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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. it is quite possible Fig but i don't know that the Peterman debacle is a true representation of the teams play. who are these Bills? the ones who looked like they didn't even belong in the NFL in the 3 game stretch against the Jets, Saints and Chargers? or the Bills who beat the Jets in the home opener and the Falcons, on the road and played the Panthers toe to toe? something very odd about this years team. i don't believe they are a playoff team, they might get there but ....
  2. erm..... isn't that generally how a pocket collapses? i don't know that i've seen a pocket collapse from the inside out.
  3. he would know how to step up in the pocket to buy himself more time. whereby making his o-line look better.
  4. the two paragraphs seem to be in direct conflict with one another. is it, not the Bills or is it, not Tyrod? i can tell you one thing for sure, if we had Goff, we sure as hell wouldn't be checking down all game long.
  5. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    to come out of this? it was the predecessor to it all. without the blockchain, there are no crypto currencies. the blockchain is the brilliance behind it all. if anyone is looking for a field to get into that is going to pay you well, writing code for smart contracts is it.
  6. i root for the Bills every game, Jms. i doubt we beat the 'phins twice though.
  7. right, there are no other self absorbed self righteous pricks in the world of football.
  8. yep, he walked because he didn't get the control he wanted. with Whaley having been fired, how can you blame him? the contract was the contract, if you want to blame anyone for him walking with 4mm, maybe you should consider pointing your ire at those on the Bills side that crafted said contract.
  9. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    while not a direct correlation, ever hear of Ithaca Dollars? what about Burlington Bread? Berkshares? what is illegal is issuing a currency that is in direct competition with the US Dollar. GUS classifies Bitcoin and 'other' coins (Ethereum, DASH, Litecoin and so on) as property that must be reported to the IRS.
  10. laugh at Marrone all you like. in fact make sure to laugh at him when the Jags are in the playoffs and we are at home yet again.
  11. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    right. who in their right mind would want a return of over 600% since April. crazy talk!
  12. i don't know that the Chiefs are a good team right now. they have lost 5 of their last 6. that being said, i agree with your assessment otherwise. Hyde showed up to begin the third quarter. good thing they snapped out of it halfway through that quarter.
  13. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    if you really are open to learning, you will find the following enlightening. keep an open mind and listen to the entire thing. Bitcoin just hit it's ATH overnight, $9100.
  14. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin. who he is, is not really known. he has never been seen and disappeared shortly after Bitcoins creation. it has been speculated, by some that Nakamoto was really Alan Greenspan. i don't know if we will ever really know he is is/was. the wallet with the genesis block contents, assumed to be Nakamotos, remains untouched to this day. what backs bitcoin is ultimately the same exact thing that backs the USD. faith (in the USD case though, to be sure ,the threat of voilence is equally backing it). it could be argued and quite convincingly i might add that, the USD is really meaningless and just floating around on the internet.
  15. Foxx


  16. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    FOMO and FUD are two very real things that will rock your world. the first you have to understand what it is and why your experiencing it. the latter, you have to understand what it is and why your experiencing it. as with any speculation, you should only put in what you are completely comfortable losing. do not put your house mortage payment in because of FOMO, you will lose. as i have since i started this thread, i will try and answer, to the best of my abilites and knowledge, any and all questions. there are no dumb questions, only stupid answers.
  17. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    one of the very first things you need to do is to forget a fiat valuation. it is imperative that you start to think think in a crypto valuation. fiat valuations are only good for getting into and out of crypto and other than that, they are meaningless inside the cryptosphere. understand what i am saying here... fiat valuation is currently important because most of the world revolves around the USD and it's worth as a global reserve. however, what I am telling you is that as the world transistions it will be very important to understand valuation in crypto terms. worth... you can't afford to not get involved. this is the last stages of the innovators phase. the next phase is to be the early adopters. after that... all hell breaks loose. something real? Shirley you aren't referring to all those 1s and 0s that your bank has in it's privately held ledger are you? you know, the privately held ledger that they add to by creating those 1s and 0s out of thin air. not that real thing, right?
  18. Foxx


    that's one way to approach it. then there is the other way ... you know the one... hey, i'm right here. come and get me if you want. i refuse to live my life in fear of GUS. in all seriousness though, if you have a job and a bank account they can and will find you. those damn 1s and 0s will get you everytime.
  19. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    when I started this thread, BTC was $1200. today it is at $8219. an increase of almost 600%. where else would you have gotten that kind of return? next stop... 5 figures by '18. mark it down.
  20. he said it three times. 'he literally didn't block me. not, 'he couldn't block me' or' he was out of place and couldn't block me'. rather it was stated three times, 'he didn't block me'. a college graduate, i think he knows what he meant.
  21. erm, no. that would be Mills fault.
  22. Foxx


    you may not want to watch this...
  23. exactly right. our defense didn't suck so bad all of a sudden either. something is up here.
  24. shhhhhh... don't let 26CornerBlitz see this.
  25. lol. you think the president runs the country too don't you.
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