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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. @oldmanfan https://twitter.com/soybean61/status/1254283907886874624 https://twitter.com/SMcbryson/status/1254293309293355009 Could a New Ultraviolet Technology Fight the Spread of Coronavirus? A technique that zaps airborne viruses with a narrow-wavelength band of UV light shows promise for curtailing the person-to-person spread of COVID-19 in indoor public places. The technology, developed by Columbia University’s Center for Radiological Research, uses lamps that emit continuous, low doses of a particular wavelength of ultraviolent light, known as far-UVC, which can kill viruses and bacteria without harming human skin, eyes and other tissues, as is the problem with conventional UV light. “Far-UVC light has the potential to be a ‘game changer,’” said David Brenner, professor of radiation biophysics and director of the center. “It can be safely used in occupied public spaces, and it kills pathogens in the air before we can breathe them in.” The research team’s experiments have shown far-UVC effective in eradicating two types of airborne seasonal coronaviruses (the ones that cause coughs and colds). The researchers are now testing the light against the SARS-CoV-2 virus at Columbia in a biosafety laboratory, with encouraging results, Brenner said. ...
  2. https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1253961989937823745
  3. with all the talk of our other picks being dogs, it took till page 18 to mention that we selected an actual Dawg. you guys r slippin'...
  4. geese, i thought the rapper was dead.
  5. https://twitter.com/hmcd123/status/1253874773584523264
  6. this is fantastic! thank you.
  7. OMG!!! a Cuomo must have been channeling Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1253750384604176385 cue all the upcoming, too ***** funny!
  8. https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1253789913935261696 https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1253794198391791619
  9. https://twitter.com/paul_haine/status/855522578953375745
  10. this is why the Z-pak is necessary, to facilitate the cell receptors ability to let the hydroxychloroquine do it's work. i look at it this way... if you are going to die for this CV-19, what have you got to lose by taking the hydroxych. the studies you are requesting are going to take exactly how long to complete? are they going to use vitamin C as the blind?
  11. as i said, clinicals were done long ago. we know the dangers as well as acceptable dosages. are you saying that we shouldn't give it to lupus patients either?
  12. are you going to argue that vitamin D in the body is not required for optimal health?
  13. hmm... why do they refer to a spacecraft entering orbit as being injected? come on indy, you know there is more than one colloquial definition of the word. a nebulizer isn't pressurized? really? are you sure what your using is a nebulizer?
  14. is this argument in regard to hydroxychloroquine (apologies, missed the context)? if so, there have already been clinicals done, decades ago. we already know the drug is relatively safe for consumption and the dosage amounts. it needs to be taken with a Z-pak to open the cell receptors for the hydroxycholoroquine. all of this is readily known, it is not a mystery at this point.
  15. the sun's ultraviolet b rays interact with cholesterol in skin cells, which in turn provide the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur. vitamin D is essential for optimal health. in some arenas, it is thought that large doses of Vit D are highly effective in fighting COVID-19.
  16. i tried but there was too much idiocy contained within the previous 20 pages for me to do a complete laborious catch-up. i do however think i covered the high points.
  17. disagree, Indy. injection simply means the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure.
  18. injecting disinfectants has been done for decades. one example is hydrogen peroxide via a nebulizer. try using that thing between your ears before letting the #TDS take firm hold and opening your mouth.
  19. i mean, what is so astounding is that after 4 years of having their idiocy bounce back on them, sometimes almost immediately, that they have not learned a ***** thing. incredibly astounding. they say #TDS isn't a real malady. my ass.
  20. you guys love, love, love those boomerangs. please keep throwing them.
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