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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. nice!
  2. ups, my bad, guess i won't be seeing the Tetons afterall (don't know what i was thinking). here is the map https://www.amtrak.com/services/contentService.iblegacy.routes.empire-builder.html
  3. thanks! i'll report, no problem. i am a notoriously bad sleeper so i don't know that i'll notice much difference. i thought about the sleeping car but, i couldn't justify the enormous cost difference. i figured if i could be slightly inconvienced on the travel, my time at the beach house would be that much richer. i'll try and post pictures, if they are small enough. i'll only have my phone so no fancy computer work to resize them is gonna happen unfortunately.
  4. yep, taking the Lake Shore Limited from here to Chicago for a connect to the Empire Builder out to Seattle. what, a 6 1/2 hour layover so im sure the delay is factored in. good to know though, thank you.
  5. i thought 69 hours was great time for traveling by land. yeah, i will be hooking up up with a girl from Toronto here in Roch to start the trip and having another friend step on in LaCrosse WI. should be a rocking time, about 20 days in toto. there's gotta be, right? you'd have to understand my wife. hell, i don't understand her to this day. i know her pretty well, but understand her..... nfw!
  6. yeah, i couldn't get the wife to go. she is much happier in her craft room. ah well...
  7. sure, i read through the whole thread to see if anyone has said it yet. get to the very last post and....
  8. the fast food combo thread made me wonder about this.... in the later third of the month, i will be traveling across the country from Roch to Seattle, WA. it really is a pretty good deal. the trip will take roughly 69 hours and costs roughly $200 each way. a leisurely trip where i can sleep when i want, not have to worry about watching the road (not to mention the cost of gas) nor falling out of the sky. will get to see the countryside of this great nation, really looking forward to seeing the Tetons. questions are, has anyone done this before? what is the food like? will i be able to sleep upright in a reserved coach seat, does it recline? they have showers so that shouldn't be a problem. perhaps there is something that i may have overlooked or not thought of? any advice would be greatly appreciated. very much looking forward to it.
  9. lol. they don't have enough revenue to cover their existing state budget. maybe that is why they are considering breaking off into 5 separate states. don't worry O, we'll get to 57 at some point...
  10. closest one would be in Batavia. Salvatores reopened a few Arthur Treachers.
  11. but, but... aren't 'dogs' already cooked even before they get tossed on the grill? your cooking an already cooked item....
  12. fumbles the ball the very first snap of the first two days at OTA's. throws an interception on his first pass of TC... can't wait to see what he's got in his bag of tricks for the first snap of the regular season.
  13. this, pretty much. unless of course you are being a Tiberius, then you are just an idiot.
  14. my question is... if they pulled three bags of meth from her bra, was she lopsided? maybe she had three breasties? enquiring minds want to know these things incase one ever happens across just such a situation...
  15. have you read the thread? so far, it is, yes. i don't dispute that the topic is a legitimate concern but the OP's contention and doubling down on lowering your head to protect your eyes, not to mention your vital organs, is, well.... stupid. you don't spear someone because you are dressed to kill, you just don't and that is what the league is saying.
  16. i think the last time i had a fast food combo meal was a Big Barney, fries and a Coke at the Red Barn when I was a kid, though I don't think they called 'em combo meals back then. Checkers makes a pretty tasty burger.
  17. toe surgery? out 4/6 weeks?? just cut the thing off. suck it up and get back to work, slacker!
  18. no, they have gone off on a tangent regarding insurance. oh and she is referred to as, 'Crazy Eyes', now
  19. no problemo. in fact, i knew you would be out of it today as well so i had them cancel today's practice too. cheers
  20. sometimes a step backwards is really a step forward.
  21. tackling with your head is about as unnatural a thing as there is. the only reason it is a thing now is because these helmets today protect your head. if there wasn't the helmet/shoulder pad combo equipment to protect the compression of your neck/spine, there is no way in hell these idiots would ever try it. proper tackling includes putting your shoulder into your opponent and wrapping them up to take them to the ground.
  22. again, nice strawman. my comment was more directed at what happens when the USD becomes worthless due to socialism. as to your strawman, sure thing O. can i keep my doctor too? when has anything the governement gotten their hands into become cheaper? rhetorical question incase that escaped your reading comprehension as well...
  23. nice attempt at constructing a strawman. your comment has absolutely no bearing on my statement.
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