on the virus. Additionally, there are very specific issues within each supply chain (commercial and consumer). It is not as easy as people think to move the commercial supply-chain (restaurants etc.) into the consumer supply chain (grocers). First, there are simply packaging capacity issues. Additionally, there’s an entirely different set of regulations on the processing side for the consumer supply chain. ...
  13. from the Michigan rally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b6GvszlkR0&feature=emb_logo
  14. but... i thought they were overwhelmed?
  15. yeah, you being the disingenuous poster you are accusing B-Man of being. Trump inherited a mess, much like Obama did. the reason the Obamanation's final deficit was so ,low is because he essentially gutted the military. most of Trump's rise in the deficit is because of the efforts to rebuild what the Obamanation would not do. there are other programs he has had to replenish as well. not saying i agree with MIC issues, only stating the reality on the ground. additionally, in '12 the Obamanation had a deficit of 1.2 trillion. again, stop with the disingeuiousness. we are currently living through an event that is unparalleled in history. to think that there will not be spending that is out of this world is plain partisanship, if not being just downright oblivious to events on the ground.
  16. cause he wrote the book previously?
  17. is there a tl dr; version? TYIA
  18. it goes farther than Cuomo's tweet of, "...all people MUST wear a mask or face covering in public in situations where social distancing is not possible.". you must have a mask with you at all times, even if you can socially distance, in case the situation arises where distancing is not possible.
  19. can't verify atm, so take with a grain of salt. https://twitter.com/MaybeAmes/status/1250409497287426049
  20. as a final resolution to the taping scandal, being that Brady is no longer with them, the Bengals agree to give the Patriots the first overall pick in the '20 draft. as a result, the Bengals will be allowed to remain in the NFL. however, should they ever accused the Patriots of any untoward behavoiur again, they are immediately banned for life plus.
  21. expect something similar here in the states. Coronavirus lockdowns could end in months if Australians are willing to have their movements monitored The battle against coronavirus is going hi-tech, with Australians to be asked to download a phone app that will monitor their movements — but only with their express permission. The Federal Government believes restrictions on the community could be eased in the months ahead if there's more testing, greater surveillance of those infected by the coronavirus and much faster tracing of those they've had contact with. It is developing a mobile phone app with the private sector to help monitor Australians' daily interactions. The ABC understands the app will be ready in a fortnight but the Government believes it would need at least 40 per cent of Australians to voluntarily sign up for it to be effective. The app would be opt-in only and not mandatory. ...
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