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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i can't remember it but wasn't some drug able to be taken that would enable you to take a trip while never having to leave the farm? maybe i'm just hallucinating. seriously though, i will be sponsoring and hosting a crypto conference in the state of Washington in the latter portion of Summer.
  2. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    i actually really like this post. it is very constructive and asks legitimate questions, thank you. as i have stated previously and i suspect you and many others know, in all of this cryptoverse, the underlying brilliance is the blockchain. it is the technology that these cryptos are built upon and makes them even remotely possible. this tech (blockchain) is going to revolutionize the world and it is already happening in so many ways. it is going to, or rather has the potential to make your everyday life easier and less expensive. although that is debatable since corporate america has never really given a cost savings back to the public, they would rather increase their bottom line and that is a major reason why these new start up companies that are utilizing the smart contracts of the Ethereum blockchain so valuable. they are going to truly create competiton with the oldschool network and make them come face to face with extinction. it may not happen today or tommorrow but it is going to happen. as an example of the blockchain tech being explored, the WSJ reported the other day that Walmart ran a simulated recall utilizing the blockchain. it traced the origin of a bag of sliced mangos in 2.2 seconds. their other systems, over 6 days. airlines are testing blockchain for tickets i could go on and on but i think you get the idea. what i would really like to see in blockchain's future are things that really matter and affect us all. put voting on it, if done, there can be no fraud or even allegations of fraud. you and i cannot be cheated. put the government on blockchain, make them accountable to public scrutiny. we are accountable to them with their ever expanding domestic spying, i say they should be held to the same standard. there is already a company by the name of Propy that is attempting to put real estate on the blockchain. poof, no more need for title searches and the costs associated with that. they are San Francisco based and have sold a number of houses already. i think if memory serves me correctly, an apt in the Ukraine was the very first transfer of property on the smart contract built upon the Ethereum blockchain. Vermont has teamed with Propy to launch of a pilot program in South Burlington, to use Blockchain technology to record real estate documentation. again, i could go on and on about all the start ups that are currently building the new economy upon the blockchain, but i think you get the idea. the tech is here to stay, it is only a matter of who and what succeeds. you are correct, it is a crap shoot at present to try and determine who and what will be the next Amazon, Microsoft and Google. however, i've a strong hunch that there are going to be several that come out of this intital start into this new tech. ICO's are the newly emerging economy's IPO of yesterday (yes, yesterday). had you or i had the vision back in the early days of the internet to invest in some of the start ups, yes many would have proved worthless, but had we bought Amazon, Microsoft or Google back then, we would be very happy campers today. history is repeating itself. i for one don't want to miss the boat the second time around. when looking at the whole realm of this verse, i try to look for ones that are first movers in their space, have good vision and a strong team. the ground floor is open, for how much longer, i can not say. lol! is this your tacit admission that all the trolling you have done in this thread is nothing more than sour grapes because you didn't listen the first time? i've good news for you, it's still not too late. lol!
  3. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    lol. you didn't the blockchain would escape that realm did you? Spankchain
  4. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    lol. the internet was just a bulletin board. Amazon was just a bookstore..... it's too bad you can't see where this is going.....
  5. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    1 bitcoin: 1.00000000 $10,000 is nothing. @ $10k, .0000001 is $.01 cryptos in general are the boon to the unbanked. BTC will most likely end up as an intra-state settlement vehicle.
  6. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    what are the problems that you see? it's obvious you didn't read the statement. i see it as much more of a movement than a scheme. it is a trustless mechanism which means that it is honest. one where the select few cannot impoverish mankind (decentralized). do you understand the benefit for the unbanked population of the planet (of which i might add is far in the majority)?
  7. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    nice. way to address the content of the post Gandhi once observed that every movement goes through four stages: first they ignore you; then they abuse you; then they crack down on you and then you win. can you guess where we are at?
  8. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    you read it here first. essentially, regulators are embracing crypto currencies. read and understand what is being said. this is huge. WRITTEN TESTIMONY OF J. CHRISTOPHER GIANCARLO CHAIRMAN, COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION BEFORE THE SENATE BANKING COMMITTEE WASHINGTON, D.C. FEBRUARY 6, 2018 someone(s) said Bitcoin was the greatest bubble of all time? i'll say it again, it is the pin that will burst, the greatest bubble of all time.
  9. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    all markets are down. a continuation of Friday's slide.
  10. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    as should be expected, a retesting of Friday's low. holding so far.
  11. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    is today the bottom? roughly $7600 was touched before bouncing back. not much longer till it goes to the moon. Alice
  12. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    i can. PM me if serious.
  13. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Mead, BlockCat now has a beta version of their product out. what their platform does is to create smart contracts for the everyday Joe. so , you could create a smart contract for your MeadCoin and actually have a Meadcoin. put something behind it, like a stromboli or something and it would actually have value. you could then issue these MeadCoins, where say a stromboli would cost you 10 MeadCoin. something to think about anyways.
  14. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    the Central Banksters created a plan after the financial implosion of '08. where Bears and Sterns, Lehmans and AIG were either bailed out or allowed to fail. it was initially known as TARP but morphed into what we now know and call, Quantative Easing. it came in various rounds I , II, III and IV. TARP's intent was to pull the financial realm back from the brink of implosion. QE was designed to save the banks and give them more liquidity. essentially what that did was to print money out of thin air and give it to the banksters. they had screwed the pooch so bad, that unless they were saved there was going to be a 1929 meltdown and a 1930's style recession. what QE did was to increase the money suppy with nothing backing it up other than someone sitting there and punching keys on their computer much the same way you and i do. inflating the money supply with nothing to back it has trickle down effects. it ultimately makes things more expensive. you see this effect in many ways. from smaller packaging to outright price increases to creating demand by creating shortages. there is much more but i would probably go off into a rant about the banksters if i were to continue, so i'll let someone else pick it up from here.
  15. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    is NIRP around the corner?
  16. thanks Teddy. seems like a good deal for Wash.
  17. i didn't see it on the first page of this thread and i simply do not have the time to wallow through 27 pages to look for it. can someone help a brother out here and tell me what Washington gave up to get Smith? TYIA
  18. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    question here relating to the stock market... with this unprecedented rise, would one possibly think that it might be a sign of inflation?
  19. first your criteria was winning more games than losing. now you want to add criteria and move the goal posts. this is a circle jerk? i'll be your sponsor.
  20. yes Martha, dinosaurs still live! ...how much longer though??
  21. ummm... i'm quite certain you are doing both.
  22. might be a good time to look into SC.
  23. there is something to be said for being so clung to a stance, blindly looking for crumbs . there is also something to be said for hanging on to an anchor regardless of whether or not it is just about to hit sea-bottom. i'll leave those metaphors/euphamisms to someone else though.
  24. ... was the sounds often heard in many a Bill's land. throw the damn ball tyrod.... i don't think anyone here thinks Tyrod is dumb. to equate the intellect one needs to be an effecive starting NFL QB, with being a college graduate is, well i don't want to say dumb but.... Tyrod is not very capable, if you can't see what Ray Charles could see with his back turned and ears plugged, i don't know what to tell you. clearly it doesn't mean anything at all that the passing offense was ranked 28, 30 and 31st in Tyrods three years here. not to mention that each year the ranking got worse. oh, thats right... it was the OC's fault. pull your damn head out of the sand, ostrich.
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