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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. yep, keep throwing that ***** boomerang.
  2. nah, leave it up as a testament to your idiocy.
  3. you libtards have learned not a single thing in 4+ years. one would think that by now you would understand that the boomerang you throw is coming right back to smack you square in the noggin. that's okay though, you keep on doing you, that is exactly how you get 4 more years of Trump. https://twitter.com/QBlueSkyQ/status/1253479140881301504 https://twitter.com/Inevitable_ET/status/1253502323286040579 i'll bet you lunatics don't understand that thousands of doctors have used hydrogen peroxide in nebulizers for decades to beat infections. or that UV light is known to kill viruses. but... as i said... keep being the raving lunatics you are, please.
  4. https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/1253462503213981696 Lions are now in play...
  5. https://twitter.com/TheEight8all/status/1253450356098506759
  6. Garrett and Young on either end?
  7. this, can't, happen, right? https://twitter.com/diannaESPN/status/1253430030673166340
  8. this is the rumors thread, right? https://twitter.com/RumorsCleveland/status/1253311650251374593 https://twitter.com/RumorsCleveland/status/1253095021697523714 https://twitter.com/nflrum0rs/status/1253426835506909184 pick your poison.
  9. if true, that's messed up.
  10. yep, Pats and the Bucs. who wins, Belly Boy or Marcia?
  11. OMG, a racist post on the main board. you better hurry up and report it, you ***** twit.
  12. the are going to be using monoclonail antibodies (mAbs) to attack the virus. monoclonial antibodies are man made proteins synthesized from cloned immune cells,. this therapy is a popular cancer treatment. The advent and rise of monoclonal antibodies
  13. i'm thinkin' it's already time for a name change again. because you sure ***** this one up.
  14. only because the snowflakes have convinced you lemmings that it is. the confederate flag stands for being a from the South and somewhat of a rebel. nothing more but you know... would you like some cheese for that whine?
  15. step back from the ledge, JA. the psychotic in you has taken control again. let it go man, let it go.
  16. Oil could soon fall to -$100 per barrel: Energy analyst ... Crude prices could go negative again as 40 million barrels of Saudi oil are currently on route to the U.S. The shipment was agreed upon in March before much of the economy came to a grinding halt amid COVID-19. “Those barrels take 45 to 60 days to arrive. And we can see this a flotilla of tankers that are coming towards the U.S. market ... We really can't handle it at all.”... from the hot link in the above quote: Saudi Arabia may re-route tankers if U.S. imposes crude import ban, sources say LONDON/NEW YORK/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia is exploring re-routing millions of barrels of oil onboard tankers sailing to the United States if President Donald Trump decides to block imports of crude from the kingdom, shipping and trade sources say. Some 40 million barrels of Saudi oil are on their way to the United States and due to arrive in the coming weeks, piling more pressure on markets already struggling to absorb a glut of stocks, according to shipping data and sources. U.S. officials have said in recent days that Washington is considering blocking Saudi shipments of crude oil, or putting tariffs on those shipments, adding to difficulties for the cargoes now on the water. ... ... U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, from the oil-producing state of Texas, said on Twitter on Tuesday: “My message to the Saudis: TURN THE TANKERS THE HELL AROUND.” ...
  17. ladies and gentlemen, your Democrat Presidential Nominee. Osama Bin Laden, "I'm with Joe!"
  18. are things going to get worse before they get better? regardless, it's going to be a long haul. Massive layoffs and pay cuts are likely coming to state and local governments as federal aid goes elsewhere WASHINGTON — State and local governments are warning of a wave of layoffs and pay cuts after getting left out of the federal coronavirus relief package expected to pass Congress this week. In many places, those painful reductions are already taking shape: Los Angeles plans to force city workers to spend 26 days on unpaid leave as revenues are forecast to drop as much as $600 million next fiscal year. Detroit has proposed laying off 200 workers and furloughing thousands more. In Ohio’s Hamilton County, Commissioner Denise Driehaus is taking a 10% pay cut alongside county workers. “We are really struggling,” Driehaus said. The $2.2 trillion emergency legislation known as the CARES Act, which President Donald Trump signed late last month, included $150 billion in direct help for state and local governments grappling with the impact of the deadly outbreak. Democrats pushed to include another $150 billion in the next tranche of aid, but Republicans sought to keep the bill narrowly focused on support for small business. By Tuesday night, Democrats yielded on their demand. The Senate passed the legislation by unanimous consent — without additional help for state and local governments. The House is slated to vote Thursday, and Trump is expected to sign it. ...
  19. you've seen this show before, right? give 'em time, it's inevitable.
  20. one might ask themselves why this is... hint: NLP on full display.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM3J9jDoaTA&feature=emb_logo
  21. not trying to gang up you here, at all. it's just that you remind me of Mulder, 'you want to believe', i can see it.
  22. daz, you're doing it again. your taking only one side of the equation and ruling out the other side. you can't do that and come to a fair and equitable conclusion of an evaluation. your so close, you just need to push through the NLP they have whipped your ass with for these last 4 years. he's trying to get you to think for yourself.
  23. because many of the NPC lemmings crowd can't seem to read past the headline (that is often misleading, btw)... More Media Misdirection on Trump-Russia The headline is an attention-grabber, particularly the subhead. The New York Times breathlessly reports that a Republican-led Senate panel has issued a report that “undercuts claims by President Trump and his allies that Obama-era officials sought to undermine his candidacy by investigating Russia’s 2016 election meddling.” Naturally, you’re thinking: “That’s it. All Trump’s diatribes about a ‘hoax’ have been the usual claptrap. Even the GOP admits that the Obama administration had good reasons to investigate whether Trump’s campaign was colluding with Russia.” Except . . . that’s not what the Times story actually says. Carefully parsed, it’s not even what the headline says. In truth, the story is a nothing-burger. We learn that one of the most useless committees on Capitol Hill, the Senate Intelligence Committee, has issued a 158-page report — festooned with the usual “there are things we can’t tell you” redactions — as a capper to its three-year investigation into a question no one is asking: Did the intelligence community competently conclude that Russia interfered in the 2016 campaign? ...
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