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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. whether it is the reason or not, that is the cumulative effect.
  2. to announce it this early, they must want the Bengals to be prepared for Josh to see how he does against a D that is game planned for him.
  3. link or stink
  4. it appears you are correct. within that article: it still stinks of a political witch hunt the likes we've not seen in some time.
  5. fat chicks at closing time. wait.... you said, 'can't'..... sorry, i got nothing.
  6. i've got a peep that owns a resort in Belize.
  7. they should probably hand it off to the local jurisdiction that that investigation is pertinent to, don't you think? perhaps you think the special investigator should just investigate everything down to the color of your underwear?
  8. so, a special inestigator appointed to investigate Russian collusion is investigating loans for a family run business and hush money paid to women? were these loans Russian in origination and were the women Russian? if not, what the !@#$ is going on!!
  9. nice post, Shaw. somehow this seems appropriate
  10. he got first team reps friday night. albeit not a lot but he did get some.
  11. ya know... i saw him change the play at the line last night and i almost had to remind myself what he was doing after not seeing it one single time in the three years prior.
  12. yeah, because you know, Tyrod doesn't stare down his receivers.
  13. hodl
  14. fantastic! thank you for that, Plenz. outside of the Chicago layover, i think there are only two stops along the way that are scheduled to be any longer than what one might call a smoke break. an hour stop in Minot and i don't remember where the other one is but those will certainly not be long enough to scope out a shower anywhere so this will help. baby wipes for the rest of it i suppose.
  15. i dunno... it has been rumored that the Babe actually hit 715...... it's a crying shame when you don't know if you can even believe the record books.....
  16. they do, you just can't bring your own unless you have a sleeper. i'm a cheap ass B word though. $7 for a bottle of beer or a mixed drink?? !@#$ that noise. cool, maybe you'll be my conductor. would love to say hey to a fellow Bills fan. I'll be the guy rockin' Bills gear. seriously, if you will be on that ride, lets say hello.
  17. you listed three items. two seperated by commas and the third item by the conjunction, 'or'. the way it reads, "I don't care if he gets away with it, if he did it, or if he does 20 years." implies that you don't care if any of those things happen. in the context of the way the sentence is structured, there is no delination of, 'if he did it then he should get 20 years'. in fact the context of the sentence structure implies just the opposite. anyhoo, i'm not trying to pile on you here. my suggestion was merely one of help. your burying yourself pretty good and it is usually good to stop before you are buried alive. just my two satoshi, take them for what they are worth. albeit not as much these days, lol.... okay, now i'm piling on. you can't be that dense, can you?
  18. yeah, i know a bed would be great but i am a construction guy so i am a bit rough around the edges so i'm thinking i should be able to handle it. not to mention that the price difference is three times what the coach seat is ($400 opposed to $1200 each way). the amount i save by 'roughing' it ($1600) is going to go a long way when we actually get to Moclips. i am anticipating no data service for most of the trip. Amtrak has upped their wi-fi to include more trains but alas, the Empire Builder is not currently one of them. i have a bunch of digital media that i am bringing to read to help pass the time. i don't know that i'll be the youngest person on the train by far, not unless everyone else is in their 60's and upward. you are correct, no showers unless you have a sleeper. sponge baths will be the order of the day. might try and grab one in Chicago as the layover is something like 6.5 hours. again, you are correct on the train schedule. i have been monitoring the Empire Builder and it would seem that on average runs about 4 hours late by the time it gets to Seattle. i will be bringing plenty of food. unless by chance the food is any good, the goal is to eliminate half the meals i have to buy on the train. alcohol is allowed on the train, only if you have a sleeper. unfortunately, you are only allowed to drink your own supply in the privacy of your own room. yep, i have always wanted to see the countryside by train not to mention the experience of traveling by train. i may end up regretting it but until i give it a shot, i won't know. the Mann Act, huh? hmmm.... I could probably post a 'Would Ya?' thread regarding the girl i'm traveling with, but hopefully, "\GoBillsInDallas/" won't be posting a, ' Mann Act arrests: Amtrak style' thread. in my younger days, i did hitchhike from Tampa to Dallas. long story but the short of it was that we flew down to Fla and the person we were supposed to be staying with didn't reside in the boarded up house that was at the address when we got there. so there we were with a bunch of luggage, boxes and this killer boombox sitting in a parking lot trying to figure out our next move. we decided to call my buddy in Dallas and for an even greater insight into our brilliance then, it was that we decided we were going to hitchhike there with all of our crap in tow. i have to say that universe must have been smiling upon us because we made it with only three rides and in fairly good time to boot. of course this was back in the early 80's on the tail end of when people still did this type of thing. i don't know that many try it in today's day and age. at least around here you rarely ever see anyone sticking their thumb out anymore. too many wackadoos on either side of that coin. i may try to sneak a bottle on the train. what are they going to do, take it? no big deal if they do. i have driven all over the eastside of the Mississippi but very little on the western side. this is one of the reasons why i am wanting to do the train, so i can see a portion of the countryside west of the big river. very much looking forward to western Montana, the Glacier National Park and all the mountains in the Pacific Northwest. on our return trip, we will be leaving from Portland and we get to ride up alongside the Columbia. i have watched a few videos of that portion of the trip and it would appear to be simply majestic. if i see Bigfoot (or even his/her baby), i'll be sure to report that fact. i'll let you know.
  19. so, you don't care if he gets 20 years even if he had nothing to do with it? i think you should just quit while your behind. all your doing is digging the hole deeper.
  20. it's a fact that he paid goons to remove jewlery and beat the woman?
  21. well, it is a deep subject. not really knowing where you are in that curve, there is a good intro to it by probably the currently most well known theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. a few of the questions that niggle at me are... time is not linear.(?) what if time could be viewed as being like a ball? if we reincarnate what is to say that i have not already lived a future life?
  22. i think Allen starts against the Browns. the presummed starter traditionally starts the third pre-season game. the only way to know if he is in any way ready at all, he has to play with the 1's in this game. this is his chance to show what hes got and where he stands with his curve.
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