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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. spinners being potentailly spun. overzealous zeal. watching with interest these days.
  2. to be fair, thats not what was said. you may have to go back and listen to it again. they were talking about Wentz when the statment was made about the defense watching the O. 'same type of things'.
  3. i love Home Depot. often there every day. i spend a good buck there yearly as i am in the remodeling business. word to the wise, be careful what you buy at Lowes.
  4. oh alright, i'll bite. the classic definition of pessimism is: a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen; a lack of hope or confidence in the future. so again, i dunno, you tell me but i would say you are being pessimistic.
  5. mmmm... i'm not sure but i don't think so.
  6. again, i maintain that it is only relevant to the elite. you or i, well... they will continue to spy on us at will. all of the so called elite are afraid of us.
  7. it really isn't about wins and losses for me. nor is it about the passer rating as was mentioned earlier in this thread. if anyone learned anything about passer rating with Tyrod, it can be a very deceptive metric. i guess one of the two bggest things for me with Allen is that when he is in there that he leads a passing attack that is considerably better than 28th in the league. the other being that he passes the eye test. there are no real measurables with the eye test, but i know when i see a guy whether he has 'it' or not and i want to see Allen have, 'it'.
  8. i'm just ecstatic that we no longer have to stroll through Taylor Falls.
  9. is this a trick questionaire? Your Empathy Quotient score was 38 out of a possible 80. Scores above 30 are generally not indicative of an Autism Spectrum disorder. Higher scores indicate greater levels of empathy.
  10. on it's surface it doesn't change anything. my comment was a stand alone rebuttal of your, 'ignorance is no excuse' comment. if you are paying attention and not distracted by the dog and pony show, you understand that the only time ingorance of the law is justified is if you are one of the, so called elite. if you are a pleb like you or i, then of course ignorance is no excuse. there are two parties, them and the rest of us. remember that.
  11. two stories actually, i don't know which is scarier, tbh. the first is an electronic version of Fahrenheit 451.while the story that is being deleted is the arrest of Tommy Richardson for filiming outside the court room of what could be termed a secret trial for a child abuse and gang grooming case. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/tommy-robinson-arrested-while-filming-outside-grooming-trial-in-leeds-a3848486.html
  12. don't forget the 100 mile Constitution Free Zone. https://www.aclu.org/other/constitution-100-mile-border-zone
  13. be sure to turn the volumn on. and the link for the thread: https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1000070858252038144
  14. unless you happen to be Hillary Clinton or any of that foreign personnel group.
  15. hey Richie, are you trying to be Incognito?
  16. smart move by Bucky. he sees the hand writing on the wall. newspapers time is marked. won't be much longer when the getting out won't be as good.
  17. they might not release him now that Paul Worrilow has torn his ACL in OTA's today.
  18. and it is important to me that you are taking away my identity. is larger text better??
  19. as you said, you have pm'd me. why do you insist on continuing here and disrupting the thread? i have been responding to those pm's. you are taking this whole episode wrong. the small text was meant for comedic relief. nothing nefarious was intended and as i stated, i have been doing this since day 1 here. why now all of a sudden is it an issue with you?
  20. i think you are the one with the beef. you don't like that i challenged you when you went on your merge parade.
  21. look overlord, you need only ask yourself one question... why is size and color enabled for me to customize in my editor. you are overreaching your authority, by leaps and bounds. additionally, it is not hiding anything. it is my style and i have been doing that since day one here and i do it on many forms, it is just my style. if you want to see what it says, you just need to work for it. again, leave my **** alone if it does not violate the terms of service.
  22. excuse me..... wtf did you edit my post?? i am able to post small text as that feature is enabled. you are overstepping your authority. wow! ETA: i changed it back, leave my **** alone.
  23. this is, afterall, the internet. big girl panties are required... would you like me to have a word with Al Gore??
  24. we all know there is no state income tax in Fla. perhaps it is us New Yorkers who actually paid for that roof to keep the sun off the transplants that have moved there. wouldn't surprise me to find out ol' Andy sent some of our tax money down there.
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