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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. so... if there is a NDA, how do you or anyone else know that a sexual assault occurred?
  2. well... just an observation here but, after being at the grocery store yesterday, it seems pretty evident that the quality of the produce in the stores is significantly degrading. it is like the stuff is older than it normally would be and therefore prone to spoilage much sooner. if i am having to dig deep into a display to find something firm, you know others are having to do the same and how many hands exactly have touched the produce i am bringing home? not sure if 'rona survives on produce or for how long but you can be sure others are afraid of this as well.
  3. if you were aware of some of the dubious things he has done and is associated with, you might not be so trusting. do his views on population control bother you in any way?
  4. before all this 'rona crap hit the fan, the average consumption of food was 45% in home and 55% outside of home. now couple the fear of going to the grocery store that probably results in a once every two weeks or so venture, yes, consumption of fresh produce is way down.
  5. annnnddd... the price of oil rises.
  6. locker. room. talk. apparently you have never been around a bunch of guys embellishing their conquests.
  7. Bill Gates would be proud.
  8. Guest Commentary: The day South Florida agriculture died IMMOKALEE — “Up to the end of February our growers were having a banner year, and it looked like this season would be one of those home runs that come around every 5-6 years.” Here is a report that I prepared on the state of South Florida agriculture and shared with officials. This may shed some light on how COVID-19 is impacting agriculture in our area. Markets On Tuesday, March 24, a local broker says, everything changed. From brokers, orders stopped and everything got quiet. On Wednesday, March 25, it got super quiet. Since then, tomato volumes are down 85%, green beans are like 50% and cabbage is like 50%. R.C. Hatton has plowed under 100 acres of green beans, around 2 million pounds, and 60 acres of cabbage, or 5 million pounds. Florida’s tomato growers target 80% of their production to restaurants and other food service companies, rather than to supermarkets. In this sector, growers are walking away from big portions of their crop. Tony DiMare estimates that by the end of the growing season, about 10 million pounds of his tomatoes will go unpicked. Some crops like potatoes and oranges are faring well, while other produce isn’t selling like it used to. “With a lot of people staying home and buying mostly comfort foods, products like peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers have actually slowed down incrementally,” said Chuck Weisinger, president of Weis-Buy Farms Inc. “The biggest challenge we have right now is getting the stores to start buying,” said John Stanford, farm manager at Frey Farms. As you know, produce is highly perishable, and three weeks into this, many companies around Immokalee have already had to empty their coolers and dump produce. One dumped 20,000 pounds a day two weeks ago. Let that sink in … 20,000 pounds of tomatoes a day. They dumped a total of 100,000 pounds so far. This is from one farm. ...
  9. NY issues do-not-resuscitate guideline for cardiac patients amid coronavirus New York state just issued a drastic new guideline urging emergency-services workers not to bother trying to revive anyone without a pulse when they get to a scene, amid an overload of coronavirus patients. While paramedics were previously told to spend up to 20 minutes trying to revive people found in cardiac arrest, the change is “necessary during the COVID-19 response to protect the health and safety of EMS providers by limiting their exposure, conserve resources, and ensure optimal use of equipment to save the greatest number of lives,’’ according to a state Health Department memo issued last week. First-responders were outraged over the move. “They’re not giving people a second chance to live anymore,’’ Oren Barzilay, head of the city union whose members include uniformed EMTs and paramedics, fumed of state officials. “Our job is to bring patients back to life. This guideline takes that away from us,” he said. ...
  10. you guys just can't stop with the "Russia" hysteria can you? too *****in' funny. umm... we are talking about slow Joe here, right?
  11. no, you're absolutely right, it was all about him.
  12. nah. it was about his friend who committed suicide and his grieving.
  13. i'm going to start a thread and title it, 'Kid's Table'. that way all the sock puppets can go there and have their fun.
  14. it is pretty well proven that in times of economic downturns, the suicide rate rises. don't like it all you want, doesn't change facts.
  15. please no. i would rather root for the crappiest team in the majors throughout time. oh... wait....
  16. Thousands of small-business owners’ data may have been exposed by breach on SBA disaster-loan site NEW YORK — Thousands of small business owners reeling from the aggressive measures taken to halt the spread of the coronavirus may have had their personal information exposed last month on a government website that handles disaster loan applications. The Small Business Administration said Tuesday that the personal information of more than 7,000 business owners applying for economic injury disaster loans was potentially seen by other applicants on the SBA website on March 25. The SBA said only the disaster loan program was affected, not the Paycheck Protection Program, which did not begin until April 3 and which is handled by a separate system. ...
  17. they are scrubbing the net. apparently the World Bank got hacked too https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac/status/1252601963562270720 i'm thinkin' there might be a need for a thread on this...
  18. https://twitter.com/BoogieCrypto/status/1252317798308642819
  19. no, you swallow anything the main stream propagandists sell you, hook, line and sinker. you seem like an intelligent guy, can you not think for yourself and dispell all of that NLP that has been inflicted upon you? i suggest you do it now before your whole paradigm comes crashing down around you and you end up drooling out in the street. the research is not hard. It is all contained within this thread and even if you disagree with many takes, all the information is there of what went on, just use your discernment skills and look past any hype that you perceive.
  20. man-o-man! we are soon to find out just exactly who Bill Gates is. the Russians did it!! impeach Trump!! where's Assange??
  21. you really ought to think about quitting while you're behind here. i mean.... you do realize that DR, Molly, John Huber and all the rest were way out in front of the redactions of Horowitz's report, right? not to mention just about every aspect these last 4 years. you understand that they all put the dots together and have been proven to be right, right? swallow that pride and accept that yes, they were right and from all appearances, they are going to be right this time as well. but... i know... we got Trump this time!
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