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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. and that is only your opinion and each and every front office has been different than the one before it and that one different than the onebefore it and that one different than the one before it and that one... the one constant... thinking they could get by without a franchise qb. insanity. would you change your tune if we suddenly traded up to go get our boy?
  2. oh, i'm paying attention. perhaps you missed the gist of my post.
  3. you do know you can go back and edit it to cut it down, right?
  4. lets try to look at that chart in a bit of a different light...what that chart says to me anyways is that drafting a qb in the top 5 is over 300% more successful than drafting one at any other point in the first round. also, if you want to go further with it, the success rate of a qb drafted within the top 5 picks has a success rate of over 700% of most any other point outside of the first round. you go get your qb, damn the torpedos. insanity is doing the same damn thing you have been doing forever and expecting different results. go. get. your. QB.
  5. it's called, getting old.
  6. nah. you'd run out of cap space real quick that way.
  7. there are not enough balls to go 'round for that situation. nevermind the fact Tyrod will sit on the majority of those footballs.
  8. Tyrod throwing to Beckham and Landry? hmmmm.. what could go wrong with that picture.
  9. the problem with this thought process is that it is how you end up with a JP Losman. basically there are so many variables that go into the transition from college to the pro level that, outside of the consensus guys who are no brainers (even their amount of success is debatable), knowing exactly who will and won't succeed at the next level is nothing more than a crap shoot really. because of this reason, it makes the most sense to try and get the guy you think has the best chance to make that transition. several factors come into play in this decision though. you don't want to mortgage your future by selling out to move into position to get that guy. this is where reasoning plays it's role. whomever is in charge needs to weigh all the factors involved and determine whether or not it is worth the cost. if the cost is deemed to be cost prohibitive, then the next guy on the list comes into play and the deductive reasoning starts anew. so on and so forth. to just say that they don't want the best QB is ludacris, of course they want the best QB. the determining factor in getting that QB is a deductive process that is different for each of those responsible.
  10. would believeing one has a choice in a 2 party system of govenment be willful ignorance?
  11. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    well, it appears of late that many tokens/coins in the cryptoverse parallel BTC and it's movements/valuation. i don't know that any of them shake free of the current morass until there is a decisive movement one way or the other for BTC. there are several thoughts as to why BTC will moon. the first and foremost is the adoption rate, it has been exponential since it's inception. it simply represents an evolution of money. of which i might add, was not possible until the blochchain arrived. history is rife with the corruption of centralized trust organizations, evil only lurks in shadows where it can hide. the blockchain offers an ability to shine light into those darkened hallways and give the people a trustless control of their options. i agree that a dollar crisis would be an extemporaneous event that would percipitate a mooning for BTC. certainly the global reserve suffering hyperinflation would be an impetus for the exodus into something else. i don't know that that would be the only dollar crisis that could spark that fire though. i think it is on the 26th of March that China is set to launch their yuan dominated oil futures contract. this will set out to directly challenge the petrodollar, which is no small thing. being China is by far the largest importor of oil, they will be able to put pressure on oil exporting countries to accept the petroyuan. this could be a precursor to hyperinflation of the dollar or it may be nothing, time will tell. certainly, the dollar has been under attack since the global crisis of 2008. let's also not forget that the cryptoverse is a global village, it is significantly larger than the borders of the US. one of the things that sparked the meteoric rise of all things crypto in '17 was the buying spree of the Chinese populace. they have since cracked down on cryptos as they want regulation put in place to protect their populace but it is anticipated, by their own words, that they are going to come out with positive regulation at some point. if and when that happens that alone will be enough to light the fire under the markets again. what about Japan, they have recognized BTC and several cryptocurrencies as legal tender. Japan has always been at the forefront of movements. would another country recognizing BTC as a legal means of conveyance be another brick in the wall? is Venezuela at the forefront as well? what about war, wouldn't that create the circumstances under which a mass movement happens? maybe a major scandal that exposes corruption at the highest levels of government would do it. many many scenarios i can forsee which would be the beginning. of course my views and rantings are considered by most to be those of a madman or conspiracy theorist so you know, take them for what they are worth, again, time will tell. most of all, it is incumbant upon oneself to do their own due dilligence.
  12. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    row, too many signs pointing to it being too big to fail at this point. could it, sure but it is just highly unlikely. one needs to look at the overall picture and see what is going on. the government is selling confiscated BTC. investment banks are starting/buying/establishing crypto ventures left and right, they see what is happening and they usually are not too late to a game. you have more and more merchants accepting cryptos everyday with more ways for said merchants to be able to accept cryptos as payments with equal velocity. the community behind cryptos is massive and expanding. the blockchain, the real brillance in all of this is going to change your world for the better. major companies are exploring ways to implemet it as it just works better than centralized trust systems (we won't get into what centralized trust systems breed). if these major coporations are looking into how it can help their businesses, you can bet your ass they are looking at the money aspect as well. how much would they stand to profit by going direct to the consumer. i even see where muncipalities are considering blockchain for everything and anything. the implications are simply astounding here. do you need to wait for Wal-Mart and Amazon to accept cryptos to be convinced? when that point comes, it is essentially game over. Joe and Betty Six-pack will begin piling in and it will be mainstream. believe me, myself and many within the cryptoverse are having their metal forged by fire atm. since the market highs of late January, i have seen my portfolio plummet a good 70%. i have a strong belief that this is merely a consolidation phase before the coming moonshot later this year. i and many i know are somewhat of a different animal though as i/we got in years ago so i really do not have that much skin in the game. i have a good amount in but.. as i say i was fortunate to have learned of it years ago when i got in for $5 a BTC. having given away most of what i acquired back then, to help raise awareness for a community i run, i have no regrets. Universe rewards. to that end I can't give away $5 BTC any longer so I try to raise awareness anyway i can, this thread being one of them. another is a tag line i have become fond of using... when cashing out at the store, my parting words are, "buy some Bitcoin today". of which, serves a few objectives. i have had a good number of conversations start by simply using that tagline. again, you do or don't do whatever your intuition guides you to do. i just urge one to remove any biases they may have (as best they can) and to look at it objectively and then draw your conclusions. i honestly believe that if you look at all sides, you can't help but come to a conclusion that cryptos are the wave of the future. YMMV
  13. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    if they are registered (and it would appear they are), you should have no worries. as long as they don't ask what you had for dinner last night, that is. coinbase has a long history (in the crypto world that is (where 1 year is an eon)) and they have some pretty heavy weights in the background. i do find it interesting that they are offering this now. the four assets they offer are not considered securities. their fund will be, but the virtual currencies they offer aren't. just somewhat interesting to me as i follow the securities issue pretty closely being an investor in multiple cryptos.
  14. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    i'm sure each company has different means of verification. sign up and see what they are asking for for verification purposes. if you are comfortable with that, then by all means verify your self.
  15. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Bill, i believe it is an either or scenario. either the one i posted or the one you mention. also, if it is the one you mention, your primary residence can not factor into that net worth calculation. if you have both, then kudos to you.
  16. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    in the US, you simply have to prove that you made $200k for the past two years and that you expect that threshold to continue. if you are married, the threshold is $300k.
  17. gotcha. i should have deduced that it was for last years starting qb's.
  18. the problem as i see it is that the O-line never knew where he would be. thus making it harder to know whether or not a defender was simply trying to get around them to get to Tyrod or if Tyrod was bailing in that direction. that then makes knowing what you should do that much harder. with a pocket QB, you know 95% of the time where your QB is and that your main objective is to keep that pocket clean.
  19. just looking for factual accuracy here. there was another player selected in the top 5 that also won 2 Superbowls.
  20. with what they did to their secondary this off-season, they potentially could be the best ever. where would the weakness be?
  21. wasn't there also someone named Peyton?
  22. thinking of something in terms other than what reality is.
  23. i take it as Beane playing that 4D chess game again. he is tricking the Dolphins into trading up to the 2nd position. while all along he already has a trade in plce for the #1 overall with Cleveland.
  24. right. it's all about being the #1 show in town and not playing second fiddle.
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