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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. yeah, i dunno. i don't think Andy Reid would have traded away Alex Smith if Mahomes was gonna suck. he might not light the world on fire but he definately won't suck.
  2. come on now... this is the eighth thread and being 8 is my favorite number, so is this thread.
  3. Dunkirk?
  4. if this happens, you get down to brass tacks with the Eagles and obtain Foles.
  5. we knew this previously, didn't we? on a different tack here... i guess the fanboys of, 'our OL is in shambles, we can't trade our captal for a QB' have had their argument blown up.
  6. Foxx


    got some good rest last night after not being able to sleep at all the night before. i needed it. for those who use a CPAP machine because of snoring, have any of you tried those nasal strips or the newers ones that go just below the nose on the upperlip? i'm a snorer myself and these worked great when i used to travel for work and have to room with co-workers. i see they also have a prostetic that you put in your mouth that moves your lower jaw slightly forward and opens up the breathing canal. if you just try moving your lower jaw forward, you do notice that it is easieer to breathe, so i would think they should work pretty well..
  7. this man gets it. silly monkees give them thumbs, they forge a blade, and where there's one they're bound to divide it, right in two. right in two.
  8. I agree, it would be a lot of work to do manually. however, there are all kinds of mods out and about that might make IP scanning a function of the software. I have a duplicitious IP checker on a board i have, it is vB though.
  9. yeah, no. we don't need that kind of cancer on the team.
  10. i don't believe negative rep is enabled. could be wrong though.
  11. what, we need another Dez thread? this time of year, what's the harm....
  12. i'll bring the Johnny Walker.
  13. no worries. i wouldn't want to drink you under the table.
  14. did your study of the metric system bring you to this conclusion as well?
  15. silly monkees... give them thumbs, they make a club, and beat their brother down.
  16. okay, i'll bite. i am honestly curious what your studying the metric system has to do with drafting a qb? did we teleport to the CFL???
  17. don't these talking monkees know that Eden has enough to go around.....
  18. Foxx


    my wife can sleep for a good 8 straight hours. i do envy her in that regard.
  19. how do you sleep? do you sleep all through the night or are you up several times during the night? do you have to get up to go pee, several times? do you need some noise to fall asleep to? me, i sleep terrible. i have to have the tv on to fall asleep to begin with. i have to zone out so my brain will shut down, otherwise i will just lie here thinking and thinking. i also can't sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time without waking. side benefit of that is i have never needed an alarm clock. how about you?
  20. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    something just shot BTC out of a cannon. up 11% in a little over a half hour.
  21. Darnold fall to 12? bawahahahahahhaaaaaaa
  22. yeah, thanks. the memory banks for specifics aren't what they used to be.
  23. exactly and why is the only numeral in red the number 1.
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