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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    well when my next prediction comes, you will seriously want to rethink selling Btc. i will just say at this point that shorting Btc, is a fools errand.
  2. hyperactive boy scout leader
  3. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    just keep buying and hodl! you won't be sorry. lol on ETF and futures. you don't own BTC with them. obtain the real thing. again, you won't be sorry.
  4. do you think Anthony Lynn will trade us Rivers for Taylor?
  5. i stillthink he was a pretty good GM. as you mention he was good at finding talent in free agency. where he failed was in the first and second rounds as you aptly point out. i believe though that is a direct result of not having a franchise QB and wanting desperatly to fill that void. had we already had a franchise back there, he could have focused on drafting BPA and i have no doubt thatr he would have excelled given that circumstance.
  6. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Coinbase takes forever. first you must upload all kinds of documentation then ACH takes forever and a day. credit card is instant but it will cost you 3.9%. after you get set up at Coinbase, be sure and set up an account at GDAX, it is coinbase's exchange and the fees are significantly less. Bitstamp also works for getting fiat into the cryptoverse. Lol, the pullback for Btc just happened, it hit $11k and fell to $8.5k now it is back up to $11k. i think you missed it. Ethereum has the Smart Contract aspect of its blockchain. though Ethereum was not intended to be a currency that it has become it is proving to be quite valuable. what is going on with these smart contracts is that the new way to raise venture capital for your business venture is to have an ICO (initial coin offering). the number of ICOs of the recent past (4 months) is astounding. ETH is used as the purchasing vehicle in most of these ICOs. the ICO will be replacing the IPO as it falls to the wayside. trustless, decentralized, disruptive, anti-fragile are the new adjectives within this emerging paradigm.
  7. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    i love it because of the exposure that Bitcoin just experienced. early adopters here we come! hey, it is incumbant upon you to do your own research. I don't offer financial advice so please, please do not listen to anything i may say. i am just a believer in a trustless, decentralized disruptive technology that is going to change the world for the better. crucify me all you like, i got broad shoulders.
  8. so you dismiss the comprehension of reading, gotcha. run along now.
  9. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    right, this will only strengthen the networks for what is to come. 2018 is going to be amazing! anybody watch BBT last night? loved it!
  10. hell, i coulda told them that.
  11. reading comprehension, it's a wonderful thing. you might try it sometime.
  12. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    cryptos are the future, the blockchain made sure of that. the blockchain is poised to invade every area of your life and it is really the true genius.
  13. no, I don't muni. they are probably the most stable bonds you can get though. where did i say i didn't want people having guns?
  14. i knew it, you were the one who threw that inflatable dildo on the field, aren't you?
  15. welcome to 2017. where up is down, hot is cold and left is right.
  16. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    define legit. anyone who is against it? the ones who decry it are the ones afraid of it. again, there is less than 1% of the population in it at this point. . this is not to say that nefarious forces are not at work here, they are. the amount of scams and the sophistication of those scams is increasing everyday. this is why education is a must. when Jessie James was robbing trains, do you think they said ut oh, we better stop printing money?
  17. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    nope. fraud happens in the light of day, everyday. only fools make that mistake.
  18. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    it's already out of hand. when it reaches 3% it will be unstoppable. look at the governments around the world that are embracing Btc and the cryptos in general. sure, many are saying it is too insignificant to be a worry at this point, but it is what the rest of the world is doing that is going to put it in the realm of untouchable. Japan is probably leading the way. tha being said, i fully expect the Us and Europe to be the last bastions of the fiat world. and with, in their eyes i'm sure, good reason. when you are the worlds reserve currency, why would you want to change anything. except that they will most likely be left on the outside looking in when the rest of the world rejects the USD and it's hegmony. at that point, they will have no choice. you do know that the ledger is public, right?
  19. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Ethereum introduced the Smart Contract. a public ledger that can be accessed by anyone. you can verify what a contract stipulates as well as any transaction within it. it really took the blockchain in a new and exciting direction. I have gotten into this aspect in the 'Cryptos' thread i started. the ICO is this centuries IPO. many new and exciting companies coming online and the investment potential is unbelievable.
  20. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    no doubt. i only posted the forbes article because as i said, it is main stream. i'm just telling ya, quantum computing is not the threat you think it is. there is not even 1% of the population involved with it. don't you think that someone with a quantum computer might go after where the money currently is before going after the 1%er's? all currency today is digital, Bitcoin is'nt even a blip on the screen at this moment in time. would the Fed be thinking about it's own crypto currency if it was worried about quantum computing? again, there are other things more important to be worried about. Btc is pretty far down that list.
  21. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    yeah, i know all about the threat of quantum computing. i'll tell you who should be worried about it more than anyone and that's the NSA. all their files that are encrypted will become public knowledge. can you imagine GUS running around like a chicken with it's head cut off )not that they already don't) trying to put the genie back in the bottle? if you thought wikileaks was on top of it last year for the election cycle, you ain't seen nothing yet, lol. as for DWave, i doubt they seriously have a working product. Forbes is a main stream publication so this may mean something to those here. Why Quantum Computing's Threat To Bitcoin And Blockchain Is A Long Way Off CmE will be online before the end of the year or so they claim. CME Group Announces Launch of Bitcoin Futures
  22. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    lol. 10 years in computer science is an eternity. there are going to be so many changes in 10 years you won't recognize any of it.
  23. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    for those of you who don't understand Bitcoin, you have to listen to Andreas explain it. 25 minutes well spent.
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