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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. hmm. i wonder if icebowl67 is the Packers GM....
  2. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    c'mon row. i know your anti Bitcoin all, but i'm also quite sure that the reason why Kodak's stock rose wasn't completely lost on you. congratulations.
  3. will stop picking his nose in public.
  4. i would much prefer that we resemble the '87 team.
  5. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    still around. just have been very busy.
  6. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    that is the thing about Bitcoin, there is only a finite amount (21 million) so it is deflationary. you can't have an entity like the FED come along and decide they want to print more FRNs whcih thereby makes the FRNs already in existence worth less (inflationary). it is also divisable to 8 decimals, which are known as 'Satoshi'. EtherDelta is currently experiencing a hack. hackers have stolen roughly $375k at this posting. you can view the ongoing heist at this scanner.
  7. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Bitcoin Core is scared to death Bitcoin Cash is going to replace it. with the slow transaction times and enormous transaction fees compared to Cash's fast transaction times and low costs, they should be very afraid.
  8. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Jauronimo was right. BCH is now listed on Coinbase.
  9. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Coinbase was just doing some testing. you cannot actually withdraw or even trade your BCH on GDAX yet. today perhaps. expect a pullback on BTC to be prolonged into February to shake out the weak hands. would you believe me if i told you i gave away close to 100 back in '12 to try and help raise awareness?
  10. well, when ETH hardforked, they let customers withdraw their ETC but didn't list it. come the first of the year, they are supposed to grant you your BCH. this does not mean they will list it, though they certainly could. just giving a bit of history. XRP is a bankster coin so I can see CB listing it very much so. it began it's current rise middle of last week when it was hovering around $.22. today it is hovering around $.75. better than a 240% jump. I will cover a few for now... SALT, is listed on EtherDelta, Huboi and Bittrex. they are going t be releasing their lending [latform any day now. it was promised before the end of the year. they will be lending fiat against your cryptos so no need to sell them if you want/need fiat. Debitum, is another lending platform that is currently having their ICO. where they differ from SALT is that they are more geared towards SMEs. PPT (Populous), is a invoice trading company built upon the Smart Contract platform of Ethereum. during it's ICO, tokens went for, roughly $.30 a piece. right not they are going for $47.91 a piece. that is an astronimical appreciation of 21,349% (6490% ETH (mind you, ETH has risen 250% in this time as well)) since June. PPP (PayPie), is a credit risk assessment company. during their ICO, their tokens went for roughly the same $.30 per token. their ICO was held in September and their tokens are currently trading for $2.53 for an appreciation of 666.69% (245% ETH) CAT, is a do it yourself Smart Contract company built on the Smart Contract platform of Ethereum. need or want a Smart Contract of your own but don't know how to write the code so it is bullet proof? maybe you don't have the funds to hire someone to write the code for you. CAT's (BlockCat) platform will do it for you. PLR, i am not real hip on because of they way they conduct themselves and the fact that they didn't have anything that remotely resembled a working product when they had their ICO. however with that being said, i did go large for their ICO because of their offering (and info i have). they are building a wallet that, it is hoped, will be the end all be all for wallets. NEO, could quite possibly become the Chinese Ethereum. VERI, what can i say, very simply, it is going to put an end to naked shorts. as anyone who knows anything about the markets will tell you naked shorts hurt a company and there is not really much they can do about it..... for now.
  11. doesn't toe the line
  12. just me but i expect BTC, BCH, LTC, DASH, XRP, VERI, PPT, PPP, OMG, SNT, SALT, CAT, PLR and NEO to have a very good '18.
  13. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    no, they just don't run with the head in the sand ostriches.
  14. Christopher Walken's hair stylist
  15. if you can get a ham sandwich, you take it.
  16. toejam inspector
  17. god please no. i don't think i can take another year of Tyrod.
  18. still fits in his high school cheerleader outfit as well
  19. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    actually you were talking about CPU, GPU and ASIC mining. let's see if we cant cover all three here. ASICs mine algorithims not coins, specifically. the 3 algos that ASICs mine are SHA-256, Scrypt and X-11. algos that are ASIC resistant (GPU and CPU mining) include, Ethash, Groestl, X11Gost, CryptoNight, Eqihash, LYRA2 REv2, NEOScrypt, LBRY, Blake (2b), Blake (14r), Pascal and Skunkhash. Monero is Cryptonight, Ethereum is Ethash. i don't know what Sumo is off hand (never heard of it actually). building a GPU rig can be quite costly as a good graphics card is going to cost you. right now if you want to mine ETH, the AMD Radeon R9 295X2 is probably the top of the line and you will pay around $1200/$1500 if you can find one, for 46 MH/s to 57.6 MH/s. of course you will still need a CPU and cables which can add another $400. the problem with mining ETH is that it is soon going to a PoS algo when Casper finally gets implemented sometime in the new year so your ROI may never get realized. you would need to mine another Ethash coin, such as Ethereum Classic (ETC) to continue to get a ROI. of course, serious miners run multiple cards so these rigs can run into some serious numbers if your not careful. there are cheaper cards out there such as the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060/1070 of which you will pay around $500 per card for roughly, 27MH/s to 36MH/s. if your serious, i suggest you YouTube it and see what is going on out in the wilds as the visuals will do much more for you than i can by typing and trying to describe things for you. an S9 will mine the SHA-256 algorithim there are a good number of coins that run on that algo. i can't tell you when the S11 will come out, however i do not think they are anywhere near that as yet though. the nm16 chip is still state of he art currently though the race is on for 10 and 7 nm chips. dinnertime here. if you have more questions i can try and answer them.
  20. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    lol. the circuit breakers kicked in twice and trading was halted pretty much out of the gate. bitcoin isn't a bubble, it is the pin. if you desire to mine Bitcoin, GPU and/or CPU mining isn't really going to net you much. in fact unleass you have free electricity, it will cost you money not to mention the investment costs. the Difficulty is so high with all the hashing power online, the only way to mine Btc is with ASICs. yes an S7 will turn a profit. S9s are the much better way to go. they have anywhere from a 13TH/s to 14 TH/s rate of hashing power. if you buy them on the aftermarket you will pay a premium over the retail price from the distributor. two events really that will cause mass adoption. hyperinflation in the USD (which it can be argued convincinly that that is occuring now) and out outright rejection of the USD by foriegn countries.
  21. is a cowgirls fan and not a cowboys fan
  22. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    ahh but it is a currency. albeit just not as widely accepted as yet. cryptos are gaining more and more acceptance everyday though with more and more businesses coming into the fold. the Lightening Network will increase that adoption rate immensely.
  23. bikini model inspector
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