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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. it's probably nothing but... i sit up and take notice when things like this happen. oil has settled over 7% down on the day. that would be oil's largest drop since Feb 2016.
  2. yes but did he bow to them before berating them?
  3. you don't seem to be a bad guy and this is meant with all due respect, however what you sugest is somewhat comical. everyone is different, no? I am a pretty rational guy for the most part, yet I am sure I am an !@#$ at times, much like anyone of us could be given the right circumstance. with that being said, i am glad that you know what my problem is. it is always a good thing that a man know what his short comings are. I am sure i have many more than just the one you have noticed. perhaps as things go along, you can detect what some of those other ones are and clue me in to them as well. i would be much obliged. always striving to be better. here's the thing though... i am a pretty busy guy. i own a remodeling business, run several websites, two of which are businesses as well. i have a wife and family too. add to all that a crypto conference that I am organiziing for WA or the end of August/beginning of Sept and i am stretched very thin. as such, my time is limited as to where i can put any amount of my attention at any point, at any given time. sometimes while multitasking i need some entertainment/comic relief and that is why i am here these days. it is a slow time of year for all things football, so i like to see what joe and betty sixpack are buying these days with regard to the political scene. i hope you don't mind and it's not that i am not going to take your advice, but i am still going to speak my mind when i feel i have something to say. again, this is afterall a bulletin board and a public one at that. i looked around and i really didn't see anything that says i have to have paid some sort of dues in order to be able to post. if i say something stupid, i fully expect to be called on it, as should you or anyone in this portion of TSW. i am a pretty big boy, when i got up this morning, i put my big girl panties on and i have broad shoulders so, you know... you do what you got to do and let me do what i gots to do. if that flies in the face of what you would rather have me do, i don't know what to tell you. when i miss some nuance and you feel compelled to ridicule me, have at it. i will make observations and comments that you and probably most of the board won't agree with. however, that alone will not change my outlook. i arrived at most of the conclusions i did because of life circumstance. i also understand that you have arrived at the conclusions you make because of your life experiences. i will never chide you for that, though i do reserve the right to disagree with you or anyone on any topic. by the same token, once and awhile i will say something that makes you shake your head in agreement and you'll say, "damn right!'. one should never want to silence either one of the two scenarios above. it's all good, remember that. cheers
  4. as a bulletin board, if i'm reading and i have something to say , i'm not supposed to say anything until .... when exactly? yeah, no. i don't know most of you from shinola. i really don't have the time to understand mechanics of all the little interpersonal relationships, though as evidenced by my increased posting frequency, i have been here reading more.
  5. lol. well, to be honest, the cause of the '08 crash went a little deeper than that. also, it started in Iceland. look it up.
  6. sure, i don't pay enough !@#$ing taxes, take some more. i got news for you though, when you've taken it all, you can try taking blood from a stone you, mench.
  7. serious question... do you think she broke the law with her emails?
  8. they just wanted to be sure she didn't take anymore sniper fire while landing there.
  9. correct. i guess i should have been a bit more concise in my 'retroactively' comment. laws are formulated all the time because of actions of the past. they are not backward looking in terms of prosecution, but were invented because of wrongs that were not actively prohibited prior.
  10. my problem with the whole, 'budget', and social security and medicare spending as well is, what's the underlying agenda here? i mean, look.... we have the Fed, we have Quantative Easing and we have the Kenesian Economic model. if we can enter digits into accounts to just create digidollars for banks, the economy and whatnot, why the !@#$ can't they do the same for SS, Medicare and spend whatever the hell they want to on the budget. QE hasn't come home to roost as yet, might as well just run the ruse right up everyone asses.
  11. as a stand alone comment, i have an issue with this. crimes are retroactively invented all the time. also, entrapment might have something to say about manufacturing criminals.
  12. me thinks you should prolly change your name to, leftside.
  13. you probably weren't around for Dukakis/Bentsen against Bush/Quayle then. dull and duller. the shame is that one of the dull/dullers had to win.
  14. oh, i am all for building a new system. as i have said in other posts, build another system and have it ready to go so when the broken one crumbles under it's own weight, the solution will already be in place. step outside of the system, let them rule themselves. what would happen if they held an election and noone showed up....
  15. i like being pleasantly surprised. i hope your right, DR. however, until something actually does happen, it aint happening. perhaps i am just jaded because of all the skullduggery that has gone on unassailed in the recent past.
  16. yeah, not so much. Snopes has a decidedly liberal slant and have been caught spinning their fact checking to fit within those bounds on numerous occasions. personally, i wish you would stay. i don't consider myself to be aligned with any one particular dogma but if one were to view my perspectives, they would probably say that i lean towards a conservative mindset. however as i said, i take what works for me and value greatly a well thought out perspective other than my own. whether i agree with them or not, your arguments are generally well conceived and rational. i would rather take in something i may disagree with, than to reside in an echo chamber. there is no quicker way to the slaughter house than the echo chamber..... do reconsider.
  17. the thing about sealed indictments, is that you don't really know what is there. for all we know, it could simply be a blank sheet of paper (as things of this nature often are). most will get tossed. also, i have no faith whatsoever that the repugnicans will do anything at all here. kabuki theater is the order of the day. they really don't want to persecute the other wing of the bird of prey. remember, bread and circuses.....
  18. have a little class would ya. no need to quote an overly long post in it's entirety.
  19. ups, i see this video is actually months old, though just posted to this channel a couple days ago. anyhoo, it is still worth watching if you haven't seen it, incase it hasn't been posted before, i will leave it up.
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