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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. when opinion is reported as fact, that is a problem.
  2. oh, i know it's no strawman, i was completely serious. on a bit of a different tangent but also being deadly seriousand not to hurt the sensabilities of the sensative but... those with guns do not get loaded onto trains willingly. the attack on the First Amendment is well under way. ummm... you do understand the impetus for the Second Amendment, right? it was to protect the populace from a totaltarian government. in essence, whatever arrmaments the police state possesses so too should the militia. it's time to get off your progressive high horse and do a bit of history learning. as history is your best predictor of the future.
  3. i don't know if a Country Sweet chicken wing can be technically called a chicken wing, but i do enjoy them on occassion. yes, they are a bit pricey too.
  4. now your geting into de-evolution me thinks.
  5. can you even get a pitcher of beer for $6.25 anymore, happy hour or not?
  6. are you old enough to remember $.10 wings at your local watering hole? heresy
  7. i'm just waiting for the Third Testament.
  8. some might say that the SAFE act is an infringement. after they take away your guns, what's next, baseball bats? knives, forks , then spoons? what the hell r u going to eat with?
  9. i saw the thread title and thought, ' JF? who the !@#$ is JF? Joe Ferguson? nah ...' so i had to open it to see who it was. the Tyson .gif is most apropos.
  10. it's all good. the thing with the Flat Earth movement is that it is a rather large meme. to my way of thinking, i think the more important and perhaps more relevant question is, who is pushing the meme and what is the hidden agenda. i have ideas but im a conspiracy nut so....
  11. I guess the part that threw me was, "there's whole large groups of people that refuse to believe ...most anything from the mainstream media)" (removed was 'facts or' (the 'or' leads one to think the first part of the sentence applies to both the before and after of 'or')). so i apologise if i took the implication wrongly. facts are most always fact, except when they aren't.
  12. right. because the lamestream media would never tell an untruth.
  13. nothing personal against the man. i mean, by all accounts he is upstanding and his work ethic is very good. i just can't sit/stand through another season of yelling at him to throw the damn ball. and i do think a 10mm contract is very tradeable.
  14. i won't sit through another year of Tyrod, i just won't.
  15. mmmmmmmmmmmmm yum. Empire Hots in Webster and Gitsis on Monroe had good plates. Gitsis closed awhile back though. i don't know if the same owners opened under the new name or not, the Avenue Diner.
  16. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

  17. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    lol, no unfortunately not, but did that person time it or what? i have never been exceptionally adept at timing the bottoms. however, my track record of hitting at or near the tops is quite good if i do say so. for those who understand the more traditional, time worn approach of wave theory...
  18. thanks for this. i am almost certain now that Rosen is the one they are after.
  19. the problem with this is that you run the risk of some other team signing him. trade for his rights and he is yours.
  20. you might want to rethink this. Shady came to us from Philly to begin with. what would they want with him being they have Blount, Ajai, cap problems and a 3rd string back who proved quite valuable last season. doesn't add up quite frankly.
  21. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    LTC has broken to the upside. it is quite possible that it could be the leading indicator of a breakout of the consolidation phase we are currently in. up over 30% today.
  22. and all sub panels are on the other end of a breaker. as someone else said, not ideal but ....
  23. fantastic, Frank! go knock 'em dead!! I wonder what comeback he will orchestrate as a head coach??
  24. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    very simply, the cryptoverse is an emerging market. except, this is on a global market scale. as well as a micro within the macro. think about that for awhile....
  25. nah, he's gonna get his ticket punched one of these days.
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