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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. it might also prove the Earth is ever expanding.
  2. why not have it weighted? if the D gets something like 3 PI penalties then it automatically becomes a spot foul? spitballin' here.
  3. right. the Earth is most certainly flat, 'in places'. also, the Earth isn't a perfectly round sphere, it is flatter at the poles and bulges at the equator but overall is considered to be spherical. there are other ways to question it other than spherical geometry as well that would be considered, 'good science'.
  4. i guess by their very definition, they seek to find their diety in all things. that they strive to do this in the field of science is not really surprising. rather, it would seem to be an extension of proselytizing their faith. as we should mostly know, science and faith have long been at odds with one another. using science to prove the existence (or lack of evidence even) of their diety is just a natural inroad to those whom might otherwise be inured to things along those lines. i agree. i don't believe i've ever said the Earth isn't a (oblate) spheroid. i am really just arguing semantics here.
  5. i didn't think it a question, more of a statement really. as for Jesuit Priests, i never gave it much thought of whether or not their poles were flat.
  6. nothing is touchy as far as i'm concerned. it's all good. i respect your right to be close minded.
  7. it's okay to be oblate. really.
  8. science is true until it gets revised then it becomes a new truth. of course, it is only our perception of truth that changes....
  9. as a practical exercise, it is good to question commonly held beliefs. there is always new information arriving that throws our current understanding off. questioning also serves as a learning tool. don't be so firm in your beliefs that you reject something out of hand. question everything, except the flat earth meme, obviously.
  10. further, and to be even more specific, research Lactantius or Cosmas Indicopleustes, Severian of Gabala, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Diodore of Tarsus..
  11. so... the Pontifical Academy never taught that the Earth was flat, even though scripture seems to explicitly imply that it is/was?
  12. i would beg to differ. i believe there were plenty of scholars that thought and taught that the Earth was flat. as to the heliocentric model, here is a good video that explains that view.
  13. academia consists of: the environment or community concerned with the pursuit of research, education, and scholarship. are you under the belief that it was never professed/believed that the Earth was flat?
  14. oh boy. because you should not ever question anything academia (or anyone else for that matter) presents as fact. if that were the case, we all would still think the Earth was flat. no quicker way to the slaughter house than to never question what is fed to you......
  15. oh boy, now your getting into the Hollow Earth meme.
  16. i'll have you know, there is a reason why we have not gone back to the moon. and it's not because it's made of cheese....
  17. yep, my fault for bringing Tyrod up. pot, meet kettle....
  18. gimme the fried bologna, please. oh, and don't forget the onions.
  19. i suppose i could have guessed you'd like Jackson.......Tyrod 2.0.
  20. don't even get me started on the price of a friggen hot dog!
  21. atmosphere curves.
  22. i don't know if i would admit to being friends with ol' Vic.
  23. this is only temporary. when science 'discovers' Nibiru, then there will be 9 planets again.
  24. and that is probably when a large was a large and not a medium.
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