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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. this idea was so good it apparently deserved two threads.
  2. Elway won 2 Superbowls, Kelly went to 4 Superbowls (in a row), Marino zero. there are differences, even if subtle.
  3. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    Rockefeller's venture capital arm, Venrock, is partnering with CoinFund to help entrepreneurs build businesses based on blockchains. be sure and listen to the short interview with David Packman. institutional money is now entering the space.
  4. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    is George Soros getting ready to jump into the crypto game?
  5. ah religion. more control measures for the masses. anyone know when the third testament arrives?
  6. agreed. however, just the spectre of them being within striking range of trading up should be enough to instill fear, uncertainty and doubt in the minds of the rest of the AFCE.
  7. there are a lot of characteristics that go into talent. not all of which are physical.
  8. but... but... thats too much capital to give up. what if the guy they take doesn't pan out..... blah, blah, blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  9. i'll tell you what is insanity, doing what has always been done and expecting different results. you only need ask yourself one question, what did Buffalo's glory days consist of? i'll give you a hint, a franchise QB. the rest of Bills history, not much to be desired. glad your not the GM. get your QB McBean
  10. :sigh: i guess it depends upon the answer to the, 'why' question. however to answer your questions directly... no and no.
  11. this then begs the question... why? therein lies the potential, big !@#$ing deal.
  12. i didn't intend to be harsh, i hope i didn't come across that way. more of a friendly hey.... like i said previously, i am pretty sure i knew what you were going for and the topic is a hot button one for sure. so perhaps it was trepidation at broaching a touchy subject that is difficult at best to discuss. i think though had you inserted, "White people", it would have brought the post together more but potentially opened it up for a different kind of flaming. i think i know you though, in that you are not racist at all and this is a serious query on your part. anyhoo, Happy Easter.
  13. was the consumption of alcohol involved with the making of this thread? the content does not really match the title. honestly, BLM, i don't think the responses are due to the way you worded things here. rather it was that you did not tie up the title to the content of your post. i think i know what you were going for, but you just kind of abandoned it.
  14. he already had his first NFL start, for the Buffalo Bills. last game of the '16 season.
  15. it's not the only path, but it is a statistically proven better path. franchise QB's make your franchise competitive for years and can mask many other weaknesses. statistically, qb's chosen in the top 5 have a success rate of 300% better than anyone chosen in the rest of the first round. the odds are exponentially greater the deeper you go in the draft.
  16. bloody hell, they're driving on the wrong side of the road.
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