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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. 95 teams? wow, are they all within the 57 states?
  2. just heard that this guys roots are located in Steuben County. what is it about this area that it has spawned some of the most notorious serial killers on record?
  3. wow. hot takes of epic proportions. i've said it before but it bears repeating with this mess. two lefts does not a right turn make.
  4. some of us, younger and/or dumber than others.
  5. ummm... i dunno but i would say the only reason why Jason Garrett is a head coach is because he is a willing marionette. i think most know who really runs that team.
  6. oh geesh.... glanced at the title in the Stadium Wall and thought it said, "Alien Arrival". i thought they had finally come for me. you too? lol.
  7. alright, which is it then? going by this last post of yours, it would appear that my initial post/take was spot on. you can't have it both ways. not trying to pick a fight with you, 26CB. i really value what you (and select others) bring to this board. for me it is a one stop everything Bills related. i do however reserve the right to disagree with you here and there. it's all good though, thats how the world works.
  8. yep, sometimes. most times it's a great place to hang.
  9. oh okay, my bad. i read into it that you were saying because those picks were bad that Allen was going to be bad. i do find it just a tad disingenious though that the timing of this thread coincides with the draft and what appears to be your displeasure with the pick. Allen, nor mcBeane for that matter have anything to do with past history. let's let them be judged by their own merits.
  10. a hard working farm boy. us farm boys know a thing or two about hard work and dedication. give the kid a chance i say. this board sometimes......
  11. that's the thing about hidesight, it's always 20-20. are you saying you are in possession of a crystal ball that can tell the future?
  12. you can not do a damned thing about what McBeane did. well, let me take that back. you can either piss and moan or you can have optimisim with regard to a draftee that has been said to have the highest ceiling of all the QB's in the draft. truth be told, you don't know how he will turn out, i don't know how he will turn out, Epsteins Mother doesn't know how he will turn out. all we can do is wait and see really. i prefer to put my trust into a first time head coach and GM who took this ragtag team to the playoffs in their first year at the helm. pissing and moaning and hell, cursing the moon is no way to go through life. choice is yours, i suggest you wait and see what the kid has at this level with some coaching but, you do as you wish. cheers.
  13. you know you have arrived when you become a verb.
  14. seriously? the draft is not even complete and your chicken littleing all over the place? it'll be okay, i promise.
  15. it's okay. you have become hypnotized by all the 6-10, 7-9, 8-8, 9-7 seasons of mediocrity. expect more.
  16. if only i could figure out what a retractor is, i'd be good. welcome
  17. nothing wrong with being wrong, as long as you are not fanatical about it. wait a minute... isn't that where the word fan is derived from? oh well anyhoo... i guesss the only question i have is, are you going to defend him to the ends of the Earth if he stinks? oh, oh yeah... did you finally removed that Tyrod Fathead from the ceiling yet or are you still in mourning? just razzing ya a bit...
  18. we would have to get to 4 if that happened.
  19. are the top 4 qb's off the board? if so, i'd have to say a resounding yes.
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