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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i see this being bandied about quite a bit of late, re; Allen not being our first choice. i don't buy that for even an instant. i believe Allen was the the one we wanted. all one has to do is look at McBeane's history. does Newton remind anyone of anyone here. yeah, it was Allen they wanted.
  2. i'm kind of happy where we are. we didn't expend a whole lot of draft capital to move up and we certainly could have expended more. i am very intrigued with Allen, he has all the makings of a Rothelisberger/Newton QB. if he lands somewhere between the two, i'll be extremely happy.
  3. as transplant himself has said, it is a good thing that he doesn't like Allen. this can only mean that we have the best qb, not only in the draft, but quite possibly the league.
  4. two things... all i will say is that i like to live in reality. as to your last sentence, if it doesn't cut it for you, what are you going to do? piss and moan? Beane is not stupid. he understands that, for better or worse, his future is tied to Allen. he had a choice between Rosen and Allen. he could have aken the safer choice and selected Rosen which in all likelyhood would have secured his job for at least the next decade. so him taking Allen says a bit to me. it says that he believes Allen has a greater potential and that there is a real good chance that he can realize that potential. it also tells me that when all is said and done, that he believes Allen will have the better career. another thing it potentially says is that beane is not afraid to go after what he believes and i like that. could he be wrong, sure. i am often wrong but this is what i choose to believe the tea leaves are saying right now. McBeane took a ragtag team to the playoffs last season, better than any regime has done in the previous 17 years. for that reason alone they get my vote of confidence and will for the forseeable future. i am not expecting much this coming year, i think the real advancement will be in '19.
  5. i apologize for my last point, i'm sorry. in defense though, it just seems that you will go to any lengths to defend Tyrod. i mean, you are going on about him possibly being traded to Denver. i'm sorry but Tyrod is what he is and that is just not ever going to change. he is a good upstanding young man that tries hard, is a good teammate but is not really a starting qb in the NFL.
  6. context is your friend. the reply you are responding to was in response to Kirby's contention that Mayfield would,'take the reigns' at some point during the season. just a thought but.... maybe you would like to go to the Browns playground as that is where your obvious savior is now playing.
  7. i think it's pretty obvious. the Bills are severly allergic to Affluenza.
  8. from the twitter thread, there is also the Wyoming state flag...
  9. i think perhaps you are confusing ppg and qb production. sure there is a corellation but you simply cannot say that Tyrod was the reason we scored 24 ppg. ranking 28th in the most qb centric stat there is, is more indicative of what you have there. not to mention just simply watching him and pleading with him to just throw the damn football. thank goodness those days are now someone else's problem. i don't know that i would say there is a huge risk involved. the greater risk imo, is the dreaded medocrity that we have lived the last 17 years. swing at the pitch.
  10. not hard to be better than the 28th ranked passing attack. so i would say yes, yes we will.
  11. we really could use speed on the outside to open up the entire field. Decker can't do that. Maclin, it's questionable how much he has left in the tank at this point after a lackluster year last year. hopefully this speed burner out of Alabama that we signed as a UDFA will have something.
  12. not so fast Meadster. Riley is a UDFA. i say you take your crusade to OBD and make them sign him. did he actually sign yet?
  13. Luke Falk taken with the 199th pick. wasn't there some other QB selected with the 199th pick?
  14. i mean, i often have insight but like wow, this is just off the charts.
  15. ?? in any succcessful relationship, you have both parties working together. in the GM/HC relationhip, the GM should most likely identify the players that will help fulfill said HC's coaching philosophy and obtain them.
  16. wow! you can get all that from what he said? colour me amazed.
  17. i guess it depends on whether or not they think Allen will start at some point this year. if they think Allen will start, because of his howitzer, then they will need a speed guy to present the threat of taking the top off the defense. this will help in opening up the underneath stuff. in this scenario, Maclin makes more sense.
  18. definition of a snowflake - one who melts because they are easily offended.
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