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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. ummm... would you have corroboration for this?
  2. 'twere it anyone but John McCain, i might agree. he is/was not who the propagandists portrayed him to be.
  3. and there are consequences for not representing the will of the people.
  4. oh, there is a will of the entire state, just not the one you're implying there is. Governor prepares state of emergency as Virginia counties threaten to secede
  5. and when 95% of the counties secede and join WVA because of the Dem fascist policies, what will that be?
  6. https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1251580245733449729 ' https://www.bitchute.com/video/WzUPvrEyUKzq/
  7. Doctor says coronavirus could be spreading through farts – but experts aren’t so sure Australian doctor Andy Tagg pointed out that farting could cause coronavirus after analysing a series of tests take from coronavirus patients earlier this year. He cited tests that revealed the virus was present in the faeces of 55 per cent of patients with Covid-19. And medics have previously warned farts contain tiny poo particles that can spread bacteria. Dr Tagg wrote: “Well, SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in faeces and has been detected in an asymptomatic individual up to 17 days post-exposure.” The doctor added that previous tests have shown farts have the power to spray talcum powder long distances. ...
  8. you still can here in NYS. just went out and bought seeds yesterday. they were available at Walmart, Country Max, Lowe's and Home Depot. though Home Depot has now implemented a 'customers per square footage' policy, first i have seen here in Henrietta.
  9. alright. having had time to get some coffee in me, i see i interpreted it wrong. my bad, apologies.
  10. i read your post and it is very clear. first you call the President the virus then you say it's time to shoot the virus. not much ambiguity there, pal. again, advocating for the assassination of the president is a crime. i'd be careful if i were you. ETA: two sentences split by a tweet, doth not make a paragraph. he added the last two sentences after i called him out. had second thoughts and removed the edit because i caught him.
  11. North Carolina Beach Reopens After Navy Serviceman's Ocean Protest
  12. i'd be careful if i were you. advocating the assassination of the President is a crime.
  13. yep, deathly ill here the first week of Feb myself. had all the symptoms except maybe the fever. may have had the fever but didn't notice it with all the other crap that i was dealing with. i would cough so hard trying to bring up non existent phlem that i actually torn the lower outer muscle wall of the abdomen. the worst was the shortness of breath, i actually thought i was done for a bit there. from what i can gather, large doses of Vit C and Vit D are the best in the fight against this thing.
  14. being they were testing for antibodies, i'm gonna say, "They had it".
  15. if you're going to open your mouth, it generally helps if you have some knowledge of that which you are talking about. you sarcastically implied that there was no need for Section C3 to worry because COVID-19 was going to disappear. i responded that it wouldn't be the first time it happened (referring to a deadly disease disappearing). you stated that, "Actually it would." whereas i responded sarcastically that SARS says hello, implying to you that SARS disappeared faster than it arrived once the weather got warmer. your welcome.
  16. https://twitter.com/Tore_says/status/1251560113518850049
  17. again, many thanks to @Hedge for the awareness of this twitter account. supposedly her last thread she will ever do and it contains quite a bit. confirms some of my suspicions with the Tweet Deck explanation. long thread. https://twitter.com/Tore_says/status/1251343665450160129 Thread Reader unroll a couple select quotes: ... Before we dive that way - think TWEET DECK. You use it to send messages. You pick the time and date it deploys but you can go in between and edit. Maybe add someone's tweet from yesterday or today to your pre-programmed message to amplify your foretold message. REDIRECT The concept of how tweet deck works is important. Again you wouldn't believe someone telling you JOB may not be tweeting. It's all art. Kevin Mitnick explained that well. Why is no one asking the big Q? #truthstrangerthanfiction ... ... THEY made one mistake. Exposing certain subjects to training that THEY thought was iron clad due to ancestry. Machines think in 1,0,1,0,1,1,0. humans do too BUT the space between 1 and 0 or 0 to 1 infinite. 0, 0.00000000000infity,....... then 1. Like Birth to Death -- two fixed points but theoretically infinite points (events) between the two. What if THEY believed that humans can be trained to think 1,0 eradicating the infinite points but feeding them those they would allow. To do that you would take massive power Quantum computing power that could tug at the strings of reality as string theorists suggest. Almost like puppet strings. Computers to crunch that data are immense right IBM. You'd need fans seen from space to cool them OR you could ... cord off half a continent w/ right temp ... ...
  18. quick, act surprised. U.N. warns economic downturn could kill hundreds of thousands of children in 2020
  19. if Miami drafts a QB, who do you think is leaving? Fitz or the Rosen one?
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