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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. you do realize this is all negotiating tactics, right? i mean you of anyone ought to know that everything is to be played in the court of public opinion.
  2. what happened to Mr. Met? did the O's eat him or something?
  3. i can do that too... con·found·ed kənˈfoundəd,ˌkänˈfoundəd/ adjective informaldated adjective: confounded used for emphasis, especially to express anger or annoyance.
  4. yeah, i dunno. when have the (m)asses proven them wrong before? time after time the sheeple just give them a pass. why? because they don't want to know the truth. they can't handle the truth. the fact that they have become fat and lazy due to the largesse of GUS, has only reinforced a complacent attitude. that and the main stream moron governmental propoganda machine won't tell them the truth. how do you unhypnotize the gullable??
  5. you stated you were confounded I am curious to know, were you angered or just annoyed?
  6. April 27th, 2017? a li'l old, eh?
  7. not to worry. at the rate the Democrats are going, they'll be lucky to hold a seat at the local library.
  8. really? you do know that this is America, right? the 4th was Independence Day and the time worn tradition of fireworks going off is as old as the country. or..... *snowflake alert* that's it everyone! no more fireworks, ever. well, because. because an immigrant might have had their homes destroyted by mortar fire. so, were you angered or annoyed?
  9. i don't know if that is a malicious website or not but when I clicked the link, i was almost immediately prompted to download the latest greatest version of Chrome. apparently, the version I am running is out of date, or so they said and would like me to believe. dunno but... you may want to remove that link. jus' sayin'
  10. they're sure your stupid? mmmkay.
  11. thanks. now i'll prolly have nightmares tonight.
  12. call me calloused, but Walk This Way was the first one that came to my mind.
  13. do they run for the hills afterwards?
  14. not much i need that is at a Walmart. about the only thing i buy there is the cheapest crapiest sneakers i can find.
  15. yep, that is coming too. which i guess was your original point.
  16. hypocrisy is quite blind.
  17. the next step? wake up Tom, it has been going on for quite some time already.
  18. #hash #rehash seriously, are not all these old ploys proof that it is a dog and pony show designed to divide and conquer?
  19. it's. not. going.' to. stop. ever. the need for it? well it's right out of the politics handbook. several objectives in play.
  20. no. i realize the old white dude is prime real estate for the picking these days but what about black supremacists, do they have any place in our government? i'll save you the trouble, the question was rhetorical. sadly we have both and will for the forseeable future. don't buy into the media generated spin machine.
  21. hmmm..... #hash #rehash
  22. well, they have been wanting to take my stuff to give to those with no stuff for a long time now, does that count?
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