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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i dont know when the Whale tours begin but you might want to see if you can catch one of those tours, pretty awesome.
  2. i love Maine in the Fall. be sure to visit Acadia National Park while your there.
  3. this is where one of my peeps lives, it is Leilani Avenue in a small subdivison in Puna.
  4. you guys are slipping, surprised noone posted this already
  5. maybe it came from the affiliate directly. are they close by?
  6. okay so... this is no longer Trans' thread. it was merged. had a tough time finding it again. sometimes things just need to be left to fend for themselves. let the better thread on a topic win out. but, what do i know......
  7. hey DPG. prior to the draft, i really had no horse in the race here. i don't have the time to do any of the film study it would have required to have an educated opinion. if there was just one QB to study, perhaps that may have been doable but barely. as such, like you i simply was putting my trust in the brain trust at OBD to do their due diligence and try to select whom they believed worthy of their obvious efforts to secure a QB this draft. though i do remember telling Trans back in all the early chatter about who we would want that because he was so against Allen, i was convinced that was who we were taking. said in jest at the time, i had no idea just how correct i was. since we have now drafted Allen, i have been trying to find the time to watch his college game tape as i can. much like it has been bandied about on the forum of late, i really do not see what the pundits proclaimed prior to the draft. i think Allen displays good accuracy and has a deft touch on the ball when he wants. obviously he played in a less than ideal environment so getting a truly accurate gauge on him is difficult at best. he did take a perrenial 2/3 win team and raise their level of play to get them to an 8 win team so that says a lot in my estimation ,as does the fact that they lost the last two games without him under center. i say i didn't have any horse in the predraft race and that is mostly true. the possible exception was a concern for Rosen and his apparent fraility. i was concerned that he was just a couple of hits to the noggin from early retirement. i was afraid that if the Bills selected him that that would be our fate because, you know that just seems like a Billsy thing that would happen. for that reason alone, i am glad i will not have that constant worry in the back of my mind. here's hoping Allen is everything OBD thinks he can be. if he is, i look forward to dominating not only the AFCE for the next 10/15 years, but to also kicking the **** out of the Patriots every chance we get.
  8. oh boy, we're in trouble now. this has to be the official, ''i've turned the corner guys, Allen is the saviour' thread. hopefully this is not the first of a litaney of them defending his throws to the middle (shallow middle, middle middle, deep middle) and the like. lol, just razzing ya, here trans. at this point of the journey, we are all or at least we all should be on the same page together in unbridled enthusiasim at what our new QB will be able to do. the season cannot get here quick enough for me at this point. asto Palmer... i wouldn't get all worked up by his analysis. i mean, just who exactly has this guy coached/mentored that has been fantastic? how long has he been coaching/mentoring qb's?
  9. it is going to be nice being relevant again, year in and year out.
  10. i just pulled it up so it may be a case of it going behind a paywall on a subsequent vist? anyhoo...i won't paste the entire article as that is against the DMCA and the Fair Use Act. however, according to their guidelines, i will post a snippet.
  11. teams are allowed 'x' amount of days for workouts in the off-season. if a team uses three of those days at this point, that leaves them one less day for the rest of their workout schedule. you'll see that the next go round teams that had less this period will have more the next time, or the one after that. it all equals out. some teams want to implement more during this initial workout, others value the extra time later in the program.
  12. Hawaii has had over 600 earthquakes in the last 4 days. they are afraid that a volcanic eruption is imminent. Kilauea may erupt. anyone here in close proximity? stay safe all.
  13. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    i guess what i don't get is the whole futures (fakeshit) market. they sell these things like derivatives. they inflate the number of paper BTC and manipulate it's price. fact, there is only slightly more than 17million BTC currently in existence today with a total of only 21 million that will ever be in existence. these guys, for lack of a better descriptor, are going to sell 'x' times that amount of BTC in paper, something that is completely worthless, as all derivatives essentially are. derivatives are a banksters wet dream, they can't lose unless the whole house of cards collapses. back in November of last year when word leaked that the Cboe and CME would be the first to begin futures trading, the price ran from $6.5 k to within a whisker of $20k in one months time. when they actually began selling the futures is when the bear market began and the consolidation phase kicked in. will something similiar happen again with the grandaddy of derivates announcing they are getting in? i don't know but i do know that their timing is pretty good. this consolidation/correction phase we just went through has formed solid support needed for just such another run, imo. my distaste for derivatives aside, i do believe this next run up is going to be on an order of magnitude what the last one was. your mileage may vary. your own due dilligence is required and absolutely needed before making any investments in any speculative instrument. this above are just my musings and not to be taken seriously. word of note here, you don't own any BTC unless you own the private key to the wallet that the BTC is stored in.
  14. wow! this is getting out of hand. not that it wasn't out of hand before.....
  15. Foxx

    Do You BitCoin?

    first we have this item: Goldman Sachs to Launch Bitcoin Futures Contracts then today we have this item: also, it appears that the consolidation phase of the last 4 months is now complete and BTC is looking for a breakout to the upside.
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