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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. wow. outta left field.
  2. all while throwing 115 interceptions
  3. yes, because the governments account of what happened is exactly how it happened.
  4. just curious here... what has Tyrod ever done to make you believe he would excell in an offense that most likely will require the QB to read the defense pre-snap? i remember this time last year when most of BBmB was saying how Tyrod was going to excell in the WCO, while i was close to the lone dissenting voice saying there was no way in hell Tyrod would excell in a timing offense. smh
  5. i can't recall a single instance, can you? the thing I want to know is, if he is gone, are you going to take the Tyrod poster off the ceiling over your bed?
  6. in 3 years, Tyrod made how many audibles, exactly? 'nuff said.....
  7. the only problem with this is, we don't have Brady to run it. nor is there anyone currently on the roster who could run it. Tyrod couldn't read a defense to save his life. were we to obtain Smith, that would be a good thing. i think Smith would be a natural in Daboll's O.
  8. by which metric? according to some metrics out there, we did have a top 12 qb the last three years. :hahahahahaahahahaaahahaaaa:
  9. we have extremes with both players. the former being too afraid to throw into tight windows. the latter not afraid to throw into too tight windows. being the former is a 7 year vet, he will not change. the latter is a rook so the possibility that he may learn and adapt is still present. as you say, hopefully we can trade Tyrod in some capacity, hell even a 6th rounder is preferable to just outright releasing him. i would be all for signing a descent vet such as Smith which should be able to be had for a 2nd and maybe less if we trade multiple picks. then i would use one of our 1st's to draft a qb as long as whoever is there is thought to have potential at the pro-level. i would even trade up a few spots to get a guy we wanted as long as we didn't have to trade to far up which would thereby cost us more in draft stock than i would prefer.
  10. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    actually it is 900% increase, my bad. hey, do not disparrage what you have invested, you are still ahead of 99% of the population.
  11. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    I buy and sell every single day. what i do is not really of concern here. never have i stated what i have or what i am worth, nor should anyone. what is worth noting is that when i started this thread, what going by memory here so i may be off slightly, less than a year ago, BTC was $1200. today it is roughly $12000. that my friend is a 1000% fiat valuation increase. please tell me where else you have found such an investment vehicle that has rewarded you as handsomely. what is also worth noting is the belief of those who choose to participate of where they think the value is headed.
  12. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    what an absurd statement. get back to me when you post your bank account details.
  13. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    it wasn't meant in a derogatory manner towards you, per se. more the masses and how they swallow everything that is fed to them, hook, line and sinker. i understand some in this thread are of the more awakened variety.
  14. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    they may want to believe that. i don't think however that nation states will accept an inflationary medium any longer. the repudiation of the USD is beginning in earnest. the view from outside the western centric view is quite different than what your feeds might like you to believe.
  15. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    when do wall street bonus' go out? oh, thats right, middle to late February...
  16. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    does an international settlement vehicle need transaction speeds that are lightening fast and cheap?
  17. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    wild west all over again, no doubt. there are things coming that will make the transation for the masses much smoother.
  18. seriously? are you even thinking before you let your fingers touch the keyboard? there is so much wrong with this logic that i am left flabbergasted and wouldn't even know where to begin to express it's failings. amazing.
  19. i gots an idear... lets have Leroi start his own community then he can do as he pleases. meanwhile, if he wants to come here, he needs to abide like all the other young dudes. it's pretty simple really.
  20. cool, so he is going to run a college level offense?
  21. after listening to you spout your Tyrod is god crap for the better part of three years, you'll excuse me if i take this with a very large grain of salt.
  22. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    in no way can any of my musings be considered financial advice. i am just some keyboard jockey that you don't know from adam. anything i may or may not say is strictly gibberish. please, no more private messages asking for advice as i will no longer answer them. not that i ever did give any advice to begin with. with that being said, i was asked what i saw for the coming year for Bitcoin. as i explained in my last progostication post, i expect BTC to continue to dither in this $13/$14k range until sometime around the middle of February. shaking out the weak hands and consolidating. at some point in February there will be a lift off from which BTC will not look back. there will be approximately two more consolidation phases this coming year with wild price swings in these areas. easily, we see 6 figures by the end of the year. again... these are just the ravings of a madman.....
  23. 2 second half touchdowns since week 11 is not the fault of the OC.
  24. just to be on the other side of the fence here... who is realy at fault here? the person who hired Dennison to implement a WCO with TT at the helm or Dennison for not tayloring the offense to fit a QB who simply can't run a timing offense? square peg round hole on both sides here me thinks....
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