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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    if your thinking of shorting Bitcoin (a fools errand), you might want to read the following article first. Banks Issue Last Minute Warning About Risks Of Bitcoin Futures, Ask Regulator For Review
  2. no, not all cryptos are Bitcoin. the Bitcoin threads is solely for just that, Bitcoin as it is the big daddy. this thread is for all the other cryptos. you have an aversion to classification?
  3. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Bank of America Wins Patent for Crypto Exchange System
  4. Carp sex identifier
  5. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    whoa boy. this is a deep end subject. there was a real nasty war between Bitcoin (Core) and the Segwit guys. Core doesn't/didn't want Segwit2x and those that did will never be on the same page. basically... Segwit2X wanted to increase the size of the blocks (where all the information about transactions are contained) from 1 mb to 2 mbs. when the Segwit2x hard fork failed, the Segwit guys started moving their hashing power enmasse to BCH. there is a real and not unimagined problem with the wide spread use of Bitcoin. the mempool gets backed up to the point of it taking hours and sometimes days to process a transaction. the average cost of a transaction in fiat terms is in the neighboorhood of $8. this is totally ridiculas. now when that mempool gets backed up, if you want your transaction to go through fast (say within an hour (i hear you saying, that's fast?)), you will need to up that transaction fee to at least double that. there is a whole lot more but this is the meat of it. Bitcoin Cash forked and upped their blocksize to 8mb. this enables much faster transactions and much cheaper fees. BTC will ultimately become the international settlement vehicle. that alone should give you a clue to what 1 BTC will command.
  6. since the beginning of November, all cryptos (much like Btc) have been soaring. particular movers include PPT, DASH, BCH, LTC. PPP, IOT, ETH, XMR, EOS, ZEC, VTC, SALT and many others.
  7. no, just your career. professional Tyrod lover
  8. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    where you are failing is thinking in terms of fiat. it is imprerative that the mindset changes to one of a crypto basis. once you understand that, you will understand how wrongheaded your thinking is. right. guns kill people, right? a tool is a tool, what is done with that tool is in the hands of the user. the Bitcoin blockchain is transparent. it is a public ledger that can be inspected and tracked by anyone who knows what they are doing. there are private coins out there, where transactions can be seen, but they are gobblygook to anyone who tries to make any sense out of them. these most notably are CLOAK, XMR and ZEC. zSNARKS is a protocol that enables this privacy which will be implemented in some way on Ethereum when the Casper upgrade takes effect in the new year. Ethereum will also go to a PoS concept which means that it will no longer be PoW and mineable.
  9. Ben-Gay saleswoman
  10. labor of love? Aunt Dots caretaker.
  11. flosses with tampon string
  12. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    wtf! clogged up the damn whole network. transactions took forever if you used what should constitute a normal Gwei.
  13. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    i can buy a cup of coffee with my bitcoin, same as you. next?
  14. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    lol. exactly what is fake about it, can you tell me that much? you do realize that the fiat in your bank account is probably even more fake, right? in fact, it is so fake, you have an entity that simply creats it out of thin air by entering a bunch of 1 and 0s. i won't even go into the fact you are creating a strawman here. lmao.
  15. oh, no. I know quite a bit about them, hence one reason why i started this thread. i just know that there are many here who have no idea that the ICO is yesterdays IPO. I was wanting to raise awareness. since no one asked what they are yet.....
  16. BTC hodler wanna be
  17. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    again, i don't mean to be insultive, but this is pure ignorance speaking. it looks smells and sticks to your shoe because .... what, 10 billion people say so, is that it? come on... if you can't back something up, then chances are you probably shouldn't have said it in the first place.
  18. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    lol. and i can present even more evidence on the other side with better arguments. how about we have an argument and not post links? you tell me why it is a pyramid scheme and i will counter your argument. please do better than, because 10 billion people say so....
  19. fantastic! good for you!
  20. sour grape artist
  21. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    well first of all, there are not 10 billion people on the planet, let alone that many calling it a pyramid scheme. it is mindless people such as yourself who see something and repeat it without doing any sort of research on the subject. i mean... not to be insulting but that is essentially what you are saying. ahahahahahahahahahaaaaa you were saying Jamie? 2018 is going to rock your socks! Katy Perry Talks Bitcoin with Warren Buffett, Tells 175 Million Followers About it
  22. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    do you have anything to back that thought up or are you just putting it out there?
  23. does anyone know what an ICO is?
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